Yeah, this is a strange one. She comes forward with a press conference to detail allegations after filing a civil suit, never filed a complaint with law enforcement (so no criminal action forthcoming), and refuses to talk to the independent investigators who have made a name for themselves pursuing #MeToo type cases? It's not like it was Adam Silver doing the investigation.
Seems like it is just a $$$ grab, guilt or innocence be damned. But I don't want to paint anyone with that brush without the facts being known. Problem is, I doubt there are any "facts" and every refusal to cooperate paints her in a worse light....
But I'm not a lawyer and I didn't stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night, so what do I know?
Seems like it is just a $$$ grab, guilt or innocence be damned. But I don't want to paint anyone with that brush without the facts being known. Problem is, I doubt there are any "facts" and every refusal to cooperate paints her in a worse light....
But I'm not a lawyer and I didn't stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night, so what do I know?