
So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
people are acting like De’Aaron is galdarn Celtics Rondo from three in here. Dude shot 38% from three on almost 8 attempts per game. That is almost Dame level elite volume shooting. He’s also a freaking star. Teams aren’t just going to leave Derozan and Fox wideass open all game and if they do it’s not like those guys aren’t going to be able to do something good.
I might complain about some of Fox's chucking last year but not on wide open looks. If teams are going to double DDR or Fox and leave the other open, GOOD!!!


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
Yeah, I already saw the "Watch, Spurs going to turn HB into a FRP" or that he turns them into a playoff team.

Always have a soft spot for HB, but father time caught up to him. He just does not have the lateral quickness to defend starting wings anymore
HB will be very nice for the Spurs and he could even win a ring with them if he sticks around for a second deal. But yeah, he is exactly there now for what he was supposedly there for us these last 2-3 years "leadership".


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
That sounds more like King’s fans take than National media. HB has a pretty good reputation around the league outside of Golden State and Sacramento.

The Spurs did really well in this trade and I kinda hate them for it. They did nothing but spend money they would have been forced to spend and they received a wing who shoots 39-40 percent from three, never misses games or turns the ball over and has enough of a bag to iso for free and a pick swap.

And who cares what some dork on twitter thinks, we upgraded talent big time on a great contract for limited assets. It’s a risk but so is every move. It’s a big time win
Hate Chicago for being so weird they didn't want to take Barnes (or Huerter) back. I'd bet they could make either of them look good on their trash roster and get a pick out of it later.

San Antonio just there to toss a bone to an old friend in Brown and be a potentially rich-get-richer scenario with that swap 100 years from now. I wish Wemby nothing but the best but if he ever has an "off" year I hope it's 2031. lol


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
DDR is one of the best at getting calls and converting. In my lamentation of Fox seemingly giving up this portion of his game to take more 3s, has anyone considered that DDR might take Fox to the next level at this aspect?

I think just having a guy who the refs respect is also going to be big, I doubt they are suddenly going to stop calling for him after years because he's on the Kings now. Having a non-homegrown star level talent is going to be super for this club.

And we basically got him for free. Yeah, we let HB go - and I liked HB more than most and was tired of him being a punching bag because someone is always going to be the least good starter in a starting lineup. DDR came cheap for a player of his ability - as long as we don't fall back into perennial lottery status in the 2030s and lose the #1 overall pick and pick 32 instead, this was pretty much a free move.


Hall of Famer
To put it bluntly, there are some dumb posts/tweets being put out. Similar to the criticism that Domas gets for not being a shotblocker. Never mind that he puts up triple doubles at a Hall of Fame pace, looks focus on what he can’t do!!
Nevermind that Derozan, in the most basic stats, averaged 24, 4 rebs and 5 assts, and has been top 3 in clutch shooting award both years (going further back he probably would have won some of these years), let’s ignore what he does at a high level and focus on his 3 point shooting and defense.

Weird how Haliburton was promoted as a generational PG once traded yet plays some of the worst guard defense in the league…..let’s ignore what he can’t do and focus on what he’s able to do.

See how that works for the Kings franchise when it comes to the talking heads. Best to ignore their lazy agenda.
To put it bluntly, there are some dumb posts/tweets being put out. Similar to the criticism that Domas gets for not being a shotblocker. Never mind that he puts up triple doubles at a Hall of Fame pace, looks focus on what he can’t do!!
Nevermind that Derozan, in the most basic stats, averaged 24, 4 rebs and 5 assts, and has been top 3 in clutch shooting award both years (going further back he probably would have won some of these years), let’s ignore what he does at a high level and focus on his 3 point shooting and defense.

Weird how Haliburton was promoted as a generational PG once traded yet plays some of the worst guard defense in the league…..let’s ignore what he can’t do and focus on what he’s able to do.

See how that works for the Kings franchise when it comes to the talking heads. Best to ignore their lazy agenda.
If we traded Domas tomorrow, they would rave how incredible he is and that what he provides to a team far outweighs the couple of things he can’t do on a court in addition to that we are borderline insane as a franchise for trading him. It’s just the narrative for a team that most talking heads don’t follow.
Since when did Derozan become anything less than a stud? This trade is amazing!

Bigger question is do we keep Huerter. Also do we insert Monk into the starting lineup?

Those are my only two questions
Wouldn't seem like Monk in the starting lineup would have enough defense. I think Keon starts...and may close a lot as well. His defense is that valuable
Monk's smart enough to know he's not going to start with DDR here. I think a vet like him, he'll be willing to embrace and continue his dominant role off the bench.

