This year's trades

Warhawk said:
Anyone but me more upset to see Doug (and Matt) go than Chris? I was hoping that Doug would retire as a King with Vlade.

I'm not saying either one was a better player or anything like that (obviously), but I thought both of those were the scrappy team-based players that made the Kings fun and exciting to watch - and Matt seems to have a lot of potential and worked his butt off. I just wasn't really upset at all about Chris being traded. I think the team plays better TEAM ball without him since his injury. That's no knock on Chris - I really appreciate all he did for the team, but sometimes it is time to move on. I think this is that time for Chris and the Kings....his contract and his health made him a very risky player to keep on the team.

I think (in the long run) the team will play better without a "superstar" like Chris demanding so many shots and spreading them among the rest of the guys. Mike, Brad, Peja, Cuttino, and the rest are all great players as well - offensively we'll be fine with more cutting and speed - look at last night's game - 113 points. Team defense has nowhere to go but up right now.

Hoping Peja can get his act together and return to the form he had early last year and the new guys can really contribute......

nope, this trade his by far hit me the hardest. I know part of it is because Webb was one of my favorite players, but part of it is because of the circumstances and how little we got in return. Vlade left for money, and a chance to play, would have loved to keep him, but what can you do? Christie hurt, but I felt like at least got good value for him. Barnes is a bummer, I really admire the guy, but I don't think you can compare a young guy with a bright future to a franchise player that has been the heart of this team for 6+ years.
Trackfan said:
And while people talk about his ability to put down stat lines of "triple doubles" few discuss the fact that in most cases a Webber triple double has meant a Kings loss
I don't see how a triple double can hurt a team.