The Tyreke Evans Saga


The Game Thread Dude
If Tyreke is going through what I think he may be going through, it would probably be for the best that we let him keep playing. We don't want another Ricky Berry.
It's team ball because the shots were taken within the offense, mostly drives at the basket. If he has an open drive the basket, he's got to continue to go to the hole, regardless of whether he's missed five layups in a row. On the other hand, if he's out there at the 3 pt line dribbling away and shooting with a hand in his face, and not passing the ball, then that's not team ball. If he's not throwing the ball upcourt, but instead lolligagging in the backcourt dribbling, that's not team ball. He actually played team ball against GS. He shot horribly. He had some terrible 4th quarter turnovers, but he did play team ball. I just hope the team ball trend continues.

Regarding his off-season shooting regiment, that's been my ongoing rant since the season began. It's absolutely absurd. The guy has got to get an excellent shooting coach this off-season. You're not in jr. high anymore, Tyreke.
What offseason shooting regiment? You see with your own eyes that there was NO offeseason shooting regiment. His form and shot look identical to last season. He still shoots a fade away shot even when the defender isnt trying to block it. His inability to finish his layups may have more to do with his foot or perhaps this newest family problem that now they say he has had for months. It is disappointing to see such a promising young player regress to what I saw against GS and the Bucks.
Asaf, I'm sort of with you on this, that it's sort of too coincidental that this only came up after one of his worst games following an already bad string of games. But that's not my main concern.

While I understand that certain personal problems cannot just be brought up so easily, I feel that it's Tyreke's responsibility as a supposed leader of the team and star to let the coaching staff know about his issues earlier on. I also applaud him trying to play through it, but he's really hurting us more than helping us at this point. If he knows that his play is being affected by something more than just injury or stamina, he shouldn't allow the coaches to put him in the position to win or lose games. Imagine you're Beno Udrih, and you play your *** off on a career night carrying the team, only to still lose the game because the coach said give Tyreke the ball, but Tyreke was thinking about his personal issues and screwed up the play. Not once, but on several nights. It's the same as if you're bothered by a nagging hand injury that you know is affecting your shot, you shouldn't be the one being set up to take the game winning 3. If you're a bad free throw shooter, the play shouldn't be to get you the ball to get fouled. If you're just flat out sucking because of personal reasons, you shouldn't be the one trying to win the game for us, and the only way the coaching staff will know not to do that is if you voice out your problems. It just isn't fair to the rest of your team or the fans.
I’m not hating on Tyreke, far from it, but I really am starting to question his work ethic and accountability. Anyone who goes months performing poorly at their job because of some private issue and doesn’t even inform their employer that something is going in, doesn’t respect their employer that much in my opinion.

His poor play has been a huge problem for the team this year. The Kings don’t have a good enough team to have their best player play terrible over long stretches and still win. If Tyrke has something that’s legitimately effecting his game, he owed it to his employers to let them know what was going as soon as it was a problem, not months later when the team is in a state of total disarray.
I’m not hating on Tyreke, far from it, but I really am starting to question his work ethic and accountability. Anyone who goes months performing poorly at their job because of some private issue and doesn’t even inform their employer that something is going in, doesn’t respect their employer that much in my opinion.

His poor play has been a huge problem for the team this year. The Kings don’t have a good enough team to have their best player play terrible over long stretches and still win. If Tyrke has something that’s legitimately effecting his game, he owed it to his employers to let them know what was going as soon as it was a problem, not months later when the team is in a state of total disarray.
I can understand how serious family issues could make it hard for someone to play their best. Not everyone handles that stuff the same. Ray Allen for example played terrible at times when his son was sick. But at least he didn't keep it a secret, so people knew exactly what was going on with him. Something as vague as "family problems" just isn't going to suffice as an explanation for most folks, though. There would have to be something pretty dire going on to account for Tyreke's poor performance this year, and if he isn't willing to give people some idea of what's going on, then it kind of comes across as excuse making. If he's dealing with a very sick family member or something, I think most people would be sympathetic to that plight. But just "family problems" doesn't cut it because heck, who doesn't have some family problems?


