View live video of the Sacramento Kings Press Conference

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Is that Aileen V standing by the mike???? A whole of standing around, let's get the show on the road. :D You see it too huh Sirius?

Let's go, it is big news no doubt, but I want to hear....The Kings have just signed Kevin Garnett. For Brad Miller and some scrubs :)
BMiller52 said:
How can we sign Garnett for Brad Miller and some scrubs?

Does anyone else think GP looks like he's gonna cry?
He looks pretty sad, he's been with Rick for 13 years between in Sac and Portland. Whole new direction for the team assistant and coach. Wow, I hope we have a plan here. :rolleyes:

The reporter in the black Yankees hat is giving Jeff the evil eye. Oh my God this guy just put Jeff on the spot, who is he???? He's treating Jeff like a major BSer. This guy asked Jeff if he is going to be the coach, yes or's a yes or no question he says. :)
This guy looks like he wants to deck Jeff. Jeff just kind of snubbed him and turned his back on this reported who is standing right next to him and this guy is looking at him like "no you didn't"

So sum up the interview: It was a mutual disagreement between Rick, Maloofs and Jeff or just between the Maloofs and Rick. Being very very general, wishing Rick the best bla bla bla

Princeton system looks to be long gone at this point. I hope we bring in the tough guy thing with resigning Bonzi and adding a big interior tough guy as well. Things are changing, and fast, hopefully for the better.
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At first I thought it was the net connection - the net video feed isn't that great. But isn't Geoff's voice crackling quite a bit? It seems like this really wasn't his decision.
Tomcat said:
At first I thought it was the net connection - the net video feed isn't that great. But isn't Geoff's voice crackling quite a bit? It seems like this really wasn't his decision.
Geoff always sounds and looks exactly like this. Nervous and unsure. He is reportedly kind of shy.
Troy said:
Who is he, a Sac Bee Sports columnist? He was really grilling Geoff and looked like wanted to slap him. :D
Sacbee Kings beat reporter.

Correction: he was the Kings beat reporter. I think Sam Amick is now. Marty does general sports columns now.
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BigWaxer said:
not related but Marty Sucks and always has. Another bee type that "creates" the news rather then reports it
He was trying real hard to get Geoff to commit to an difinitive answer, much more than Geoff wanted or respected him for asking. "It's a yes or no question, are you the new Kings Coach???" He was really giving Geoff the evil eye, like "What U takin bout Willis??" :D
Sac.Kings said:
Our assistant coaches are gone as well? WTF is going on with the Maloofs...
When a head coach goes, so a lot of times his assistants. It's like a presidential term and our president/coach not being reelected to a second term. It's now a matter of whether a Democrat or Republican come into office just like whether we will see a Offensive or Defensive 1st minded coach, or a hybrid of both like Ross Perot. :D Just putting in a little humor, but you know what I mean...when a coach goes, many times so do his assistants who he assigned and knows how to work with. It's his ship on how to use the players he has been assigned to and make them perform the best they can given what he is, that's at least the premise.


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This thread was started to talk about the press conference. Since it's now over and the comments are starting to overlap, I'm going to close it.
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