Who will win the 2007 WNBA title poll?

Who will win the 2007 WNBA title poll?

Hey Everyone:

If you all don't mind and if your time allows would you kindly go to our website's Home Page and cast a vote for whom you think will win the 2007 WNBA Championship. These figures will help us out with a future article on the subject prior to the WNBA season starting. This would be very much appreciated.

The link to our Home Page is below.


Many thanks;
I will say this. The 2007 WNBA regular season will be the most competitive in the history of the league. I do not know how the post season will shake out, but in my observation 10 out of the leagues 13 teams (excluding Chicago, New York and Minnesota) are legitimate playoff teams. And we all know that only 8 make it. So there are going to be two very good teams left out in the cold.
I think it's Indiana and Sac in the finals, from there I think it's a toss up. Indy's got the most improved team in the league this year and they were already pretty good. That line-up should steam roll through the east.