Who should be the new coach now? (merged)

Best option for new coach is...

  • Kurt Rambis

    Votes: 22 24.2%
  • Scott Brooks

    Votes: 16 17.6%
  • Rick Carlisle

    Votes: 9 9.9%
  • Brian Shaw

    Votes: 8 8.8%
  • Bill Cartwright

    Votes: 3 3.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 33 36.3%

  • Total voters


Hall of Famer
I think there is a difference between Popovich and Carlesimo. Something about wins, or winning percentage, or championships or something like that. If the attitude brings victories, then maybe its ok (which is why Carlisle > Carlesimo), but if it doesn't then its not worth it.
What is the winning % of any assistant coach? I guess we'll have to run out and hire Brooks with his 100% winning percentage. For 2 games. If winning % is all there is in the calculation, then Larry Brown is definitely your guy.


Super Moderator Emeritus
What uolj is saying, I believe, is that you cannot give credit to Carlesimo for Popovich's wins. Of course, I could be way off but it seems a number of people are convinced PJC would be an instant success this time around because of the record of the guy sitting next to him.

If you believe that, then perhaps that's why some feel Brooks would be an instant failure because of the record of the guy sitting next to HIM.

Neither is true, IMHO.
What is the winning % of any assistant coach? I guess we'll have to run out and hire Brooks with his 100% winning percentage. For 2 games. If winning % is all there is in the calculation, then Larry Brown is definitely your guy.

I don't get it. Carlesimo has a winning percentage of .452 with 0 playoff series victories. Popovich has a winning percentage of .653 with 3 (almost 4) championships.

You've also got to understand that when somebody explains one part of an argument in detail, that doesn't mean that other parts are irrelevant.


Hall of Famer
In the grand scheme of things getting the right coach is an absolutly viatl step in building a contending team. That being said, this far down the rebuild ladder the important thing is to START with direction. If the GM KNOWS what he wants the team to look and play like he can hire a no name guy who agrees with his vision and style of play let them develop the young tallent and collect losses positioning the GM to bring in a top pick the next season and hopefully also start collecting the FA's he needs to build the team. As the team is built/developed the "right coach" can be tracked down.

So here are the Kings at ground Zero- WHO they sign is less important than getting SOMEONE signed, and that someone should agree with what ever vison GP has and start helping put the kids togheter that will dig this franchise out. In shore, call Porter, call Brooks or call Rambis... but call someone and get moving! Sure none of theses guys are a TOP coach and maybe never will be... that is not the point. Over the next year or so there will be other coaches looking arround, one or more of them may BE the right guy but for now the team just need A guy.