Yeah...that's how the 80's & 90's(pre-98', of course)Kings got to be such stellar winners by doing that every year?? Blow it up...then when it doesn't work again...blow it up again...and again...and...well, you get the picture. I think you have to make trades to better the team...and I think the group of guys you DON'T trade on this team are your rock in Cousins, IT, Saclemore, Vasquez, and my view on Patterson is still up in the air, he's got a chance to fit into Malone's system once he gets healthy and we get a couple more pieces to enhance ball movement and not ball hogging. That is your core for the future. I think the guys you CAN trade that can bring you something of value are Thornton, Jimmer, Salmons(expiring), JT.