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I can understand how serious family issues could make it hard for someone to play their best. Not everyone handles that stuff the same. Ray Allen for example played terrible at times when his son was sick. But at least he didn't keep it a secret, so people knew exactly what was going on with him. Something as vague as "family problems" just isn't going to suffice as an explanation for most folks, though. There would have to be something pretty dire going on to account for Tyreke's poor performance this year, and if he isn't willing to give people some idea of what's going on, then it kind of comes across as excuse making. If he's dealing with a very sick family member or something, I think most people would be sympathetic to that plight. But just "family problems" doesn't cut it because heck, who doesn't have some family problems?
You are so in the wrong here. Tyreke doesn't owe us jack with regards to what's going on with his family. If there's honestly a family issue, then we hope it resolves itself, and that's it. Calling it an excuse is callous at best.

Your post is selfish and lacks tact, and if it is the trend that this place is taking, I think I'm going to give myself a timeout. Meanwhile, I'll just hang out in PM land where Slim can give me the CH hookup.

Tyreke doesn't owe us jack with regards to what's going on with his family. If there's honestly a family issue, then we hope it resolves itself, and that's it.
You either suffer from very poor reading comprehension, or just have a fetish for straw. I’m not sure which.

I never said he owed us a damn thing. Who he does owe though, are his employers. You know... the folks paying him a 7 figure income who he left in the dark regarding these performance neutering issues.

Calling it an excuse is callous at best.
Yet again, a distortion of what I actually said. I didn’t claim it was in fact an excuse. I pointed out that in lieu of details, it can come off that way. If you aren’t prepared or able to offer a little insight, probably best not to go public with it. Otherwise, you’re just giving fans and the media fodder for speculation.

Your post is selfish and lacks tact
That you interpreted it that way, tells me far more about you than it does the post. All I did was offer my opinion/insight regarding how I think the way he’s handling the situation makes him look. I even made clear that I realize that family issues could effect someone’s performance. If that’s callous and lacks tact to you, then I’d have to conclude you’re just far too sensitive..
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I’m not hating on Tyreke, far from it, but I really am starting to question his work ethic and accountability. Anyone who goes months performing poorly at their job because of some private issue and doesn’t even inform their employer that something is going in, doesn’t respect their employer that much in my opinion.

His poor play has been a huge problem for the team this year. The Kings don’t have a good enough team to have their best player play terrible over long stretches and still win. If Tyrke has something that’s legitimately effecting his game, he owed it to his employers to let them know what was going as soon as it was a problem, not months later when the team is in a state of total disarray.
This is the sort of uneducated dribble that you can read a lot on these forums lately. How can you make such a comment without knowing the first thing about what Tyreke is dealing with?!

For the record, I haven't got a clue what the issue is but its has been evident for the entire season that something is NOT right. Now if as someone suggested in this thread that it might be depression, then the comments that you are making are absolutely self centered and uneducated.
This is the sort of uneducated dribble that you can read a lot on these forums lately.
Oh vey. Yet another "expect" shooting from the hip and writing off opinions they don't agree with as uneducated.
How can you make such a comment without knowing the first thing about what Tyreke is dealing with?!
Because what the issue is isn't relevant here. There is no issue that effects your job performance to that degree that it's OK to not tell your bosses about. They're paying you, and in Tyreke's case, they're paying him boatloads of money. If he's got some issues that are keeping him from performing well, he damn sure owes it to his employers to disclose said issues to them.

Now if as someone suggested in this thread that it might be depression, then the comments that you are making are absolutely self centered and uneducated.
So, then if he's suffering from depression and has known so for months, it's self centered and uneducated to say that he owes it to his employees to disclose that? Wow. Just wow. I would so love to put you in your place properly right now but the mods here won't allow it, lol.
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This is the sort of uneducated dribble that you can read a lot on these forums lately. How can you make such a comment without knowing the first thing about what Tyreke is dealing with?!

