Corbin already signed for remainder of year?

The bigger concern for me is that Corbin is just keeping the seat warm for Mullin.

If so, I'm guessing we'll see another terrible year next season and probably the end of Boogie's heretofore herculean patience with the Sacramento Kings.

On the upside, if Mullin is the coach of the Titanic Kings when it all falls apart then he and D'Alessandro can be fired together and maybe Vivek will approach the forced rebuild wiser for the experience.

I won't watch that slow motion car crash happen though.
nor will i. more to the point, if things get so bad that demarcus cousins opts out or demands a trade, i will also not suffer through yet another rebuild. i won't do it, not when such a disaster could have been avoided (and still can be avoided, for the record)...

my wife and i attended two kings games this season while mike malone was still on the bench, and it was fun to see arco so electric with energy, to see the fans believing in a winner again. it was quite thrilling to give my wife the chance to see what all the fuss was about (she's a kings fan by marriage, so to speak). all told, she's about as depressed as i am these days...

this will be the ninth straight season that the kings miss the playoffs, and while it was always unlikely that they'd sneak their way into the 8th seed, even under mike malone, they were certainly playing like a team that would finish the season as a hard-fought 9th or 10th seed, which is no cause for embarrassment in the western conference; it would have been something to build on. it would have represented "the next step" in the process, and it would have given mike malone the opportunity to coach them up to the goal of making the playoffs...

now the team is staring down the barrel of a wasted season (as well as one more wasted year of demarcus cousins' prime) and people are honestly wondering why the kings don't appear to be giving full effort? ownership and the front office f***ed the dog big time, in my opinion, and to be perfectly plain, my wife and i have no intention of attending any more games this season. hell, we're not even consistently trying to watch the games on tv anymore. there are more enjoyable pursuits for us to engage with...

that said, the new regime has a chance to turn this thing around if they act quickly (which they don't appear to be inclined towards), but if their plan is to let poor tyrone corbin finish out the season as a lame duck head coach, then they're not going to win me back, especially if the end game is to install chris mullin as the permanent coach. it just reeks of nepotism, egoism, and amateurism, and i want no part of it. at least the maloofs were broke. what's the excuse for these guys?

perhaps they figure it out tomorrow. or perhaps they don't figure it out for another five years. how many fans will they have bled in the process? how full is that shiny new arena going to be? i know i won't be there if things continue on as they have. your move, vivek and co. astound me with this "plan" you keep going on and on about...
This is a "We'll let Corbin take the fall for the rest of the season."

Rest assured Mullin will be our coach next season. To think that Vivek (and make no mistake this is Vivek not PDA) wants Mullin so bad that he's going to throw away a season, pee off our franchise player, and turn our backs to a hall of fame coach. All for a guy that's never coached a day in his life. I wish Vivek would have stayed with his daughter's fourth grade team and out of professional basketball.

Wouldn't surprise me if Cousins loses it eventually on Vivek and shoves a book full of data points where the sun don't shine.
I can see it unravel right before my very eyes.. I have been granted the ability of clairvoyance, the skills that enable me to manipulate the holographic time grid. The ephemeral opportunity to enter the 4th dimension, to travel outside our observable timespace...

You may feel cheated, like you're being treated like trash. You may even feel like this.

But do not fret nor worry fellow Kings fans, I have come to spread the goods news.

The General Manager of your beloved Kings franchise, Pete D'Alessandro, can clearly see four moves ahead as stated by majority owner Vivek Ranadive.
The hiring and firing of coach Michael Malone was an experiment to rouse and awaken DeMarcus Cousins.
The experiment was a success, as DeMarcus Cousins is going participate in his first All-Star game in New York this year.
Now Kings fans, Pete D'Alessandro's has great foresight, even better than my own. When his most gracious of hosts inherited position of general manager, the great Pete D'Alessandro knew about the pick going to Chicago. First he had to secure Rudy Gay to a 3-year-deal and in order to do so, the team had to win. This could only be accomplished with the awakening of DeMarcus !@#$ing Cousins, which happened.