Now if it were just Huerter/Keon ahead of him? Eh, he might have something to say about that. But not a lot you can really push back on with a DDR caliber player on the squad.

Judging by the last few days, twitter made it very clear they still don't watch Kings basketball (with the Barnes is a "solid/tough defender at a premium position") and have no idea who Keon Ellis is and what his defensive ceiling is.
Vecenie talked about the DDR trade on his podcast today. He has some questions about how it all will work but generally likes the acquisition (other than the pick swap). He said with all things considered he would rather have DDR than BI if he was the Kings. He also said he thinks we should trade Kevin for Beef Stew.
Not sure I see the Beef Stew fit. I'd rather keep trying to talk to BKN and see what the price is on Cam Johnson and Sharpe.
Monk's smart enough to know he's not going to start with DDR here. I think a vet like him, he'll be willing to embrace and continue his dominant role off the bench.

Now if it were just Huerter/Keon ahead of him? Eh, he might have something to say about that. But not a lot you can really push back on with a DDR caliber player on the squad.

Judging by the last few days, twitter made it very clear they still don't watch Kings basketball (with the Barnes is a "solid/tough defender at a premium position") and have no idea who Keon Ellis is and what his defensive ceiling is.
I'm convinced Monk just wants to win a championship with his friend.
You mean, except for when Vlade did it. And Bobby Jackson. And Brad Miller. And Chris Webber. And Malik Monk, twice now.
I feel like you are being a bit cynical. None of those players you mentioned averaged over 20ppg for 11 straight years. And a few of them are considered best players in kings history. Jerseys in the rafters guys.
Cynical? How about factual.

It's just so amazing that a really good player signed with the Kings as a free agent... That never happens .. !
^^ Do you see any qualifiers stated above aside from “really good player”?

All the players I listed signed with the KINGS as UFA. Fact. All of them were/are really good players. FACT.

Explain to me where I’m wrong and more importantly, where I’m being ”cynical”.
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People forget Dallas didn't even make the play-in last season. Some tweaks to the roster and they were able to get pretty deep - the west may be deep, but no one is dominating this conference right now. Anything can happen
That’s because circumstances always change. That’s one of the points I’ve tried to make many times over the past couple seasons.

Not just injuries and such, but how well a player or players are playing.

For example, look how well DiVincenzo played for the Knicks this past season. That didn’t happen the previous couple seasons for his prior teams. Had he played like that for SAC or GSW, those teams seasons might have turned out a bit differently. Had he not played so well for NY, they likely don’t advance near as far as they did.

With that in mind, what if Kevin Huerter had rebounded last season to play like he did the first few months he was in Sacramento. Or if he hadn’t fallen off a cliff in the first place the 2nd half of the 2022/23 season and postseason. The KINGS season likely changes drastically. With the exact same roster.

Look at ATL and PHX as other examples. Both teams enjoyed stellar 2020/21 seasons, with the Hawks advancing to the ECF’s and the Suns advancing to the NBA Finals. The Hawks fell backwards to a first round exit the next two seasons to a non-playoff team after that. The Suns also fell backwards, although not as hard as ATL.

Some of it has to do with changing rosters, but a lot of it has to do with certain players not playing as well as they did before. Those types of things can change on a dime.

I’m sure I’ll be in the minority on this, but I see Dallas taking a step backwards too. I don’t believe they are as good as they played this past season and just had the fortune of it being a lucky season for them. Lots of things went their way that may not next season. Just like what happened to ATL and PHX before them. It even happened to the Milwaukee Bucks, too.
Webber was acquired via trade, same with Brad Miller. Malik Monk, sure, but was he considered as a really good player at the time? He's definitely top 5 free agent signing at this point though. Definitely Vlade and Bobby Jack ---- 25 years ago! Even John Salmons was almost 20 years ago. In the past decade it's been players like Rondo, George Hill, Old Vince Carter, etc. DeRozan signing here is a big deal. I know I said 'never,' but I guess if we are picking nits, then its more accurate to say 'very rarely' so you got me there.
Webber was acquired via trade, yes. But he also became an UFA that could have left for numerous other opportunities. Do you not remember the Magoofs offering to mow his lawn if he stayed? But he eventually chose SAC over other suitors.

So why are you under the impression that doesn’t count? He chose to re-sign with the KINGS as an UFA.

