Tyreke Evans Videos

Hey everyone.

I did not see these videos here and thought people might want to take a look at it.

The videos consist of some of Tyreke's High School film vs some NBA prospects including the reigning ROY Derrick Rose (Eric Gordon of the Clippers is also playing).

I also included some clips from the 2008 McDonald's All American game where he won MVP.

I for one am excited at the guys potential. Go Kings!!

[yt=Tyreke Evans vs. Derrick Rose]SrF0oE94yIg[/yt]

[yt=Tyreke Evans vs. Brandon Jennings]uKWSUv51V70[/yt]

[yt=2008 McDonald's All American Highlights]IQK6yEwqt7U&feature=fvsr[/yt]
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i dunno. after seeing those videos, im not as excited. if anything those videos make rose and jennings look better. nicer passes, dunks and more athleticism by the opposing player in those videos. there were some flashes once in awhile from evans and its nice seeing him get to the basket (even though he just lays it up), but some of those shots looked ugly. dont get me wrong, i believe evans has potential and will be better than jennings, but those videos just dont impress me. luckily what i saw evans do in the tourney keeps my hopes up that he'll help out our team
Uh yea...those videos make Evans look pretty terrible. Lol.

He gets outplayed by Rose and Jennings in those videos. Also.. I'm not seeing any incredible skill to blow by other point guards...most the time in the videos all he does is a crossover and shoots a contested ill advised three pointer.... ugh.

But yeah, this is high school, from what I saw in college it gets a little better =)
Haha I knew the Evans haters/Rubio lovers were going to all over this. I guess it depends on your perspective how you interpret those videos...if your a Evans hater/Rubio lover then you just look for flaws (see above posts). I see a guy that has excellent handles and penetration ability. He's able to breakdown Derrick Rose in that match up video...even juked the hell out of Rose really bad on one play. This is Derrick Rose we're talking about here.. yeah the Rookie of the Year, the #1 pick last year. How many people in the NBA can say they can do that?

The Haters are out in full force, including "Hater" himself. btw Hater, how does Evans get outplayed by Jennings????? I only see him going up against Rose....only time I see Evans/Jennings playing together in those videos are in the McDonald's All american game and Evans won MVP. Evans has already shown he can break down top NBA guard prospects in the darft workout circuit. Now you're going to use these high school videos to say that he cant???
Uh yea...those videos make Evans look pretty terrible. Lol.

He gets outplayed by Rose and Jennings in those videos. Also.. I'm not seeing any incredible skill to blow by other point guards...most the time in the videos all he does is a crossover and shoots a contested ill advised three pointer.... ugh.

But yeah, this is high school, from what I saw in college it gets a little better =)
This video shows him getting to the hoop at will, shows off his pretty good ball handling too.

His breaking down of other players in a drive is amazing, but I would like to see him pass out of NBA traffic. He looks skilled enough and sounds intelligent enough to learn to do anything though, so I'll ignore the fact that I only saw maybe 3 passes by our guy in all of those videos.
Haha I knew the Evans haters/Rubio lovers were going to all over this.
Yea. I'm disappointed at the negativity about Evans on this board. I posted the videos to try to drum up some excitement about our new prospect. There only seems to be a few of us that are ecstatic about this pick.

Everything you read about him from all professional sources gushes about him. His basketball resume is spectacular. Just look at the list of former McDonald's MVP's here:


For the most part that is pretty good company.

Add that to his other high school awards, and his NCAA Tourney performance and we have a potential star in the making. No one else on our team has his pedigree.

"He's got ugly shooting form"

"He takes bad shots"

"He has no skill"

This guy is on OUR KINGS now people. Try to show some support. At the very least, take off the Rubio Beer Goggles and stop looking for a reason to hate him.
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i dunno. after seeing those videos, im not as excited. if anything those videos make rose and jennings look better. nicer passes, dunks and more athleticism by the opposing player in those videos. there were some flashes once in awhile from evans and its nice seeing him get to the basket (even though he just lays it up), but some of those shots looked ugly. dont get me wrong, i believe evans has potential and will be better than jennings, but those videos just dont impress me. luckily what i saw evans do in the tourney keeps my hopes up that he'll help out our team
Wow although the McDonalds game made Brandon Jennings look like he could be the next and better skip to my lou... Evans did whatever he wanted to... maybe a little less flashy compared to Jennings... but his ball handling is pretty flashy.

Evans is so effective at beating his defender and is in such control when hes double teamed or around the basket, it looks boring... but

Evans not Jennings was the McDonalds MVP... and Evans was Freshman of the Year in college... Jennings was off the radar totally.
Wow although the McDonalds game made Brandon Jennings look like he could be the next and better skip to my lou... Evans did whatever he wanted to... maybe a little less flashy compared to Jennings... but his ball handling is pretty flashy.

