No problem. I wasn't really including you in the group that just doesn't seem to want to even consider the possibility that things could all work out.
You know, I have mixed emotions about this thing. First, this is an open forum for opinion, and being so, there are going to be opinions we don't agree with. What I don't like, is when the majority try to shout down the minority opinion. There's also collateral damage. I've had my moments where I've been very critical of some of the things that Cousins has done, and I think he deserves some of that criticism. However, I haven't advocated trading him. I've discussed what we might get back in a trade in the event the organization decides to go in a different direction, but that doesn't mean I want him to be traded. It means I'm aware that it's something that could happen. It's a business, and I think Cousins knows that as well. But I feel as though your remarks are directed at me as well. Thus the collateral damage.
Right now, I'm feeling very happy with current events. I listened to Joerger on the morning show with Carmichael Dave this morning, and became even more impressed with him. He appears to have started a good relationship with Cousins, who apparently flew to Sacramento on his own, with no request he do so by the organization. A class move by Cousins. Then I come to this thread, and become depressed, and after reading some of your remarks, I feel as though I'm supposed to go sit in my corner and keep my mouth shut. Perhaps I'm misreading you. I know your a positive person. So am I. But I can't look the other way when someone does something wrong, even if that person is my favorite player. There has to be some middle ground for dissent. So if I'm wrong minded here, I apologize! But I refuse to keep my mouth shut when I see something that I think needs to be addressed. Of course, I always welcome your opinion, even if you disagree. None of this is personal folks.