For the record, I haven't got a clue what the issue is but its has been evident for the entire season that something is NOT right. Now if as someone suggested in this thread that it might be depression, then the comments that you are making are absolutely self centered and uneducated.
Whatever he's dealing with there should no no excuses for his poor play. It's his job, and if it's SO bad as to where he cannot perform his job then he needs to file for disability and see someone about what he's going through rather than sucking *** on the floor and making us fans have to watch this crap.
Oh vey. Yet another "expect" shooting from the hip and writing off opinions they don't agree with as uneducated. Because what the issue is not relevant here. There is no issue that effects your job performance to that degree that it's OK to not tell your bosses about. They're paying you, and in Tyreke's case, they're paying him boatloads of money. If he's got some issues that are keeping him from performing well, he damn sure owes it to his employers to disclose said issues to them.

So, then if he's suffering from depression and has known so for months, it's self centered and uneducated to say that he owes it to his employees to disclose that? Wow. Just wow. I would so love to put you in your place properly right now but the mods here won't allow it, lol.
And the uneducated dribble continues! How about you do some research and reading on depression and other mental conditions and come back with a much better understanding on what depression does to people and how it impacts their mental clarity!

Its really easy to be an armchair expert and come out with hollier than thou attitude but if Tyreke's issue is as someone suggested depression related then your post is so uneducated and irrational because you clearly do not have an understanding on what impact mental illnesses like depression have on a human being.
This is the sort of uneducated dribble that you can read a lot on these forums lately. How can you make such a comment without knowing the first thing about what Tyreke is dealing with?!

For the record, I haven't got a clue what the issue is but its has been evident for the entire season that something is NOT right. Now if as someone suggested in this thread that it might be depression, then the comments that you are making are absolutely self centered and uneducated.
I disagree. With all due respect to Tyreke and his family, his job is a professional basketball player, and he's a significant part of an organisation that relies heavily on him. I don't think he needs to publicly announce his problems, but he should have at least told his head coach that he is struggling with personal issues. No disclosure needed, just "Hey coach, I'm sorry I've been playing so badly. It's not just the foot, I've also got some personal problems which I'm not comfortable sharing, and I don't think it's fair to the team for you to make me the focus of the offense right now."

By still allowing the coaches to give him the ball to try and do something, only to turn it over or miss layups, Tyreke is the one being selfish. You have about 8 other guys putting in the time out there, guys who worked hard in the offseason, guys who came into camp in great shape, and largely because of Tyreke's play the team isn't winning. It's understandable to play badly because of issues off the court, it's not so understandable for him to not let at least PW know about it for at least a month. Fans are paying to watch the Kings, and I don't think it's fair for good money to be paid to watch the same someone screw up every game.

If a professional singer on tour suddenly has some problems back home, is he excused from still performing his best at a concert that people pay actual money for? Fans can be understanding, but it has to be done in the right way. You cancel the tour, cite personal reasons that are undisclosed, give everyone their money back. That's how it works. You don't continue your frikin tour for two months singing off pitch every concert and then at the end of it all say "sorry folks, I've got personal problems and so I've been singing like a dead horse"

I sincerely hope that whatever the issue is it will be solved and things will be ok for Tyreke and his family. All I'm saying is letting his employers or coach know about them a little earlier would have been more professional. Sometimes professionalism needs to be sacrificed for personal reasons, and that may be the case here, but the fact is it would have been MORE PROFESSIONAL if he didn't wait till now to voice it out.
And the uneducated dribble continues! How about you do some research and reading on depression and other mental conditions and come back with a much better understanding on what depression does to people and how it impacts their mental clarity!

Its really easy to be an armchair expert and come out with hollier than thou attitude but if Tyreke's issue is as someone suggested depression related then your post is so uneducated and irrational because you clearly do not have an understanding on what impact mental illnesses like depression have on a human being.
How about you do some research on red herring and come back when you know what it is.

You're attempt at deflection is a failed one.

If one has the mental clarity to say something has been a problem for 3 or 4 months, then they have the clarity (and the responsibility) to inform their employers about it.

For the record, I've dealt with depression myself and have had it effect jobs before. So please, spare me the "I don't know what I'm talking about" shtick. I know depression and what it can do well. I also know that to suggest that depression gives one a free pass to screw up at work without consequences, is a cop out. There’s still a thing known as personal accountability, something that’s all too rare in today’s “liberal” world.