Once they inked the deal and secured the great Rudini, it was time to fire coach Malone. Sorry to say Kings fans, but coach Malone was a sacrifice. It had to happen.

Now, on towards Corbin and the draft pick. These two key players have vital roles within the grander scheme of things. First, Tyrone Corbin is a decoy. He, with his gimp limp, is there to frustrated us. The fans. To distract us from the bigger picture... and that bigger picture... is the 2017 NBA Championship.

I know what you're thinking.... 2017? 2017 NowImLost, are you serious?

Dead serious.

Hear me out.

Vivek went to India with Adam Silver recently. What do you think they discussed? Basketball Without Borders? Give me a break...


Adam Silver is all about the ratings. The NBA still owes us for 2001, according to David Stern. So, the plan is this... Don't blink because I can only say this once.

Breathe.. breathe...

The Kings finish with a record that leaves them in position to hold the 11th pick prior to the 2015 draft lottery. Now if all things go like you think it should, the Bulls nab the Kings pick. Guess what? That's not gonna happen.

No, no, no.

With a few strings pulled by Silver, the Kings win the 2015 draft lottery and draft Jahlil Okafor.


...The 2017 NBA Championship.
that makes a whole heck of a lot of more sense than what has been coming out of the gerbils mouth.
As far as Corbin, this is stan
dard operating procedure. Once the head coach was fired, someone had to be signed to be the head coach of the Kings. It in no way precludes the Kings from making another coaching change if they wake up and see that George Karl is about their only pathway out of this mess.

The bigger concern for me is that Corbin is just keeping the seat warm for Mullin.

If so, I'm guessing we'll see another terrible year next season and probably the end of Boogie's heretofore herculean patience with the Sacramento Kings.

On the upside, if Mullin is the coach of the Titanic Kings when it all falls apart then he and D'Alessandro can be fired together and maybe Vivek will approach the forced rebuild wiser for the experience.

I won't watch that slow motion car crash happen though.
can't wait for the day the kings rid themselves of the GSW stench
I wouldn't put it past this group to throw away a season - they are tunnel visioned on 2016 unfortunately. If they secure the draft pick, install Mullin... they are banking on having everything blow over by then.

Yes, it seems PDA and Vivek have stuck their thumb in our eye - this years season ticket holders are patsies
So this IS a tank job. Im sorry but CORBIN is NOT an NBA Caliber coach.

If true the Front Office is giving the fans a HUGE MIDDLE FINGER....
And the players/fans, maybe even he himself, all know this. Hes a nice guy and a solid assistant but he hasn't shown that he has what it takes to be the head guy. The FO wants him for the rest of the year because he isnt a hardhead like Malone was(or Karl would be), they know that with a promotion and pay raise they can get him to do whatever they want. He is the one on the bench but its clear the rotations,sets and overall Run n Gun philosophy are coming from the FO. The fact that they are meddling and not leaving Corbin to coach is as clear as day.

Who exactly is going to want this job come the off season? Karl might have interest if he isnt snatched up by then but if you consider nearly a decade of losing, quick trigger on coaches, meddling rookie owner/FO who have had zero success in this league but want a huge influence on what goes on the court its basically a "do not touch" job.

as funky said this has all the makings of a slow motion car crash waiting to happen, we are going to have to watch Mullin and his top tier assistants crash and burn before Vivek starts over and learns the hard way.
I'm confused. Are we tanking now?
It's a legit question.

Are we doing all we can to win now? Not at all, far from it. We appear to be taking the steps to ensure to the best of our abilities that we keep our draft pick.

