What is your favorite type of bball shot?

What is your favorite kind of bball shot

  • free throw

    Votes: 3 2.6%
  • bank

    Votes: 3 2.6%
  • 3-pointer

    Votes: 44 37.9%
  • slam-dunk

    Votes: 22 19.0%
  • thrown from across the court

    Votes: 7 6.0%
  • nothing but net (swish)

    Votes: 31 26.7%
  • lay up

    Votes: 6 5.2%

  • Total voters
I like shots that come off of assist. I'm a big fan of those who make risky/fancy assist. It shows how much they trust each other. Catch and shoot. Can't get any better then that.
I picked 3-pointer, but I also really love the bank shot. You rarely see that one in the NBA, it's more common in the WNBA. It just looks so smooth and swishes right into the net.
AleksandarN said:
Come on you got to pick one that has happen or even one that is even remotely realistic

Last time I checked it was still summer..... not really a time to be realistic (atleast for me). Dreams can come true.....:D


Homer Fan Since 1985
Any shot that goes in for the Kings is wonderful. However, I love the sweet sound of 'swish' when it is all net. It doesn't even matter to me where the player is standing when he lets go of the ball.
I'll have to say one of two.

I love the layup high off the glass after recklessly slashing through the lane. ala Manu.

Desperation shots that aren't just heaves. ala Bryce Drew in the NCAAs a couple years back hit a buzzer beater to win. It was awesome because he actually had alot of form despite the coverage, time, and situation.
What about a game winning layup with just seconds to go( lets just say against DALLAS ) thats called for goaltending......Wait a minute, a goaltend call.....Nevermind :)


Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
I love the frequent sweet bank shots ala Tim Duncan and the occasional ones that CWeeb did. I think all big guys should learn them and they provide more predictable rebounds.
Even though dunks and 3pts are nice I still say a good turn around shot banked off the board is classic. And not enough players use that shot besides Timmy. Although a Peja 3 on a kings run is right up there.
KAJ knew what he was doing I think...

My favorate shot is not listed. My favorate shot is the HOOK SHOT. It is easy for me to do, and I think Jabbar proved it to be the shot worth the most points...
I didn't realize that "3-pointer" and "nothing but net" were mutually exclusive.

I guess by "3-pointer" you mean any 3-pointer that hits some part of the rim or backboard.
My personal favorite shot is the kind that goes through the ring and comes out the other side, but only when it has been shot by a player on the Sacramento Kings team.
I didn't see that as an option.
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