It's really a moot pont though because it's pure speculation that depression is even the issue.
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Look, if the problem with Tyreke is clinical depression, the Kings are F-ed.
Because unless it's a brand-new condition (yeah, right), it means it hasn't been controllable with medication, and he'll be plagued with it on an ongoing basis.

So let's assume it's something "personal, family-related".

Can anyone think of ANYthing family-related that could possibly cripple a competitive professional athlete's performance for months at a time?
Because I'm seriously drawing a blank here.

His dog dying? Get over it.
A sickness? Get over it.
Infidelity (?!) He's not married - get over it.
A terminal diagnosis of cancer? Loved ones die - we've all had it happen. We have to go to work, and perform, and I doubt the loved one would want him to perform as badly as he has, and what good is sucking on the court going to do for them?
He's gay, and considering coming out of the closet? Deal with it - millions have.

Call me callous - but I just cannot imagine what could affect someone for months to the point of obsession where he can't focus on his (pretty damned important) job for 2 hours every 3rd day.
Look, if the problem with Tyreke is clinical depression, the Kings are F-ed.
Because unless it's a brand-new condition (yeah, right), it means it hasn't been controllable with medication, and he'll be plagued with it on an ongoing basis.

So let's assume it's something "personal, family-related".

Can anyone think of ANYthing family-related that could possibly cripple a competitive professional athlete's performance for months at a time?
Because I'm seriously drawing a blank here.

His dog dying? Get over it.
A sickness? Get over it.
Infidelity (?!) He's not married - get over it.
A terminal diagnosis of cancer? Loved ones die - we've all had it happen. We have to go to work, and perform, and I doubt the loved one would want him to perform as badly as he has, and what good is sucking on the court going to do for them?
He's gay, and considering coming out of the closet? Deal with it - millions have.

Call me callous - but I just cannot imagine what could affect someone for months to the point of obsession where he can't focus on his (pretty damned important) job for 2 hours every 3rd day.
lol so if someone in your family was going to die you'd be like "oh well, forget that guy! he was just my uncle and my only father figure! time to go shoot some hoops, who needs a family anyway?" tHAT'S NOT SO GREAT DUDE.
I honestly can't believe the utter lack of compassion some people are showing. I have no idea what is going on in Tyreke's life or family that is causing him such pain and distress. It's actually none of my business. However, having suffered through some nearly unbearable family issues in my life, I know how it can affect everything you do and cause a person to under-perform. Mainly, because you are just trying to survive as a human being. Every breath can be an effort.

And if you can't imagine anything being that bad, then thank your lucky stars, because some people can not only imagine the kinds of things it could ber, they've lived through it.

All I can say is, whatever is wrong in Tyreke's life, I hope he can go through it, get to the other side and find that he can again focus on where he planned to go in his life. And what I hope from the Kings organization and his teammates is that they have his back. Because there's obviously a lot of backstabbers ready to strike.
I honestly can't believe the utter lack of compassion some people are showing. I have no idea what is going on in Tyreke's life or family that is causing him such pain and distress. It's actually none of my business. However, having suffered through some nearly unbearable family issues in my life, I know how it can affect everything you do and cause a person to under-perform. Mainly, because you are just trying to survive as a human being. Every breath can be an effort.

And if you can't imagine anything being that bad, then thank your lucky stars, because some people can not only imagine the kinds of things it could ber, they've lived through it.

All I can say is, whatever is wrong in Tyreke's life, I hope he can go through it, get to the other side and find that he can again focus on where he planned to go in his life. And what I hope from the Kings organization and his teammates is that they have his back. Because there's obviously a lot of backstabbers ready to strike.
Yes. I definitely know it's hard to go through, and I for one am not blaming him for not being able to play well because of it. I just think that as a professional and especially as the face of our franchise and someone who we want to be our leader on the court, it would have been more professional if he made it clear (in private if need be, behind closed doors), that he was facing certain personal problems from a much earlier point
I honestly can't believe the utter lack of compassion some people are showing.
Compassion isn't tantamount to completely letting someone off the hook as far as their responsibility to their employer goes. All I'm saying, and what i think most folks are saying, is that he has an obligation to his employer to inform them regarding anything that is substantially effecting his job performance. He however didn't do that in a timely manner, which was irresponsible and selfish. I really don't see how pointing that out is indicative of a lack of compassion.
Look, if the problem with Tyreke is clinical depression, the Kings are F-ed.
Because unless it's a brand-new condition (yeah, right), it means it hasn't been controllable with medication, and he'll be plagued with it on an ongoing basis.

