ah so another season of survivor closes

each time it ends, it makes me more excited because it means i'm *that* much closer to being able to apply ( less then a year and a half until i'm 21 WOOO HOO!!!! i'll be applying like CRAZY! to get on, and if i do, i'll leave clues on my body( i'll get a kings tat ( which i plan on doing anyways) and a LOTR tat) so you guys here at kingsfans.com know its me

( LOL i'm not getting too carried away am i?? LOL!

this was SO PREDICTABLE! once chris won the first imminuty i knew he was going to win the game. it was always going to be either eliza or chris, eliza would have had to win imminuty or else she was gone, which she was. it wasn';t surprising to see chris vote for her. she was niave to think he wouldn't. hell he had just voted julie off after sweet talking her, did she honestly think he would change for her??? COME ON! BUT BUT BUT her staredown was PRICLESS!!! i LOVED it! it was also a no brainer to take twila to the final 2, he won 5-2. NO BRAINER! and very predictable
props to scout for even standing on those uneven stumps for 30 minutes with the wrong size knee! even though i couldn't STAND her ( you wanna talk about not deserving to be there......) i'm amazed she could do what she did with the wrong size knee. i have a soft spot for knees since i've had problems with mine in the past.
final tribal was crappy what the hell was up with all the apologizing and the crying?!?!?!?! geez i've never seen that before. i was hella cheering on eliza when she called twila a ***** YOU GO GIRL! amy's speech disappointed me. i expected her to have a sue " i wouldn't give you a sip of water" type moment, but alas she didn't. bummer.
the reunion show was alright. LMAO rory ( who i also couldn't stand) saying his biggest regret was not burning the camp down. after he said that, i was like, damn your right, i would have loved to see you do that hehehe. and i have no idea that twila needed the money as much as she did. what a hard life she has, works 7 days a week, 3 jobs. i feel bad for her, but getting that 100grand should be life changing.
next season is in PALAU!! man oh man i can't WAIT! that is one of the most beautiful places on earth, it is going to be a real treat seeing the scenerey in the intro's, background, return from break ( all the times they show scenery) they also say it'll be 20 people this time, and that there will be a new twist right when the game starts, which i kind of welcome since it is getting rather predictable. no word on when the new season comes out, hopefully this summer.