Tony Parker rapping


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iheartBrad said:
Now that I've seen it I can say officially now that its embarrassing...its now right up there with Mark Madsen dancing in DC and Tom Brady dancing at the championship parade/rally

:shakes head:
It's only "embarrassing" if you're not a fan of the team that just won. It's like looking in the window at a party you weren't invited to and mocking the people on the dance floor.

VF21 said:
It's only "embarrassing" if you're not a fan of the team that just won. It's like looking in the window at a party you weren't invited to and mocking the people on the dance floor.

Mad Dog's "dance" was embarrassing...but I could laugh right along with him cuz he was on my team. (When did he dance in DC?? That was at the championship parades in LA)


Super Moderator Emeritus
hoopsfan said:
Mad Dog's "dance" was embarrassing...but I could laugh right along with him cuz he was on my team. (When did he dance in DC?? That was at the championship parades in LA)
hoopsfan said:
Mad Dog's "dance" was embarrassing...but I could laugh right along with him cuz he was on my team. (When did he dance in DC?? That was at the championship parades in LA)
Yeah thats what I meant...I dunno why I was thinking DC
VF21 said:
It's only "embarrassing" if you're not a fan of the team that just won. It's like looking in the window at a party you weren't invited to and mocking the people on the dance floor.

Thats not true for me anyway...

I think the rap was "embarassing" cuz IT WAS...I don't hate the Spurs...I mean they aren't my favorite team but I don't hate them...and they were very deserving of winning the whole shabang and I'm happy for for Tony Parker...I love Tony Parker he is my favorite Spurs player and one of my favorite players in the its not like I think the rap was stupid or "embarrassing" cuz I hate him and the team...It was embarrassing cuz he was rapping on national television and now everyone is talking about...on TV in the newsapapers here on kf and at other fan forums and its NOT like everyone is talking about it cuz they think he's good...they aren't saying "wow did you hear Tony rapping I didn't know he could rap" its more like "um wow did you see Tony rapping :lol:"

As for the other two I mentioned Mark's dance at the championship rally was embarrassing for the same reason that Elaine on Seinfeld's dance was embarrassiing and thats because they can't don't get it twisted Mark's dance WAS embarrassing but it was funny as hell and is definetly my favorite Mad Dog moment and among my favorite NBA moments...I mean I still to this day laugh about that everyonce in awhile...usually everytime I see Mark I think about it and laugh

And Tom Brady...again he was dancing he KNEW he couldn't dance he KNEW that the rest of the players and the crowd was laughing at him but he didn't care...the media kept playing was embarrassing and ME as a Patriots fan thought it was embarrassing and truly hope that he never dances ever EVER matter what the circumstances are...that was pretty embarrassing


Super Moderator Emeritus
I guess we just view "embarrassing" in different ways. I don't think there's anything embarrassing about someone having a good time, relaxing and celebrating with his teammates after a national title victory. It wasn't an American Idol performance or anything... I'm reasonably sure Tony isn't going to quit his regular job to start a career in the hip-hop field. What's embarrassing about it? You're ashamed for Tony because he was having fun and enjoying himself? Isn't that pretty judgmental?


Super Moderator Emeritus
Sorry if I sounded judgmental. I was honestly interested in why you found it embarrassing. To me, being embarrassed means being the unwanted focus of attention because of something you've done or said that you didn't intend to happen. Since Parker fully intended to be the focus of attention and most likely knew he would be laughed at for his pathetic attempts to rap, I can't imagine why it would be considered embarrassing...

But it's all perception. Sorry if my previous comment came across the wrong way.
My reason for calling it "embarrassing" is a lot more broad than its actual dictionary meaning...and I do realize that I use it pretty loosely...

What I don't understand is why knowing that what you are about to put out IS going to be a pathetic attempt on a rap why would you do it--why would you put yourself in a situation where people are going to laugh at you...and its different than lets say him just telling a joke...and just the fact that he did anyway is whats embarrassing...basically I'm embarrased for him...I'm embarrassed cuz everyone is laughing AT him...I mean I know everyone knows that Tony isn't gonna now rush into the studio to record a cd...but it doesn't change the fact that everyone was laughing cuz it was bad...the media basically mocking you by playing and talking about it over and over again

I'm not ashamed of Tony cuz he was rapping...I'd be ashamed if lets say he said something in his rap that was offensive or something...but I'm not ashamed...and I don't blame Tony for wanting let loose and have a good time but still the rap was embarrassing

Ofcourse if lets say he was drunk the whole time it would make my whole post null and void cuz then my question would be answered as to why he would do sucha thing...and then I would think the entire thing was HILARIOUS and not at all embarrassing...hehehe...I guess its just a "Sha thing" :shrugs:


Super Moderator Emeritus
Look at it this way: Parker knew it was bad. He knew people would be laughing at him. He did it anyway. Why? Because to him it was a way to get a laugh. He was having a lot of fun; his team had just won the NBA title. Just like when Tag put on the RCD shorts and did the little dance. He wasn't embarrassed because he did it to get a laugh. Now if the shorts had split, that might have been embarrassing but considering Tag, I doubt it.

The same holds true, I think, for Tony Parker. I think he made a conscious decision to make a fool of himself to show that he could let loose and have fun just like everyone else.
I love those empty, plastic-shell TV talking heads in the background.

"Remember the SuperBowl shuffle? you think this will be as big as that?"

"Yeah, It'll be in record stores next week!"

Hyuck! Hyuck! Hyuck!



I love tony parker rapping. its number one on 98.5 the beat the san antonio radio station. it was good fun and i was like very close and i got to see him do it live. It was fun when he was singing at the river parade to. they were all very hottt especially tony parker, tim duncan,manu ginobili, bruce bowen , robert horry and nazr mohammed

Go Spurs Go
Looks like you guyz need some French people out here.

Parker was actually rapping one of a verse of his song. There's an album to be released this year, and the famous rapper Fabulous will be featuring on it.
So Parker was no joke when he poured out some lyrics.

What really happened is that Brent Barry told the crowd that Tony has now become a rapper. Parker was then asked by Barry to rap. In first place, TP refused but then because the crowd was beginning to booh him, he grabbed the mic and started to rap.