You know you are a Kings fan when.....


Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
.... when you're willing to wear your Kings shirt for a day walking around in LA. (Sept 23, 2004)

P.S. I wear it every time I drive down to and through LA and San Diego on trips..
You know your a big fan when...
You start day dreaming in english class, and on your test instead of putting your name, you write "Go KINGS!" by accident:)

Or maybe your a little weak in english like me;)
when you refuse to go out on a Friday night because Mike Bibby, I mean the Kings are coming on @ 10:30 (eastern time)


when you proudly wear your Kings jersey when they come to play the Sixers, knowing you will be harassed by those crazy, beer drinkin Philly fans
When you're in a hotel in LA, being heckled by locals because your 5 year old is wearing a Kings jersey, and you just can't resist saying to him, "Hey honey, who is that basketball team we hate?" to which he proudly replies, "THE LAKERS!" at the top of his voice.
When the only analogy you can come up with for your dissapointment in Kerry's loss is "It feels like when the Kings lose the playoffs" and you think its wierd that everyone is looking at you like you're an idiot.
#42 get a flat tire, you're stranded on the side of the road-in the rain, in the dark with your cats crying in the back seat of the car and all you can think about is if you'll make it home in time to see the game.

...when the only arguments you have with your boyfriend is over the Kings and the team he roots for