Vlade in the HOF

Should Vlade be elected in the HOF?

  • YES

    Votes: 69 57.5%
  • NO

    Votes: 51 42.5%

  • Total voters
Bricklayer said:
Yeah, that might be the route in for him. There have been a number of suspect HOFs over the years, and even the recent HOF picks from Europe would not have been HOFers if they had spent their career in the NBA (with the possible exception of Petrovic, but he wasn't based on NBA work at the time he died). But there is a separate class of lesser talented HOFs that might be called just "firsts" -- composed of people who broke down barriers or invented new twists to the game. Might be Vlade's best shot. If he can claim any significant portion of credit for the flood of the best international players into the NBA, than he has been a very significant figure indeed and changed the game forever.

Be tough for him though, because having played his whole career opposite the great NBA centers, when it comes time to put him down as an inductee, I suspect many voters are going to ask how he can get in ahead of some of those other guys who were better than him head to head. However, I'm not sure if the rules dictate one international inductee a year or not, but that has been the pattern for a number of years now. So maybe through that device -- put him on a separate track from his NBA brethren to avoid the direct comparisons.
That's correct, whether as a rule or just as a novelty Basketball HOF has one "international Inductee" a year now. This is mostly to honour players who have never had a chance to showcase their skills in NBA but a deemed to be HOFers - like Drazen Dalipagic last year. Most NBA fans outside Italy and Serbia, won't remember him or never heard of him, but let's just say that in his day the dude was everything that Pedja could be with Bodiroga's attitude and desire. And a MJ-esque vertical.

I am convinced that Vlade will go in on Vlade-and-Drazen-changed-NBA forever ticket as long as he is on the International ballot. It be too confusing if he is sharing ballot with some players he played against in the NBA and I could see how he would then get black-balled by many voters.
vlade belongs in the hall of fame, no doubt. even though he wasnt as dominant as somebody like shaq, he came in as one of the only foreign players and expanded the game around the globe. He also has a nice reputation i mean 15 years, playing a major part to that lakers team that went to the finals, a brief stop in charlotte and so many great years in sacramento, you can't look past this guy so fast if your a voter.
I am convinced that Vlade will go in on Vlade-and-Drazen-changed-NBA forever ticket as long as he is on the International ballot. It be too confusing if he is sharing ballot with some players he played against in the NBA and I could see how he would then get black-balled by many voters.

i donot agree on that consider nba report MRCIULIONIS is the one who changed nba look tords european players.

but VLADE made huge inpackt all over the world


His number to be retired, Yes. Hall of Famer-No way. Yeah he brought a lot to the game and was clutch in certain times both regular and post season games.

If you let Vlade in the hall, then they might as well let guys like John Starks in.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Yo33Fan said:
If you let Vlade in the hall, then they might as well let guys like John Starks in.
That's a little hostile, isn't it?

Guess you folks in Seattle view Vlade differently than Kings fans...



That's a little hostile, isn't it?

Guess you folks in Seattle view Vlade differently than Kings fans...

Hostile, No. And it has nothing to do about being or living here in Seattle. vlade is a great role model for young kids and basketball players in the USA and from Yugoslavia, but his numbers have to be there.

If he wasn't hampered so many seasons by his back problems, he might have had some chance but it just ain't going to happen. Too many fans in their city think that players who are around forever should be "elected" but it's not the case.


yo33fan, we are talking about the basketball hall of fame, not the nba hall of fame. vlade should easily make it, it ain't all about stats.
yeah thanks thesanityannex, thats something that i was just thinking about. i mean it isnt all about his nba stats but what he did all over the world with the game, he really opened the door for so many foreign players, i mean if it werent for him we might not have players like ginobili, peja, parker or any of those guys.


And the fact he smoked so many cigs and could run up and down the court, i'd give him the nod on that alone.
Yo33Fan said:
That's a little hostile, isn't it?

Guess you folks in Seattle view Vlade differently than Kings fans...

Hostile, No. And it has nothing to do about being or living here in Seattle. vlade is a great role model for young kids and basketball players in the USA and from Yugoslavia, but his numbers have to be there.

If he wasn't hampered so many seasons by his back problems, he might have had some chance but it just ain't going to happen. Too many fans in their city think that players who are around forever should be "elected" but it's not the case.
I think Starks is a good analogy. So is Horry.

Vlade, Starks and Horry are all players who's impact it is easy to argue is greater than the sum of their stats.

However... I also think that for all three

[sum of their stats] + [hard to quantify "x" factor]

is STILL not up to a level that should get them into the hall of fame. For any of them.