What do we know about the new guys?

With the trade deadline 6 minutes away, it is fairly safe to say Williamson, Skinner, and Thomas will be wearing Kings jerseys for at least the rest of the year. What do we know about these guys? Seems like two SFs and one undersized PF. What do they bring to the table besides "depth at the forward position"? Are they athletic? Tough? Mean? Soft?
NoBonus said:
With the trade deadline 6 minutes away, it is fairly safe to say Williamson, Skinner, and Thomas will be wearing Kings jerseys for at least the rest of the year. What do we know about these guys? Seems like two SFs and one undersized PF. What do they bring to the table besides "depth at the forward position"? Are they athletic? Tough? Mean? Soft?
Wait isnt the deadline 5pm est?
Hmmmm, I love Kyle Korver, and Dalembert. Why didn't we get either one? That is what frustrates me. We should have gotten one of them.
I know that Thomas is really athletic, and he can rebound like crazy- think Shawn Marion, he's quick for his size, he can shoot the 17-19 foot jumper like Webb & Miller.

Skinner is a beast, he's one of the strongest in the league, and a good post defender, he can play C or Pf, good rebounder & shot blocker.

Corliss- Can bring a spark off the bench like we have all seen, a good low post player, knows our system.


Kenny Thomas: Hustle player, but 6"7 powerforward ain't gonna cut it.

Scorliss : Turnover master. Too fat to jump anymore.

Skinner : Big, but still needs to develop offensively.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Kenny Thomas -- undersized PF that plays some SF, but really only because he's too short. Hustles + has a face up jumper. Is active on the glass + can be effective against slower players, but is hardly dominant and largely helpless when faced by a Duncan type guy who just plays over the top of him. Tries on defense, and I have always thought he did a pretty good job getting steals. But the numbers don't back me up. No vertical presence at all though. Blocks shots on a Peja level, and taller PFs just shoot right over him.

Corliss Williamson -- we all know him, or many of us do. Groundbound 6'6" center in college who suddenly developed enough ball handling skils to play SF int he pros. Little bit of a mid range jumper, but nothing that scares anyone. Real offensive game is in the post against SFs not used to it. Short + with no hops though, so not a primary offensive weapon. Put a PF on him and he's reduced to driving inside where his layups are positively Kingsesque. Weak on defense where he lacks the height to stop PFs or the quickness to check SFs. Will deliver hard fouls though, and is a physical player at both ends. Bad rebounder for a PF, ok at best for a SF. Does not pass, although may do a bit more of that in our system.

Brian Skinner -- classic thug type player. Physical, good physique. Tough. Strong, but not dominant rebounder. Get a block or two, but too short and not a big enough leaper to dominate there. Low skill level though. Not a shooter. Cannot pass. A bencher even on bad teams. And now saddled with knee problems that make all of the above a ?.
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
OptimusRhyme said:
^ Darius does fine at Power Foward and he is only 6"8 plus Thomas is more athletic then Darius , Thomas will do fine at PF.
Darius does NOT do fine at PF -- he's one of the worst rebounding and shotblocking PFs in the game. He's also 6'9", while Thomas might be 6'7".
I was responding to t5 Chris, look on the Kings website he is 6'8", and to reply to you its funny how we have seen Darius get many double doubles when he has started at power forward, not all power forwards have to shot block, Darius is a good rebounding Power Forward he just needs the PT.
Gary said:
Hmmmm, I love Kyle Korver, and Dalembert. Why didn't we get either one? That is what frustrates me. We should have gotten one of them.
We didn't get them because the Sixers GM didn't want to give away his youth, so he didn't bite the bullet like Petrie did.
Bricklayer said:
Darius does NOT do fine at PF -- he's one of the worst rebounding and shotblocking PFs in the game. He's also 6'9", while Thomas might be 6'7".
I agree with you Brick, Darius? pppffffffttttt!!! come on.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
OptimusRhyme said:
I was responding to t5 Chris, look on the Kings website he is 6'8", and to reply to you its funny how we have seen Darius get many double doubles when he has started at power forward, not all power forwards have to shot block, Darius is a good rebounding Power Forward he just needs the PT.
Darisu averages 12.7pts and 7.7rebs in 37min as a starter. That's not good boardwork.

Last year it was 11.9pts 7.3rebs in 33.4min.

When you're already a crappy rebouding team, getting WORSE at PF is not going to help.
Gary said:
Hmmmm, I love Kyle Korver, and Dalembert. Why didn't we get either one? That is what frustrates me. We should have gotten one of them.
yeah..you said it right. Dalembert could have been a nice trade together with Korver. But on the other hand i see a big room for improvement and opportunity to step-up for Peja and BMiller knowing it's on their hand now to play and not depend on CWebb to carry the team. If Cutino adds more it would be great for the Kings.
Bricklayer said:
Darisu averages 12.7pts and 7.7rebs in 37min as a starter. That's not good boardwork.

Last year it was 11.9pts 7.3rebs in 33.4min.