Evans is so effective at beating his defender and is in such control when hes double teamed or around the basket, it looks boring... but

Evans not Jennings was the McDonalds MVP... and Evans was Freshman of the Year in college... Jennings was off the radar totally.
is the bolded red text something new we're doing on KF.com that i don't know about?:confused:


Hall of Famer
Haha I knew the Evans haters/Rubio lovers were going to all over this. I guess it depends on your perspective how you interpret those videos...if your a Evans hater/Rubio lover then you just look for flaws (see above posts). I see a guy that has excellent handles and penetration ability. He's able to breakdown Derrick Rose in that match up video...even juked the hell out of Rose really bad on one play. This is Derrick Rose we're talking about here.. yeah the Rookie of the Year, the #1 pick last year. How many people in the NBA can say they can do that?

The Haters are out in full force, including "Hater" himself. btw Hater, how does Evans get outplayed by Jennings????? I only see him going up against Rose....only time I see Evans/Jennings playing together in those videos are in the McDonald's All american game and Evans won MVP. Evans has already shown he can break down top NBA guard prospects in the darft workout circuit. Now you're going to use these high school videos to say that he cant???
I think you'll find that most knowledgable basketball fans like the Evans pick. There are always going to be people that have their favorite player they want the Kings to pick. I'm no exception. I'm just one of the lucky ones that wanted Evans. Just because some wanted Rubio, doesn't make Evans a bad pick. And by the same token, the fact that the Kings decided on Evans, doesn't mean that Rubio won't be a good player in the league.

It was simply a matter of preference, and who the Kings thought had the best long range potential for the team. There are always going to be those " I'm going to take my basketball and go home crowd " because they didn't get their way. These are the small minded people that would love to see Evans fail just to prove their point. I have no use for them.
Tyreke Evans will eat you alive. I don't have to get any support or evidence. I will let Tyreke Evans show you he will eat you alive. NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM!!!

Haha I knew the Evans haters/Rubio lovers were going to all over this. I guess it depends on your perspective how you interpret those videos...if your a Evans hater/Rubio lover then you just look for flaws (see above posts). I see a guy that has excellent handles and penetration ability. He's able to breakdown Derrick Rose in that match up video...even juked the hell out of Rose really bad on one play. This is Derrick Rose we're talking about here.. yeah the Rookie of the Year, the #1 pick last year. How many people in the NBA can say they can do that?

The Haters are out in full force, including "Hater" himself. btw Hater, how does Evans get outplayed by Jennings????? I only see him going up against Rose....only time I see Evans/Jennings playing together in those videos are in the McDonald's All american game and Evans won MVP. Evans has already shown he can break down top NBA guard prospects in the darft workout circuit. Now you're going to use these high school videos to say that he cant???

hahaha. Wow you Evans die-hards really get overly defensive in the quickness (usually a sign of insecurity). It wasn't like I was outwardly ripping him..simply pointed out in those videos he doesn't look good...he's chucking up 3s most the time.. and if you don't perceive that..I don't know what to say... other than keep drinking that Kool Aid my friend.

Also for the record I don't have a problem with the Evans pick, but again, those videos don't do him any justice..
hahaha. Wow you Evans die-hards really get overly defensive in the quickness (usually a sign of insecurity). It wasn't like I was outwardly ripping him..simply pointed out in those videos he doesn't look good...he's chucking up 3s most the time.. and if you don't perceive that..I don't know what to say... other than keep drinking that Kool Aid my friend.

Also for the record I don't have a problem with the Evans pick, but again, those videos don't do him any justice..

Hater, it didn't help that you said Jennings outplayed Evans when they've never even played against one another!!!! :) ( except in the McDonald's game.) Jennings went to high school in Virginia and Evans in PA.

You think that's bad? You should have seen the response people got when they even dare say anything bad about Rubio a few months ago.
Haha I knew the Evans haters/Rubio lovers were going to all over this. I guess it depends on your perspective how you interpret those videos...if your a Evans hater/Rubio lover then you just look for flaws (see above posts). I see a guy that has excellent handles and penetration ability. He's able to breakdown Derrick Rose in that match up video...even juked the hell out of Rose really bad on one play. This is Derrick Rose we're talking about here.. yeah the Rookie of the Year, the #1 pick last year. How many people in the NBA can say they can do that?

Rose definitely looks better in the first video, so it kind of gives the whole set a little discoloring. Rose was clearly finishing stronger and also hit the game winner in OT. Evans was penetrating well but settling for jumpers and outside layups instead of finishing strong. Rose is obviously a great player so that shouldn't take too much away from Evans but it doesn't take a hater to see that Rose was playing better, or at least had the better highlights in that one video.

Evans is obviously a great athlete as shown in his open court dunks, so I think he'll eventually adapt and finish stronger at the nba level where a lot of those little floaters and layups are gonna get swatted or be harder to make because he'll have hands in his face more often than in HS. If he can shoot well in the NBA he will be a very good player.
As ugly as anyone may think his shot is the fact that he shoots it above his head coupled with the him being 6'6 is going to make it really easy from him to get his shot off. I cant wait to see Tyreke play against NBA point guards.