So let's assume it's something "personal, family-related".

Can anyone think of ANYthing family-related that could possibly cripple a competitive professional athlete's performance for months at a time?
Because I'm seriously drawing a blank here.

His dog dying? Get over it.
A sickness? Get over it.
Infidelity (?!) He's not married - get over it.
A terminal diagnosis of cancer? Loved ones die - we've all had it happen. We have to go to work, and perform, and I doubt the loved one would want him to perform as badly as he has, and what good is sucking on the court going to do for them?
He's gay, and considering coming out of the closet? Deal with it - millions have.

Call me callous - but I just cannot imagine what could affect someone for months to the point of obsession where he can't focus on his (pretty damned important) job for 2 hours every 3rd day.
I'm not going to call this post callous, no. I'm going to officially label this the dumbest piece of writing I have ever had the misfortune of reading. I can't believe this thread has brought out all of these a-holes with brains and hearts of stone, but here they come, like roaches when the lights go dark. I would hope that no one continues to pull that "liberal" card any further.

There's no liberal agenda going on. It's about respecting someone's humanity instead of sitting at your keyboard throwing out presumptions about his condition and making demands of them like million dollar robots who must continue to perform their circus act without fail, regardless of anything that goes wrong. Are we back in the stone age? Seriously? We can't just respect that he has personal issues that he doesn't want you to know about? Of course not, let's dial it back to high school mode and throw out wild assumptions like clinical depression or maybe a gay rumor or two.

We expected a 21-year old kid with a single year of college to fully know how to conduct himself as a professional? I'm not excusing him from anything. It was a misstep to withold information like that from his employer. He's sucked pretty much the whole year and I've been frustrated with it too. You don't excuse him but you cut him some slack -- because he might look like a man, but he's not there yet. We all witnessed the LeBron debacle this summer. He's 5 years older than Tyreke but he carries himself like the douchebag fratboys that I avoided in college. Now he's down in Miami throwing an 82-game long frat party along with his bros.

These are basically athletic, over-grown kids that we pay to watch. Some behave more maturely than others. Before all of this, we considered ourselves lucky to have one of the more mature and precocious of the young ones in Evans. So now all of a sudden we forget all that and can't grant him a misstep? Is his behavior anything compared to what Cousins (1 year younger) has been doing?

tl:dr -- A bunch of a-holes in this thread, first and foremost the grade A genius I quoted above.
We expected a 21-year old kid with a single year of college to fully know how to conduct himself as a professional?
This is one of the problems with our society. We make excuses for people rather than assign personal accountability. We treat teenagers as if they were toddlers and twenty-somethings as if they were teenagers. 21 years old is surely old enough to be able to reasonably expect someone to inform their employer of vital job performance effecting information. That's just a matter of basic respect and decency. A kid should know that. Tyreke seems like a nice guy and I'm sure he didn't mean any harm, but that doesn't change the fact he was wrong in not telling them this a long time ago.
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I'm not going to call this post callous, no. I'm going to officially label this the dumbest piece of writing I have ever had the misfortune of reading. I can't believe this thread has brought out all of these a-holes with brains and hearts of stone, but here they come, like roaches when the lights go dark. I would hope that no one continues to pull that "liberal" card any further.

There's no liberal agenda going on. It's about respecting someone's humanity instead of sitting at your keyboard throwing out presumptions about his condition and making demands of them like million dollar robots who must continue to perform their circus act without fail, regardless of anything that goes wrong. Are we back in the stone age? Seriously? We can't just respect that he has personal issues that he doesn't want you to know about? Of course not, let's dial it back to high school mode and throw out wild assumptions like clinical depression or maybe a gay rumor or two.

