There's a difference yes, but your point should have been about style of play, not strength. Both are too weak, which is my point. WCS is my pick. You made an ignorant assumption and clearly you're not willing to acknowledge it. I won't argue with it. Some of you are arrogant beyond reality and I have no intention of arguing this. Why are the vast majority of the white players in the NBA European? Has nothing to do with softness/strengthy my friend. Let's face reality before you dismiss "Euros" as skinny and soft. We're in 2015, time to educate yourself. Sorry if this gets me an infraction, but unless someone wants to engage and make an actual point, I will argue weak ass points with actual facts. Good luck. Cut out the dismissal of "EURO" prospects because they're "EUROS" and I'll stop pointing out major, MAJOR hypocrisies. Good luck with that, it's hard to face facts.
I've had this run-in with many mods, some my good friends, but until people are willing to stop being hypocrites and acknowledge reality, I'm not going to stop calling out BS.
Until we start calling out f**king BS for what it is, I will henceforth refer to every white American prospect as the "soft American". About as accurate as the "soft Euro" argument is. BTW, try coming to Europe and saying that poopoo to the majority of Europeans. Good luck with that. Culture is extremely different, I absolutely love the US, but even I need to be careful here, "Soft Euros" don't rely on gun culture either. "Euros" are some tough people that don't think twice about people who talk s**t. Western Europe is generally cool, but go with that attitude to Eastern Europe and see what happens.