I generally don't consider tanking to be having the sole focus on being as bad as possible in order to get the highest pick but rather more falls under the tanking umbrella and is any model where winning now is not the top priority. When there's any other focus aside from winning, when there's ulterior motives, IMO it's a form of tanking. Some versions are just more aggressive than others. Tanking doesn't require 100% intent to tank either. Businesses tank by accident all the time. Some also succeed by accident, as did Toronto last year.

It's also completely plausible that our FO and owner want a run and gun style and don't see the players here for it, so getting a high pick would help them acquire that style of player they so sorely want. Of course, why they sign Cuz and Rudy when they don't fit that style, draft Ben who doesn't fit that style and offer Landry that terrible contract who also doesn't fit that style, makes them appear incompetent and not knowing what the hell they're doing. It's not just the style they want but that they don't appear to even know how to get from here to there, whether with player acquisitions or firing Malone for Corbin who is not the coach to lead us in that direction. The one who is, Karl, they don't appear to have much interest in.

Excuse me while I go outside to make sure it's not raining stupid.
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gsw tanked that season when they could've lost their draft pick if it fell beyond 8 i believe. our 15 step ahead FO saw this and decided to tank. it's pretty clear they look to their big brother down south for guidance. the 15 steps ahead has been done by GSW so the path is pretty much paved.
I'm confused. Are we tanking now?
In a sense, yes. If our ownership has reviewed their spreadsheets and data points and determined that we won't make the playoffs, then they are not going to pay a fired Malone AND Karl for a losing season. They're also bot going to put that protected pick in jeopardy.

Problem is as someone pointed out, you're dealing with human beings. Not data. You're data can change based on the emotions and perceptions of your players.


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It isn't that Tyrone Corbin isn't an adequate coach. I was really happy to see Malone add him to the staff. I think he's got a lot to add and I don't think he was horrible in Utah given the circumstances. Honestly, I could argue that he's on par with Malone who had his own obvious growing pains as a first time head coach.

The issue (to me at least) is that they are (1) throwing Corbin out there without the benefit of an offseason (2) almost certainly trying to dictate an uptempo style of play (which Corbin did NOT employ in Utah as he continued Sloan's P&R heavy Flex scheme) and (3) doing nothing to remove the suspicion that Corbin is just a lame duck seat warmer for the next coach.

All that being true, it's likely the players see this move the same way I do - as essentially giving up on the season.
Well, guess I'd better start boning up on college prospects again this year, 'cause we're going to be keeping our draft pick. #TenthOrBetter

Vivek, I don't know what qualifies as "two seconds ahead" in your world, but in my world, it's not firing a decent if flawed coach without bringing in a better coach. The key is that you bring in a better coach. This is how it works. So now I hope you enjoy that dream you once had of having a competing team when we open the new arena. Go to sleep tonight and dream about it again. Dream about it really often. Because that's the only damn place it's ever going to happen, in behind your eyelids while you're off in Never-Never Land. Good job.

Tyrone Corbin. Seriously, Tyrone Corbin. Who can't even beat the freaking Nets. Well done. Good choice. You saved a few million dollars. Enjoy your yacht, or whatever you buy.
Any sort of sanity to this entire situation completely hinged on bringing in Karl...who from a style and winning point of view would appear to be the platinum standard of coaches from our FO's point of view.

I would have hated how they dealt with the situation, but would have grudgingly understood the plan if Karl was brought on board.
But if Corbin truly does coach out the remaining games then this is nothing short of an unmitigated disaster...and as pointless as anything I've ever seen.

Even the 76ers plan makes sense...and as a fan, I could buy into what they are doing...but this....I just see no possible upside and instead see the destruction of an up-and-coming team to satisfy a power struggle between GM and coach.
my wife and i have no intention of attending any more games this season.
Just to echo this sentiment.

I don't get up to Sacramento all that often, but when I do, I always go to as many Kings games that I can.
I'm heading up in a couple of weeks and this will be the first time in 10 years that I'm not even considering going to a game or two.