Wow thanks for that excellent video! Tyreke is like the Terminator or something...born and trained to be a basketball player since he was 4 years old by Team Tyreke (his 3 older brothers). They were duct-taping his hands so he would be ambidextrous with the ball. Recruiters starting calling him at 11 years old. Also went into depth about the shooting incident as well. Very interesting piece by Rachel What's-her- name from ESPN.
Here's Tyrekes draft workout vid from just a few weeks ago...

Kings workout

Am I missing something?... his stroke looks pretty good to me. Ugly? Maybe he's been working on it since what you guys have seen?...
Wow thanks for that excellent video! Tyreke is like the Terminator or something...born and trained to be a basketball player since he was 4 years old by Team Tyreke (his 3 older brothers). They were duct-taping his hands so he would be ambidextrous with the ball. Recruiters starting calling him at 11 years old. Also went into depth about the shooting incident as well. Very interesting piece by Rachel What's-her- name from ESPN.
OMG he's the next Tiger Woods !!


Hall of Famer
Rose definitely looks better in the first video, so it kind of gives the whole set a little discoloring. Rose was clearly finishing stronger and also hit the game winner in OT. Evans was penetrating well but settling for jumpers and outside layups instead of finishing strong. Rose is obviously a great player so that shouldn't take too much away from Evans but it doesn't take a hater to see that Rose was playing better, or at least had the better highlights in that one video.

Evans is obviously a great athlete as shown in his open court dunks, so I think he'll eventually adapt and finish stronger at the nba level where a lot of those little floaters and layups are gonna get swatted or be harder to make because he'll have hands in his face more often than in HS. If he can shoot well in the NBA he will be a very good player.
That's what I'm hoping too. He isnt really a strong finisher, he seems to rely on his outrageous length to just lay it in there. I think (hope) he'll adapt too though, we may see a lot of stuffings his rookie season!

And about his form: Let's just just make him and Coachie super best friends. Coachie did wonders for Martin. Time for him to get a new protege...Also, if he's working with Evans full time, he wont be able to corrupt our bigs and make them strictly passers and jump shooters! :p

And why are people saying all he does is shoot 3s based on youtube mixtapes. Of course they're gonna throw a bunch of 3s in those.
hahaha. Wow you Evans die-hards really get overly defensive in the quickness (usually a sign of insecurity). It wasn't like I was outwardly ripping him..simply pointed out in those videos he doesn't look good...he's chucking up 3s most the time.. and if you don't perceive that..I don't know what to say... other than keep drinking that Kool Aid my friend.

Also for the record I don't have a problem with the Evans pick, but again, those videos don't do him any justice..
this is getting ridiculous, all of these "evans lovers" are so quick to bash on rubio, yet any little bad thing said about evans is blasphemy. wanting evans to do well is one thing. i want him to be great and lead our kings back to winning ways. but seriously he's already being compared to lebron. let me repeat that, compared to lebron :p. maybe because i had rubio slightly higher on my list that it bugs me. dont get me wrong, seeing some of the "rubio lovers" going extreme bugs me too. im just tired of people totally bashing someone elses pick to make their pick valid then predict their guy to be the second coming or something

ok back on topic, im sorry if i dont see what some are seeing in those videos, like i said i saw some flashes but just wasnt impressed. if you want to hype up someone in a video, how about not putting last years #1 pick/ROY opposing that player. or a video with another draft prospect. if i saw something like this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-DYsPXURt0&feature=fvsr then i'd get excited. seeing him handle the ball or get to the basket instead of half a video of someone else's highlights.
...all of these "evans lovers" are so quick to bash on rubio, yet any little bad thing said about evans is blasphemy...

....maybe because i had rubio slightly higher on my list that it bugs me....

if you want to hype up someone in a video, how about not putting last years #1 pick/ROY opposing that player. or a video with another draft prospect. if i saw something like this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-DYsPXURt0&feature=fvsr then i'd get excited. seeing him handle the ball or get to the basket instead of half a video of someone else's highlights.

The videos were posted for comparison as much as they were posted to inform.

I put the video up to show how he compared with an excellent player in Derrick Rose, specifically for people who may have not been exposed to Evans as some of us have. Plus they both went to Memphis and led their team to Tourney berths, so I thought it would be cool to see how the two compared to each other.

The video with Jennings was just to show how his game differs from "flashy" point guards. I thought the video showed his handling, penetration, and his efficiency with the ball in his hand. Not flashy, but still effective.

As for the polish of his game, that is still a high school video. He couldn't be more than 16-17 in those vids. He has grown as a basketball player since then, as his performance at Memphis has shown.

BTW, some of us are happy about the pick. Why can't we by high on the newest Sacramento King?