T-Wolves lost to Hawks


Homer Fan Since 1985
Bricklayer said:
Actually the Brad and Peja deal is the better -- KG would be the ultimate partner for Bibby, and Bibby's clutch play is the stuff champinships can be made of. And KG rebounds well enough for two men up front. But anyway, its also a pipedream on top of speculation.
Exactly! With Skinner and KG rebounding for you, that problem is solved.


Hall of Famer
Bricklayer said:
Actually the Brad and Peja deal is the better -- KG would be the ultimate partner for Bibby, and Bibby's clutch play is the stuff champinships can be made of. And KG rebounds well enough for two men up front. But anyway, its also a pipedream on top of speculation.
Pass the pipe back will ya Humphry! I'm still trying to work out a scenario where the Kings keep Bibby, Pedja and Brad some how gaining KG for Cat, Kenny Thomas, and Eric Daniels...
You mean the Hawks won 12 games???? Whoa Go HAWKS!!!! lol So sad but it's even sadder than t-pups lost to them(for them not me). That's just embarrassing.
Idiots like Sprewell and Cassell are why I stopped watching the NBA for most of 1990s.

They were paid 14.6 and 6.3 million for their half-assed efforts this year.
According to the current standings, 1 more win/Minnesota loss clinches playoffs for Denver and 2 wins/Minnesota losses clinches playoffs for Memphis. T-Wolves would have to win out and hope for Memphis or Denver to lose 6 of their last 7 games. I don't know the tiebreaker status of Minnesota over Mem/Den so it may be only 5 losses. It is really moot at this point though if the T-wolves are struggling against teams like the Atlanta Hawks.

Looks like every series in the Western conference will be worth watching. I doubt there will be any sweeps unless Memphis breaks down against Phoenix. Denver-SA is gonna be exciting to watch. That could go 7.