The unwavering hatred Grant has for Demarcus is getting creepy. There has to be some personal reason for Grant to be still slandering him and manipulating the narrative, five years into an undeniably HOF-pace career. I think that Cousins made it very clear, early on, that he does not like Grant for being a slimy, slandering blowhard. I think Grant doesn't want Demarcus to have ANY power within the organization, because the more the Kings listen to Demarcus ("appease him", in Grant's words), the less power to slander people Grant will have. Let's be honest - in a front office dominated by slimy, underhanded, disrespectful and unclassy* actions like we had with PDA, Grant fit right in. That's Grant's M.O. and plays right into what he does. If the FO changed/changes to more of a professional, respectful, loyal one that aligns more with Demarcus' view of things, Grant will be on the outside looking in. This is a power-play to protect his personal place in the organization. Exactly the kind of weasel behavior we just (likely) ridded ourselves from with Mullin and PDA! All three of them didn't care about the team - they burnt the team down just to solidify their selfish positions. Mullin and PDA are gone from the organization now - IMO everyone who has proved they don;t care about the team, and will do damage to it just for their own powerbase, should be removed. And yes, this includes Grant Napier. Hell, what if Cousins stops turning the other cheek and makes it clear to the FO that he's had it with Grant? Grant is a Kings employee, and constantly bashes Demarcus every single time he';s gotten the chance (and has created the opportunity to bash him when there wasn't one). What if Cousins demands the Kings to muzzle their employee? Wouldn't that be poetic justice. Karma chameleon, b****. * It's amazing how long Grant has obssessed over people being "the classiest guy you'll ever meet". Seriously, it's what he always says about guys he likes. How the hell would Grant know anything about class/classy and professional? This guy is a piece of slime, who has sold his professional soul years ago. His track record spews filth all over the place - how does he dare drone on about people being classy and professional?