Tune in Monday Morning to KHTK

Whitey and FP will be on vacation and subbing in will be Mike Lamb with Phantom. I know, Your saying WTF cares about Lamb subbing.... Right?! Well from 7-9am Sacramento Vice Mayor Rob Fong and Sacramento County Supervisor Roger Dickinson will be in studio to talk about the S&E Complex and other issues regarding.
they'll be on for two hours because mike lamb is in studio. it takes him 11 minutes and 40 seconds to ask one question. if it were whitey, phantom, and f.p. they could get it all done in 15 minutes.
And I missed it. Turned it on just after 9, when Mike started asking some final questions and then he said "oh only 20 seconds? OK nice knowing you".
Whitey and FP will be on vacation and subbing in will be Mike Lamb with Phantom. I know, Your saying WTF cares about Lamb subbing.... Right?! Well from 7-9am Sacramento Vice Mayor Rob Fong and Sacramento County Supervisor Roger Dickinson will be in studio to talk about the S&E Complex and other issues regarding.
What all was said by Fong and Dickinson?


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I only got to hear a small portion at the beginning and they were talking baseball (A's and Giants) with those two and were just moving into arena stuff when I had to get out of the car.
I only got to hear a small portion at the beginning and they were talking baseball (A's and Giants) with those two and were just moving into arena stuff when I had to get out of the car.
Well, why couldn't you have just stayed in your car so you can listen to it and tell us what was said. :D
I listened to most of the interview. I'll try to hit the highlights:

**First, they spent a fair amount of time trying to explain that the sales tax did have a sunset clause by which it would not last more than 15 years. One of the main complaints voiced so far is that temporary taxes are NEVER temporary so they tried to assuage fear by talking about the language in the measure that assures it will be a temporary tax.

**There was discussion by Dickinson indicating that he felt they were on safe legal ground regarding the simple majority v. 2/3 re a specific tax.

**Callers were asking about the hypothetical situation wherein five or ten years out the Maloofs may make demands about upgrading the arena. No clear answer other than language has been built into the lease which guarantees a 30yr commitment by the Maloofs or other owners.

**Dickinson also compared our situation to Denver where a downtown arena sparked growth and redevelopment in a "rundown" part of town.

**Fong and Dickinson both asserted that there is no plan "B"! This is the plan, and failure to pass the iniative will be a major blow to the area.

That's most of the what I caught. All in all there was not much opposition voiced during the show. It was mostly preaching to the choir. Dickinson did take a good shot at Graswich relating to R.E.'s stance on the Rivercats(He said a stadium would never get built and we would NEVER have a team here.)

I think Dickinson and Fong are both tremendous "front" people for this effort. They are both extremely knowledgable and come across as fair and open minded.
So did anyone hear what Dickinson and Fong had to say?
I could not begin to summerize everything that was said but they pretty much had an answer for every negative point brought up... I emailed KHTK to see if they are going to post the audio on the site. At the start of the interview Lamb went through all the negatives he has heard with them.

I thought Dickinson was very well spoken and basically knew his stuff. Fong didn't say much.

If you bring up a specific point I will answer what they said the best I can. They went over a lot.

Oh btw Lamb on the rise guys was 100x better then sportsline Lamb. I like Lamb on his comcast show so.... that tells me who the "red headed" step child is.
This morning on Rise Guys, Koz said the pro-arena crowd is not at all happy with someone of the heavy-handedness of "certain" people on KHTK who say things like "if you don't vote for an arena, you're a moron," type comments. Hmmmmm....who would say something like that? I agree though. It hurts the cause to not try and address the issue and to just dismiss people who question things about the deal.

Dickinson is great. His resume on the Supervisor's site is extremely impressive. He has a great background in a lot of areas, environmental, transporation, etc. And he's a lawyer. What I like, tho, is he is very well spoken and doesn't talk down to the listener. He has really good answers to most of the anti-arena arguments, but isn't strident. Obviously a very bright man. I haven't seen Fong as much, but he seems pretty bright. Just not as experienced as Dickinson. I do think he's aiming for mayor at some point.
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Last night with that 9-12 guy, It was mentioned on 1140 that several calls have been made (by him)to Dave Jones about having a live debate on air(With Dickinson and/or Fong) but Mr. Jones refuses to come on KHTK because he thinks hes going to get ambushed, attacked by conservatives and sports people because they were liberals.

It was crazy. It seems as though the Jones camp believes that the "Pro Arena" camp are all conservatives or just sports fans who dont care about anything else.

The guys nutz! :eek:
Slug I heard that last night on CD's show :) that made me laugh.

Thats the problem with "extreme" views on either side. The issue needs to be discussed and debated (like it is here)... with both sides being open to all views and debating them. What ever happened to the good ole debate were name calling wasn't a tactic?

Saying someone is a moron cause they don't support your view is a sure way to have someone never change their views. Grant is a complete fool and does this measure or the Kings absolutely no good. They should put a gag order on his mouth.

Here is a crazy idea... If Grant was a real talk show host he would ask someone why they don't support the measure... answer them with educational facts, if part of his answer or the facts actually point to a negative on this arena deal then say so... thats how you earn respect of voters/callers.

I firmly believe this issue isn't 100% positive, there are some negative things that I see. What I consider a small negative may be of great importance to another voter. I understand that and it brings me to my point. I think the interview with Dickinson showed that he also understands that. He is the perfect person to be on point for this issue.
I agree totally BW. Dickinson doesn't try and pretend this is the perfect deal. He understands there are negatives. But he counters with why the negatives aren't as extreme as being portrayed and offers a very reasoned and intelligent view on why the positives outweigh the negatives. He really need to be out there a lot more.
I firmly believe this issue isn't 100% positive, there are some negative things that I see. What I consider a small negative may be of great importance to another voter.
Very well said.

It's NOT the perfect deal, but the negatives that have become sticking points for many need to be addressed adequately to convince all voters that this is a VERY GOOD deal.