It is. Absolutely no freaking one is debating that. At the same time, Luka hasn’t been perfect! He’s been damn great but there are still things that aren’t awesome about his ascent this year and anyone that isn’t overflowing with pure adulation is immediately attacked like they’ve just made a direct threat against Luka’s family.
As I’ve said time after time after freaking time, I wanted Luka. I wanted him bad. It hurts that we didn’t get him. At the same time, it’s not like Marvin Bagley has been actively awful (he’s in fact been pretty damn good) so forgive me if I’m not as outwardly negative as some of you. Maybe I’m just not wired to feel so much pain over missing out on Luka or over sports in general anymore quite frankly. I’ve been approaching watching Luka from purely a basketball perspective and thought that there were enough comments about what he does good that I could point out what hasn’t been that awesome and for that I apologize.
Apparently some of you have been construing my posts as trolling, which hasn’t been my intention at all, but for that I apologize and promise to take a step back from here so you can all celebrate greatness/curse Vlade’s name in peace.
Look, I'll be honest with you.
If this were a game thread of basketball, then what you do is fair game. I trash players, call out stanning, and stan for players all the time. But that's not really what this is.
Posting in this is about venting and trying to prove a point. I do it, SLAB does it, all us Luka stans do it. I can't say how much is venting and how much is marveling at the talent for others, since I'm one of the people who is LEAST invested in just witnessing the greatness and MOST invested in spitefully trashing the decision and/or Vlade.
So when you come in here it comes off less like game thread banter and more like an increasingly flimsy series of attempts to deflect from the pick that must not be named.
Like the Russ comparison with their league-wide perception for example: what I'm thinking isn't "rush to Luka's aid", but more "what does that have to do with the fact that we didn't pick him?"