Thank you Harrison Barnes

So now that HB is gone who will be riding the exercise bike non stop to fuel the jet for the away games?
Reminded me of the 15 million merits Black Mirror episodes. Spurs reporters will probably think he is going to the locker room when he will he do it after getting subbed.
Thank you Harrison. Yes, I was the one who wanted you moved through the year but now that has happened, a little bit of void is left behind. I am happy that you get to go to San Antonio, I think that is a perfect landing spot for you. I salute you Black Falcon. I will give you a standing O when you return next season.
HB has been my wife’s favorite player since he’s been in SAC. Needless to say she was upset to find out he’d been traded, but understands that DDR is a top tier player and is coming to grips with it.

As for me, I’m a long time Tar Heel fan so HB has always been a favorite as well, but I also understand what he is and isn’t as a player and that he was most likely to be headed out if/when the KINGS made a move.

That said, the guy is a class act and among the best people the KINGS have ever had on their roster. Let’s not forget that he also chose to stay in SAC at this time last season by signing an extension, despite some outside interest.

We’ll miss you HB! Luckily I subscribe to League Pass so my wife will be able to happily follow HB in San Antonio.
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