So here's my 0.01 bits of information I can cull from all of the leaks, Simmons version.
1) Both sides are acknowledging, at least tacitly, that there have been talks
2) Both sides are making noises that indicate they are not happy with the other side's offer
3) Instead of this being "insider basketball", it's being aired out over Twitter, etc.
4) This suggests the sides are putting pressure on each other, which makes it effectively a game of chicken.
Who swerves first?
Well, we should remember that Morey is driving a brand-new Ferrari, and we're driving a beat-up 1983 Chevy Blazer. We can afford to not swerve. Eh, we get a few more dents on the front end and just keep on truckin'. Can Morey afford to not swerve?
As long as we hold the line and don't give in to unreasonable demands, I'm OK if no deal happens. Just don't make a deal that makes the team worse in the long run than doing nothing at all.