Whatever else may be made of yesterday's events, one thing that is very evident is that our front office and coaches believe in Evans, and believe HARD. It was the closest thing to enthusiastic I have ever heard from Petrie, and Westphal sounded the same way (don't get me going about Gavin). They really truly think he's going to be a star. And at a certain point you just have to go with that. They may be right, they may be wrong, but the pick was made for the right reasons (with the single proviso that he wowed them in workouts, which as you recall was how Douby got his job too -- body of work has to matter more than a good showing in 1 on none or 3 on 3). If they are right then all of Gavin's ranting might actually look prophetic.
Point being they really truly think they have a tiger by the tail here, and you can't ask somebody to make the popular pick when they really think they've found a special player instead.