Free Agency

And Afflalo can average 15-18 ppg and can create his own shot in the post.
If Afflalo is averaging 15+pts, I think it means the Kings aren't very good. I also don't know why you would want Afflalo creating his own shots in the post when that's where Rudy, Cuz, and WCS like to operate.
The Suns appear as the most logical trade, but, in my opinion, there is a fair chance that the trade partner will turn out to be Miami. We get Dragic and they get Rudy, KK and BenMc. Durant will not go to Miami in any case, let's take that as a given, so there is no need to dump Dragic for nothing. Miami can make more cap space by sending Dragic for example to Philly, but nothing really to get back after maxing Whiteside. If Miami still tries to keep Wade, and it looks that way, they also need a team (beyond paying to Wade). That means filling the void after losing Deng, Joe Johnson, Tyler Johnson etc. plus having a low cost backup for Whiteside. But maybe I'm wrong?
Well Deron signed a 10M deal with Dallas. That's not cap burning salary. If he signed with us at 11M, if would be a good signing, IMO.
So onward to another PG search, I think.
Jennings/Jack maybe? Or probably a trade with either Ben or Kosta coz I would hate to see Rudy go.
If you're Deron you're not going to pick the Kings over the Mavs for 1M.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
The Suns appear as the most logical trade, but, in my opinion, there is a fair chance that the trade partner will turn out to be Miami. We get Dragic and they get Rudy, KK and BenMc. Durant will not go to Miami in any case, let's take that as a given, so there is no need to dump Dragic for nothing. Miami can make more cap space by sending Dragic for example to Philly, but nothing really to get back after maxing Whiteside. If Miami still tries to keep Wade, and it looks that way, they also need a team (beyond paying to Wade). That means filling the void after losing Deng, Joe Johnson, Tyler Johnson etc. plus having a low cost backup for Whiteside. But maybe I'm wrong?
I just don't know why we'd give up that much material to get Goran Dragic, who's become a problematic figure since his brief Suns supernova. Rudy may flat want out, I expect him to be gone, but his contract and Kosta's have value now, and I'm not as desperate as some for a PG. We need another, but there's some sort of cost/benefit I would like to see applied before a trigger is pulled.
I just don't know why we'd give up that much material to get Goran Dragic, who's become a problematic figure since his brief Suns supernova. Rudy may flat want out, I expect him to be gone, but his contract and Kosta's have value now, and I'm not as desperate as some for a PG. We need another, but there's some sort of cost/benefit I would like to see applied before a trigger is pulled.
I agree! I haven't been impressed at all about his game in Miami. In my opinion he is also a selfish player and not likely to pass even when it is the better option. To his benefit I have to say that he is a tough player who can take a lot of banging. Why do I think this trade is the more likely. First, since Miami would probably not care so much about parting ways with him and I believe his market value is lower than Bledsoe or Knight. He is also an ex-Yugoslavian (Slovenian).
Why give so much? I would gladly keep KK out of this. However, Rudy can walk next year (and most probably will) for free. BenMc is a RFA next year. Therefore, I believe Miami would like to get something longer lasting for Dragic. Therefore, I believe the Suns option would be better for the Kings in many ways, but the Miami option looks much more available.
Why is everyone expecting a Rudy trade? I think Joerger coached him in Memphis. Memphis had a hole at SF they never managed to fix after Rudy left. Joerger came here, because he thought we had most of the pieces to be a successful team already in place. Doesn't this include Rudy?
Rudy is a very good player, but, per NBA practice, a player likely to walk after the season becomes a trade asset. If you have a player like Durant, you just keep hoping to be able to keep him. That was not the case for example with Harden and he was shipped. To me anyway, it looks like something you expect to happen in the NBA. Therefore, I personally like Rudy, but my experience tells me that the organization will probably try to cash in everything they can on him. It's all business.
The Suns appear as the most logical trade, but, in my opinion, there is a fair chance that the trade partner will turn out to be Miami. We get Dragic and they get Rudy, KK and BenMc. Durant will not go to Miami in any case, let's take that as a given, so there is no need to dump Dragic for nothing. Miami can make more cap space by sending Dragic for example to Philly, but nothing really to get back after maxing Whiteside. If Miami still tries to keep Wade, and it looks that way, they also need a team (beyond paying to Wade). That means filling the void after losing Deng, Joe Johnson, Tyler Johnson etc. plus having a low cost backup for Whiteside. But maybe I'm wrong?
I would love to see us do this, even if we give up all that. Dragic fits our profile of gritty big guards. Another international guy. The team just gets badasser and badasser.

