I AM here. This IS happening.
Kid A - Radiohead (2000)
I'd rather not take two albums from the same artist, especially when those artists are Thom Yorke and Radiohead. "Painfully one-dimensional" would be the least pejorative label one could slap on my forehead for such a move. Type "Radiohead Fans Are" and let the magic of Google fill you in on the rest.*
However, OK Computer and Kid A are so different, they might as well be from different bands. Radiohead scrapped everything they had done on OK Computer and started from scratch, practically shifting genres from rock to electronica, to create this eerie, alien exploration of a fragmented and artificial future.
In fact, it is so different, the first time I listened to Kid A, I hated it. HATED IT. Did not like it at all. Found it overly weird and pretentious, as though Radiohead was trying way too hard to be explicitly experimental, outlandishly different, and proving some stereotypes. I read a description of Radiohead music as "elaborate moaning and whining over ringtone sounds" that encapsulated my feelings of Kid A at the time fairly well. And, to be quite honest, I still find pretty funny.
So what changed my opinion on Kid A so drastically? Two things: First - unlike the popular meme of Radiohead fans, I openly admit to not knowing the difference between a B-cord and a B-side (hyperbole for effect and alliteration). That gives me the freedom to know my initial reactions and opinions of an album are not law, and I'll revisit works to see if there's something I'm missing. Most times it comes down to a simple issue of style preference, but with Kid A, I started to appreciate the ambition, complexity, and depth of the sounds and the intention behind them to evoke the emotions I mentioned above.
Second, and much more simply, I eventually listened to Kid A with headphones. Completely different experience.
Now comes the hard part. How to post a song from an album that purposely had no singles, and is sometimes described as music for a mental breakdown.
I'm just going to post The National Anthem, and tell you the ending is somewhere between freeform jazz and a traffic jam. On purpose.
Everything in Its Right Place"
"Kid A"
The National Anthem"
"How to Disappear Completely"
"In Limbo"
"Morning Bell"
"Motion Picture Soundtrack"