Oh, I wan them to win. But if they lose, it's a good day for a LIN. That's win-win. And spite has nothing to do with it. It has to do with Vivek painfully seeing the consequences of his action.
We're at least a season past the point of "lins". Lins don't exist any more. Every year that we're back in the lottery is a year that we have to start over. It's another year of Cousins' career wasted.
watching this is like an evil nightmare that you can't seem to wake up from...never have I looked so forward to a season ending more, maybe once more but this is up there.
Reportedly when concrete was poured for Giants stadium in New Jersey back in the day mobsters dumped body of Jimmy Hoffa there to seal murder mystery forever. Hmmm...
I think it's only a matter of time before Cousins, and perhaps Cousins and Gay, as the leaders of the team, and having learned leadership skills at team USA, speak up. And by that I mean speak up against management. Malone's firing was basically an unprecedented even in the NBA: a coach off to a great start who had the support of the locker room.
And I'd be ALL for it. I seriously hope Cousins gets vocal about this bullcrap. And NOT just the typical "calling out your team without naming names". I want him to call out PDA and Vivek on the farce they are pulling.