If Karl is brought in the next week or so I might change my mind, but otherwise, there is zero chance of me spending money to go to a game where the players are not playing for their coach and the FO is actively trying to undermine a young up-and-coming team and a potential HOF Dominant Center.

And you know what...if they are not playing for their coach and if the FO truly shows that they think this is a 'throw-away season' then ultimately it is going to deteriorate to the point where the players are just going to be playing for themselves and their stats...and at that point the losses will mount up and the product on the floor will be abysmal.

I've already spent the money for League Pass...but it might be difficult stomach watching Kings basketball, especially in the tail end of the season, if it gets to that point.
Problem with it being a new contract is he's no longer an interim coach. Why is that important? Because to hire Karl or someone else before the season is over would require firing Corbin.

I don't see it being likely that we'll see two head coaches fired with a couple months of each other. Also doesn't look like Karl is an option. If we were in serious dialogue with him, why would we sign Corbin to a new contract?
Wrong. He is still the interim coach. Whenever an assistant takes over after a coach is fired they get a new contract and more money for the additional duties. If Corbin wanted he could have turned it down. Both sides need to agree for the promotion and a new contract is signed. This is standard operating procedures.
Wrong. He is still the interim coach. Whenever an assistant takes over after a coach is fired they get a new contract and more money for the additional duties. If Corbin wanted he could have turned it down. Both sides need to agree for the promotion and a new contract is signed. This is standard operating procedures.
Wrong. The Kings have removed the interim tag from his title.
Wrong. He is still the interim coach. Whenever an assistant takes over after a coach is fired they get a new contract and more money for the additional duties. If Corbin wanted he could have turned it down. Both sides need to agree for the promotion and a new contract is signed. This is standard operating procedures.
Wrong, at least attempt to follow along.

I didn't argue this wasn't standard operating procedure for making an interim coach the head coach going forward. What I did argue was if a replacement such as Karl was lined up, a new contract wouldn't have been offered to Corbin, which now erases his interim label. And going forward if Corbin is to be replaced this season, it now requires firing him as despite your claims, Corbin is no longer the interim coach, contractually.

And before you reply with more nonsense, yes, Corbin still can be fired and replaced, although it's unlikely we'll see two head coaches fired within a couple months of each other.
Follow the money. They are still paying Malone for this season and next season. Karl wants 5 million or more. Corbin is working cheaper than that I am sure. What will Mullin make??? Mullin won't pull down Karl money. Maybe Mullin will take on this gig as piece work. Say 20K per win, 25K for each playoff game won:)
Wrong, at least attempt to follow along.

I didn't argue this wasn't standard operating procedure for making an interim coach the head coach going forward. What I did argue was if a replacement such as Karl was lined up, a new contract wouldn't have been offered to Corbin, which now erases his interim label. And going forward if Corbin is to be replaced this season, it now requires firing him as despite your claims, Corbin is no longer the interim coach, contractually.

And before you reply with more nonsense, yes, Corbin still can be fired and replaced, although it's unlikely we'll see two head coaches fired within a couple months of each other.
You don't understand the meaning of interim. It's a temporary position. In order for Corbin to not be the interim coach they would have to offer him the job full time meaning they would not be doing interviews after the season. Corbin is still the interim coach they have not made him the permanent coach beyond this season.
You don't understand the meaning of interim. It's a temporary position. In order for Corbin to not be the interim coach they would have to offer him the job full time meaning they would not be doing interviews after the season. Corbin is still the interim coach they have not made him the permanent coach beyond this season.
No he is not. The Kings have removed the interim tag from Coach Corbin's title.
Somebody made the comment that the Kings are tunnel-visioned towards 2016. Fair enough, but one thing they have to address is the Summer of 2015 when Free Agency comes around. How do you sell potential free agents on Sacramento when it appears that the team doesn't have a sense of direction? And believe me, an all too willing media is pushing that right now. FA's watch that stuff, so now it's an even deeper hole the Kings are in.