When you're already a crappy rebouding team, getting WORSE at PF is not going to help.
Big deal just by watching him you can see he can rebound and he's only a second year player, 7.7 boards a game is good, thats 1.5 less then Miller plus hes going to improve,once he gets comfortable his rebounding numbers will go up, why is it that everything i write on this board you argue with me, do you have something against me?
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rexb_kings said:
yeah..you said it right. Dalembert could have been a nice trade together with Korver. But on the other hand i see a big room for improvement and opportunity to step-up for Peja and BMiller knowing it's on their hand now to play and not depend on CWebb to carry the team. If Cutino adds more it would be great for the Kings.
I think our team will open up a bit more. I am sure a lot of people noticed (not a knock on Webber, but the people that stood still) that everyone would stand around once Webber got the ball. I am interested in seeing how we play post Webber. I am not sure if we are better, but I am interested in seeing if we can be.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
OptimusRhyme said:
Big deal just by watching him you can see he can rebound and he's only a second year player, 7.7 boards a game is good, thats 1.5 less then Miller plus hes going to improve,once he gets comfortable his rebounding numbers will go up, why is it that everything i write on this board you argue with me, do you have something against me?
Could have something to do with you being wrong a lot. ;)

Just by watching him what I see is an undersized hustler without much vertical leap. There's no hope for great baordwork out of him. And 7.7 in 37 minutes IS quite bad for a starter. You've just lost 2rebs a game from a team already getting whipped on the glass by 3 a game.

Might very well develop into a platoon with KT since he's the better boarder.
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Bricklayer said:
Could have something to do with you being wrong a lot. ;)

Just by watching him what I see is an undersized hustler without much vertical leap. There's no hope for great baordwork out of him. And 7.7 in 37 minutes IS quite bad for a starter. You've just lost 2rebs a game from a team already getting whipped on the glass by 3 a game.

Might very well develop into a platoon with KT since he's the better boarder.
How is there "no hope for great Boardwork out of him", he has shown us on many occasions that he can pull down over 10 boards a game, thats being pretty ignorant to Songaila saying that theres no hope, he's only a second year player and hes going to get better. I geuss time will show whos wrong.
Bricklayer said:
Just by watching him what I see is an undersized hustler without much vertical leap. There's no hope for great baordwork out of him.
As opposed to a 6'10" power forward with ZERO vertical leap, that doesnt hustle or set a decent pick and has a bad knee AND after missing 10 shots in a row from 18 feet will gladly take #11 when Bibby or Peja is wide open. Darius is a solid team player, who will set a good screen, run the pick and roll and do the dirty work, this team needs a guy like him.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
OptimusRhyme said:
How is there "no hope for Boardwork out of him", he has shown us on many occasions that he can pull down over 10 boards a game, thats being pretty ignorant to Songaila saying that theres no hope, he's only a second year player and hes going to get better.
There's no hope for great boardwork out of him because a) he's a very mature "2nd year player" already entering the middle stages of his career who's develpment is mostly done (actually why we have had use for him more than for developing kids in the past), and b) physically he does not have the tools. I don't doubt his effort, but he's too small and too stuck to the ground and does not have long arms or great hands to make up for it. Darius is what he is, and a consistently strong rebounder he is not.

BTW, every player exceeds his averages on some nights, doesn't reach them on others. If we jsut take the good nights and ignore the rest then Brad should pull down 17rebs a game and Webb is going to average a triple doubel the rest of the year. Nto how it works.
Bricklayer said:
Darisu averages 12.7pts and 7.7rebs in 37min as a starter. That's not good boardwork.

Last year it was 11.9pts 7.3rebs in 33.4min.

When you're already a crappy rebouding team, getting WORSE at PF is not going to help.
Where and can you find Darius's stats per 48 minutes?


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Bballkingsrock said:
Where and can you find Darius's stats per 48 minutes?
espn.com -- but note, you have to be sneaky. For some bizarre reason they've been messed up all year an you can't access last year's stas unless you manually change the "2005" in the site address bar up top to 2004. Their drop downs only give you the options of 2003 and 2002.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
BTW, Darius per 48:

16.2pts (.533, .000, .836) 9.5rebs 2.8ast 1.5stl 0.6blk 2.0TO

Kenny Thomas per 48:

18.9pts (.456, .250, .798) 11.0rebs 2.8ast 1.4stl 0.2blk 3.0TO

And for pointless comparison:

Webber per 48:
28.1 pts (.449, .379, .799) 12.9rebs 7.3ast 2.0stl 1.0blk 3.8TO
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Darius isn't a bad pick to start, but I would limit him to about 25 minutes, and play thomas the same. Whoever is hotter should play at the end if needed. I bet combined they should be close to Webbers stats, and the points Mobley scores should make this team letal, but different than in past years.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Gary said:
Darius isn't a bad pick to start, but I would limit him to about 25 minutes, and play thomas the same. Whoever is hotter should play at the end if needed. I bet combined they should be close to Webbers stats, and the points Mobley scores should make this team letal, but different than in past years.
Other than not being as good scorers, rebounders, passer, stealers, or shot blockers, I'm sure they'll do fine. ;)

They're just a patch to get us through this year. We'll need a lot of big nights from Brad, an even so we are almsot completely perimeter oriented now.
Darius Songalia 37+mpg 5 games 15.8ppg 9.2rpg 2.2apg. ;)

I totally see where you are coming from though Brick. No amount of explaining will make you believe in this move, and no amount of explanation will make me think that with Webber (in his current condition with his knee) we could have won a championship.
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Gary, against who though. The only one I remember versus an elite player was against KG. My worries come is with the O we can kill teams off the break, albeit bad teams, but when you have a good team can the same thing occur with Songalia at the 4.
Bricklayer - just wondering. you got anything positive to say? Or you just going to keep throwing negative comments to everybody trying to make the best of this situation.
What I like about these guys is that they are tough, hustle-type players. Skinner and Corliss in particular are strong enough to lay a hard foul. Not the most offensively gifted crew, you could do a lot worse for frontcourt depth. I mean, the SIXERS went about .500 with these guys, so they can provide good backup minutes for us. Skinner is the guy that really intrigues me; I've thought that with the right coaching and atmosphere, he could blossom the way Steven Hunter has in Phoenix.