Who wins NBA title NOW?

Who wins NBA championship 07-08?

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It amazes me how the SUNS could win a game 112-0 and they will never get any credit for playing any defense.
Granted,they haven't been very good defensively for awhile but teams aren't doing whatever they want in the paint against us anymore. Celtics coach D.Rivers after tonights loss: "We lost because we had a bad night offensively."
Many headers read like: "SUNS hold off CELTICS"
The CELTICS did not forget all of a sudden how to run their offense.
The SUNS at one point didn't score a FG for like 12 minutes?!...and still held the lead with good defense & dominant rebounding.
Yeah the Lakers will be tough to handle in a 7 game series but i'm not buying the supposed facts that...
A) Bynum will return 100% ready to go and be comfortable with the addition of Gasol.
B) L. Odum won't dissappear as the games become more important.
Yeah the Lakers will be tough to handle in a 7 game series but i'm not buying the supposed facts that...
A) Bynum will return 100% ready to go and be comfortable with the addition of Gasol.
B) L. Odum won't dissappear as the games become more important.
The following is irrespective of my take on who wins the title (because I think the West is so packed, I really don't know and it could come down to matchups and injuries).

A1) Bynum is on schedule and doing well per himself, Kupchak, LA Times, team physician.

A2) Gasol plays midpost to perimeter. Bynum plays traditional 5 (as of Xmas, 98% of his makes were in the paint -- actual stat). In what ways are you predicting their games to clash?

B) Odumb consistently plays well against the Suns if no one else (already 2 full series of proof to back up that claim, and 4 decent RS performances). That was with Marion on him.


Here are some things to consider.

1) Pick and roll will be exploited by all of their opponents. Shaq wasn't able to handle that play 10 years ago, much less now. With LA, he lost to a 2-star Utah team on a steady diet of that play in consec seasons (in which LA was stacked with talent). It's effective against Shaq. It worked the other night.

2) Hill clearly doesn't cut it in the starting 5 against this team. Phx should start Diaw but D'Antoni is resistant for some reason.

3) Shaq's mobility and mileage. He doesn't recover as quickly as he once did, he doesn't get off the ground as easily (standstill blocks for the most part), and when he sits, Bynum will be guarded by Skinner (Bynum will play all game if not in foul trouble).

4) Nash for whatever reason has looked to score way too much against LA. Perhaps it's because he's finding it more challenging to drive into the paint for kickouts.

5) Phx will probably lose HCA judging by our respective schedules that remain.
hate to say it but i think the lake show might take it all this year. they have that superstar guard, 2 frontline talented bigmen, sf that can do it all and a seasoned PG that has been to the promised land many times.
The Suns will not sniff a title, half the teams in the West will beat them with pick and rolls/pops alone. Deron and Okur, Tmac and Yao, Parker and Duncan, and obviously the Lakers will simply pick them apart with Shaq unable to move anywhere near as well as he used to around picks. The Celtics game proved nothing, that was the worst game I've seen from the Celtics all season, they were blowing 3 on 1 fastbreaks and missing open shots. That had nothing to do with Phoenix defense. And they were still in it in the end too.


Super Moderator Emeritus
It amazes me how the SUNS could win a game 112-0 and they will never get any credit for playing any defense.
Granted,they haven't been very good defensively for awhile but teams aren't doing whatever they want in the paint against us anymore. Celtics coach D.Rivers after tonights loss: "We lost because we had a bad night offensively."
Many headers read like: "SUNS hold off CELTICS"
One team having a bad night offensively doesn't automatically mean the other team had a good night defensively.

And just for the record? Headlines mean exactly diddly and squat. The reporters who write the stories do NOT write the headlines.
HighFlyingMonkey said:
According to Artest, the Kings have the title in the bag.
This is one of the times when the voices in his head aren't telling him to do anti-social things. It's a good thing. Don't bring him out of this muse.
Futuristic said:
Even D'Antoni said he doesn't want to face the Lakers in a series.
I hate when a blowhard won't stick to his guns. From "We busted your asses" to "I hope we don't face them". Boo! I've actually come to depend on his exaggerated outbursts and bravado. I don't like meek Mike.

"The (bleep's) wrong w/ you?! Go siddown!" (We ain't gonna see any more of this unless Phx is up on us 3-1, minimum).
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Be careful what you ask for, it just might come true. The Suns wished for a washed-up Shaq in the hopes of reviving his career one more time. Instead, they are 1-2 with him in the lineup. That was an embarrassing eye opener for them vs. the Pistons at home!!! It will take a few games, huh? To do exactly what? To destroy the confidence of the team? Got to love it. Shaq is making a fool out of himself with all the smack talk, has the Suns believing him, and he's taking them down with him.
hey, looks who is back in first place? the spurs.

they havne't repeated yet, but they are the most consistant team and the most playoff proven team (and they only lost two squeakers to really good teams).


Super Moderator Emeritus
hey, looks who is back in first place? the spurs.

they havne't repeated yet, but they are the most consistant team and the most playoff proven team (and they only lost two squeakers to really good teams).
I wouldn't be planning that parade quite yet, Spurs fan. There's a LOT of basketball left to be played and any team left in the running is one "turnip" away from an early vacation.
I wouldn't be planning that parade quite yet, Spurs fan. There's a LOT of basketball left to be played and any team left in the running is one "turnip" away from an early vacation.
Agreed. Besides Spurs only wins titles in odd # years. 2008 is even # so that's why I picked the Suns to finally get lucky:)

Wrong for so very many reasons.

1. I hate LA and would be incredibly glad if the state were split in two.

2. I've been a fan of the NBA since 1965. The Kings didn't come to Sacramento until 1985. For the 20 years in between, I was a devoted fan of the Boston Celtics.

3. I would gouge my eyes out with cowbells before I rooted for the Lakers.

Excellent points!!! If you suceed in splitting the state, can those of us in San Diego come with you? We want nothing to do with La La Land either...
I love my Lakers but coming out of the West this year will be brutal and that's why I think Detroit and the C's have such an easier road. I picked the Pistons just because of that first round bye vs the Hawks, Pacers or Sixers.

Then again, there's always the "Flip factor."
I love my Lakers but coming out of the West this year will be brutal and that's why I think Detroit and the C's have such an easier road. I picked the Pistons just because of that first round bye vs the Hawks, Pacers or Sixers.

Then again, there's always the "Flip factor."
They have an easier road to the finals...but will most likely get spanked in the finals by whatever team comes out of the west.
They have an easier road to the finals...but will most likely get spanked in the finals by whatever team comes out of the west.
i dont know about that ..... i mean there's the potential for every Western Conference playoff series going at least six games. And I don't think D-Town or the C's will have to see that, even from Cleveland and Orlando.

Who ever comes out of the west may be beaten up and easy pickings.


Super Moderator Emeritus
It wasn't. There were rumors the Maloofs were going to move the team to Anaheim but nothing substantial. In fact, the only place it got any real play was ... Anaheim.