As for Malik Monk — what does it matter how he was considered at the time? He proved to be a really good player and chose the KINGS over other opportunities. And even if that doesn’t convince you, how about the 2nd time he chose to sign with us just a few days ago? Wasn’t he considered a really good player by then?? Didn’t many here believe he was leaving for more money and possibly a more marquis franchise?

Lastly, why are you placing time qualifiers on your statement now? You said it “never” happens. I simply corrected you.

Malik Monk has done it twice recently. And now DDR has also done it. But neither are the first, nor the last.
To put it bluntly, there are some dumb posts/tweets being put out. Similar to the criticism that Domas gets for not being a shotblocker. Never mind that he puts up triple doubles at a Hall of Fame pace, looks focus on what he can’t do!!
Nevermind that Derozan, in the most basic stats, averaged 24, 4 rebs and 5 assts, and has been top 3 in clutch shooting award both years (going further back he probably would have won some of these years), let’s ignore what he does at a high level and focus on his 3 point shooting and defense.

Weird how Haliburton was promoted as a generational PG once traded yet plays some of the worst guard defense in the league…..let’s ignore what he can’t do and focus on what he’s able to do.

See how that works for the Kings franchise when it comes to the talking heads. Best to ignore their lazy agenda.
You just uncovered “confirmation bias” and personal agendas, pro and con, toward certain players.

The people that partake in that practice on a regular basis are rarely aware of their hypocrisy, or caring about it if they are aware of it.
Vecenie talked about the DDR trade on his podcast today. He has some questions about how it all will work but generally likes the acquisition (other than the pick swap). He said with all things considered he would rather have DDR than BI if he was the Kings. He also said he thinks we should trade Kevin for Beef Stew.
I don’t give a rip who Vecenie is or what he thinks, but I do find the bolded portion to be humorous. Did he expect the deal go through for absolutely nothing? Gotta give something to get something. And the KINGS certainly didn’t get taken in this deal.

Just seems rather overly critical for the sake of trying to find a negative.
I am quite pleased with Derozan signing and for what we gave up to do it.
We now have a very potent offense that doesn’t rely upon how we shoot the 3 during that game as we will still shoot our share.

We have been trying to trade Barnes forever it seems and Davion was pretty much a small defensive player with off and on offense.
I believe we are pretty much done with changes with only a few free agents coming on to fill out the roster.
Also I think we should keep Huerter as with him and Monk coming off the bench that becomes a pretty good secondary offensive punch.

Fantastic week we just had for our Kings!
Another thing to consider when it comes to adding DeRozan is how this move actually helps combat the length of other teams. Let me explain...

In previous seasons, our wings/forwards have been Murray, Barnes, Huerter, Lyles, Vezenkov, Duarte, Edwards, Davis, Metu, etc. None of those players are serious go-to scoring threats. Guys like Murray, Barnes, Huerter, etc. get a lot of their points off C&S shoot opportunities or slashing after someone like Fox has broken down the defense.

What does this allow teams to do? This allows teams to put great/elite defenders with excellent length (Herb Jones, Trey Murphy, Derrick Jones, Andrew Wiggins, Paul George, Jaden McDaniels, Lu Dort, Devin Vassell, etc.) on Fox to help slow down the POA while not being too worried about the other wings/forwards attacking a smaller player defending them. Having another go-to scoring option with size/length on the roster may force those lengthy defenders to take DeRozan as their matchup thus making Fox's matchup easier to exploit.

On a somewhat related note, DeRozan has been a New Orleans Pelicans killer. DeRozan has played 4 games against the Pelicans the last 2 seasons and below are his per 36 min numbers:

.650 TS%
.569 FG%
.607 2P%
.364 3P%
.852 FT%
17.6 FGA
14.9 2PA
2.7 3PA
6.6 FTA
26.6 PTS
4.4 REB
6.6 AST
0.2 STL
0.2 BLK
1.7 TO
2.9 PF
3.9 AST:TO

At the very least, we may have added a piece that can help us improve that matchup against the Pelicans. ;)

Don't get me wrong, I'd like to have more length at PF to help on the defensive end, but I think the presence of DeRozan will help combat length on the offensive end since they can't just drape lengthy/athletic defenders all over Fox in an effort to overwhelm him.
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I don’t give a rip who Vecenie is or what he thinks, but I do find the bolded portion to be humorous. Did he expect the deal go through for absolutely nothing? Gotta give something to get something. And the KINGS certainly didn’t get taken in this deal.

Just seems rather overly critical for the sake of trying to find a negative.
well he is well respected around the league, works for the Athletic and has a pretty great track record when it comes to draft stuff.

I think his assessment is a fair take.
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