Video Vault Draft Playoffs - Round 2 The Popcorn Division

Which lists of films would you want with you on a tropical island for life?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
(1) Spike
1.08 - Airplane! (1980) PG
2.09 - Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) PG
3.08 - The Naked Gun (1988) PG-13
4.09 - Terminator II: Judgement Day (1991) R
5.08 - Blazing Saddles (1974) R
6.09 - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966) R
7.08 - Goldfinger (1964) PG
8.09 - Braveheart (1995) R
9.08 - Pee-Wee's Big Adventure (1985) PG
10.09 - Animal House (1978) R
11.08 - Top Gun (1986) PG
12.09 - Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) PG-13
13.08 - Enter the Dragon (1973) R
14.09 - Wayne's World (1992) PG-13
15.08 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990) PG
16.09 - Transformers: The Movie (1986) PG
17.08 - Happy Gilmore (1996) PG-13
18.09 - The Waterboy (1998) PG-13
19.08 - Rambo: First Blood (1982) R
20.09 - Above the Law (1988) R


(9) Warhawk
1.11 - Tombstone (1993) R
2.06 - The Dark Knight (2008) PG-13
3.11 - Spaceballs (1987) PG
4.06 - Christmas Vacation (1989) PG-13
5.11 - Conan the Barbarian (1982) R
6.06 - Iron Man 2 (2010) PG-13
7.11 - Die Hard (1988) R
8.06 - Terminator Salvation (2009) PG-13
9.11 - How to Train Your Dragon (2010) PG
10.06 - Red (2010) PG-13
11.11 - My Cousin Vinny (1990) R
12.06 - The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) PG-13
13.11 - O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000) PG-13
14.06 - RoboCop (1978) R
15.11 - Kung Fu Panda (2008) PG
16.06 - Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003) PG-13
17.11 - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows Part II (2011) PG-13
18.06 - Lethal Weapon (1987) R
19.11 - True Lies (1994) R
20.06 - Kelly's Heroes (1970) PG
This poll will close in 72 hours
Tuesday 9/6 at 5:40 AM PST

Everyone can vote for these playoff match-ups (even if you didn't participate in the draft). Don't be shy!

Feel free to back-up your rationale here.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
Spike's was one of my highest rated lists, but obviously I couldn't vote for him this round. I also voted for Brick. Very tough choice between the two there at 2 and 7 - very good lists and great movies in both. But Aliens, Serenity, BF Day Off, LotR, Mr. and Mrs. Smith - man those are strong choices.....countered by Gladiator, Ocean's Eleven, and Iron Man. All were on my list of movies to take.
Warhawk and Superman. Spike's list was probably better overall, but it had a lot of popular movies that I just wasn't a big fan of, while Warhawk had some of my faves from a few different genres. Bricklayer's was hard to vote against because The Silence of the Lambs is one of my all-time faves, plus a few other great ones, but Superman's list, excluding TRON and V for Vendetta which I actually hated for some reason, had a handful of picks that I probably would have taken had I participated. Very tough to vote against the higher seeds, but hey, this is why I didn't participate in this one
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I voted Warhawk and Superman.

Even though I liked the general theme of Spike's island, Warhawk had just a few more movies that I liked better (namely Dark Knight, Christmas Vacation, LOTR and Pirates.)

Brick's island is very strong and has some great movies, but Superman's list was my choice for best overall island. Inception, Gladiator, Toy Story, Ocean's, Hurt Locker and Tron were all on my list at some point.
Wow... Spike and Warhawk were side by side in my rankings... I'm going to have to really think on that one.

In the other matchup, I find myself liking the spirit of Bricklayer's picks, but not the movies themselves as much. Plus, Superman was my #1 list so it isn't really a contest.

But for the first list... hmm... I had Airplane on my list and would have taken the Naked Gun as a backup, so that's hard to ignore. On the other hand Warhawk consistently picked fun flicks that would be enjoyable to watch.

Might be coin flipping time.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I just want you peopel to remember that you are voting for a list that includes Hook on it. And to feel very very ashamed. :p
Congrats Superman. You're moving on to the next round.

As for Spike and Warhawk...Looks like we have a tie! Please PM your top 5 list to me and I'll set up the tiebreaker thread by tonight.