Too good to be true though I think.


Hall of Famer
Dragic? For kosta only maybe. But you don't give up all that for a guy that put up worse numbers starting every game than your backup pg did last year.
The PG I really would like to get is Beverley. I think he could be obtainable, also considering he shouldn't perfectly fit D'Antoni's style. I don't know if it works, but I would try to offer KK and Ben (maybe Ben alone could be enough? I don't know. But hopefully D'Antoni might think Ben could shine in his system). Then I'd throw what's left of our cap space at Stephenson and call it a day.

Collison (26)/ Beverley (22)/ Temple
Afflalo (24) / Stephenson (24)/ Temple / Richardson
Gay (24)/ Casspi (6)/ Barnes (18)/ Butler
WCS (24)/ Casspi (18)/ Gay (6) / Tolliver / Skal
DMC (32)/ WCS (6)/ Papa (10)

Maybe we would need a reliable backup for Cousins, but I have hope Papa can give us 10 minutes and Cuz and WCS will basically eat the majority of minutes here. I also think we can always find a decent big for cheap even during the season.
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The PG I really would like to get is Beverley. I think he could be obtainable, also considering he shouldn't perfectly fit D'Antoni's style. I don't know if it works, but I would try to offer KK and Ben (maybe Ben alone could be enough? I don't know. But hopefully D'Antoni might think Ben could shine in his system). Then I'd throw what's left of our cap space at Stephenson and call it a day.

Collison (26)/ Beverley (22)/ Temple
Afflalo (24) / Stephenson (24)/ Temple / Richardson
Gay (24)/ Casspi (6)/ Barnes (18)/ Butler
WCS (24)/ Casspi (18)/ Gay (6) / Tolliver / Skal
DMC (32)/ WCS (6)/ Papa (10)

Maybe we would need a reliable backup for Cousins, but I have hope Papa can give us 10 minutes and Cuz and WCS will basically eat the majority of minutes here. I also think we can always find a decent big for cheap even during the season.
We should have signed Stephenson rather than some of the old guys we signed. Or Crabbe


Super Moderator
Staff member
Booooooom!!! Just got that from the Bleacher Report. This will cause a major domino effect. Now we know for sure that Harrison Barnes will play for the Maverics. Will Thunder put Westbrook to the market??? This was a real surprise to me at least.
I'm not convinced the Warriors will let Barnes go. Lacob is kind of nuts that way. If they move Bogut they have the caproom to sign Durant. Then they could exceed the cap to sign Barnes using his Bird Rights (I believe) and it only puts them a bit above the luxury tax threshold. And whether they match on Barnes or not, they'll still have to fill out the rest of the roster with minimum contracts and exceptions because they'll be at or above the salary cap either way.


It's an absolutely terrifying starting five but unless they'll need to convince some solid vets to take minimum deals to fill out the bench.
The Warriors have to dump a lot of salary. Probably both Bogut and Iguodala. Durant's deal is about $27 mil/yr for two years. The second year is a player option (is he going to the Lakers next year with Westbrook?).


The Game Thread Dude
In all honesty this feels more like a Nash/Howard to the Lakers thing than a Lebron to the Heat thing.

You can have too much of a good thing and I'm not quite sure how their lineups are going to work seeing as how Bogut and Barnes are pretty much gone for this to happen.


On paper, four all-stars and a finals MVP but there's only one ball and apparently no one to guard a big man.

Anyways.... Rudy/Kosta/Ben for Westbrook?


Super Moderator
Staff member
I've always been pretty indifferent to the Warriors though I love watching Curry as he's a generational talent and I've always rooted for Durant and the Thunder. But now? I absolutely hope that team fails. Arguably the 2nd or 3rd best player in the NBA jumping ship from his team that nearly went to the WCFs to join up with a team that just set the NBA record for wins in the regular season? Durant seemed above the "Big Three", teaming up with other superstars nonsense and much more like the Larry Bird, MJ style of "join you? Naw, I'm going to beat you" mindset. With the Lakers a shambles for the moment I've just found the team I'll be rooting the hardest against.