This morning on Rise Guys, Koz said the pro-arena crowd is not at all happy with someone of the heavy-handedness of "certain" people on KHTK who say things like "if you don't vote for an arena, you're a moron," type comments. Hmmmmm....who would say something like that? I agree though. It hurts the cause to not try and address the issue and to just dismiss people who question things about the deal.
Dickinson is great. His resume on the Supervisor's site is extremely impressive. He has a great background in a lot of areas, environmental, transporation, etc. And he's a lawyer. What I like, tho, is he is very well spoken and doesn't talk down to the listener. He has really good answers to most of the anti-arena arguments, but isn't strident. Obviously a very bright man. I haven't seen Fong as much, but he seems pretty bright. Just not as experienced as Dickinson. I do think he's aiming for mayor at some point.