We expected a 21-year old kid with a single year of college to fully know how to conduct himself as a professional? I'm not excusing him from anything. It was a misstep to withold information like that from his employer. He's sucked pretty much the whole year and I've been frustrated with it too. You don't excuse him but you cut him some slack -- because he might look like a man, but he's not there yet. We all witnessed the LeBron debacle this summer. He's 5 years older than Tyreke but he carries himself like the douchebag fratboys that I avoided in college. Now he's down in Miami throwing an 82-game long frat party along with his bros.

These are basically athletic, over-grown kids that we pay to watch. Some behave more maturely than others. Before all of this, we considered ourselves lucky to have one of the more mature and precocious of the young ones in Evans. So now all of a sudden we forget all that and can't grant him a misstep? Is his behavior anything compared to what Cousins (1 year younger) has been doing?

tl:dr -- A bunch of a-holes in this thread, first and foremost the grade A genius I quoted above.
My thoughts exactly Idk what's going on around here whether the losing or the uncertainty about the teams future, but even when I was a lurker on this forum during the last days of Miller, Adelman, etc was not this bad with outlandish comments, just wow.
This is one of the problems with our society. We make excuses for people rather than assign personal accountability. We treat teenagers as if they were toddlers and twenty-somethings as if they were teenagers. 21 years old is surely old enough to be able to reasonably expect someone to inform their employer of vital job performance effecting information. That's just a matter of basic respect and decency. A kid should know that. Tyreke seems like a nice guy and I'm sure he didn't mean any harm, but that doesn't change the fact he was wrong in not telling them this a long time ago.
As I said earlier, I wasn't excusing him. He was wrong, but I was cutting him some slack. Basic respect and decency. Reading comprehension much? And it's not a problem with society, it's a problem with you. You're applying your own expectations and thinking they should be society's standards as well. That's not my problem. It's spelled "affecting" by the way. Someone older than 21 years old is surely old enough to know the difference between affect and effect. A kid should know that. It's basic spelling that you learn in the 4th grade. Merry Christmas!
Reading comprehension much?
Ironic much?
And it's not a problem with society, it's a problem with you. You're applying your own expectations and thinking they should be society's standards as well.
By that logic, there are no problems that exist outside of individual's minds. Which is certainly something that can be argued, but to do so here is utterly pointless.
It's spelled "affecting" by the way. Someone older than 21 years old is surely old enough to know the difference between affect and effect. A kid should know that. It's basic spelling that you learn in the 4th grade.
Thanks, Grammar Girl. I'm glad to see you aren't completely useless. You can be counted on for such inanities as correcting grammatical errors. I guess that counts for something.
Look, if the problem with Tyreke is clinical depression, the Kings are F-ed.
Because unless it's a brand-new condition (yeah, right), it means it hasn't been controllable with medication, and he'll be plagued with it on an ongoing basis.

So let's assume it's something "personal, family-related".

Can anyone think of ANYthing family-related that could possibly cripple a competitive professional athlete's performance for months at a time?
Because I'm seriously drawing a blank here.

His dog dying? Get over it.
A sickness? Get over it.
Infidelity (?!) He's not married - get over it.
A terminal diagnosis of cancer? Loved ones die - we've all had it happen. We have to go to work, and perform, and I doubt the loved one would want him to perform as badly as he has, and what good is sucking on the court going to do for them?
He's gay, and considering coming out of the closet? Deal with it - millions have.

Call me callous - but I just cannot imagine what could affect someone for months to the point of obsession where he can't focus on his (pretty damned important) job for 2 hours every 3rd day.

Just wanted to point out that Tyreke is a human. I know! Gasp!!! Look, it's so easy to hide behind our screens and just type up crap about people. The problem is that we tend to think that sports stars are super-human or something and that we should know everything about them and that they have to play perfectly all the time. I understand that Tyreke should be held accountable, but if I have someone close to me who is going through a tough time and they tell me about it, I'm not going to scream at them and say that they should've told me sooner. No, you should be glad that he even said anything about it at all. Now you find him the help he needs and try to move on.

Also, I love playing basketball, but when something major in my life is bothering me, I can't focus on the court and my play suffers. I can't imagine what Tyreke is going through, especially because he has to play basketball every day and it's his JOB. He's probably gotten very good at tuning people out and just doing his daily routines. It would also somewhat explain the lack of effort/focus/passion lately. Man, the people on this forum have been going berserk lately....