Suns @ Kings Game Thread

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Here we go......
Big game to start a big week. No Knicks, no Warriors or even Lakers;). # Really tough games before a "never ending road trip" ( if we exclude a victory agains the Hawks at home). From 3-0 to 0-3 anything goes. Let's focus on one at the time.
I like our chances against Suns mainly because the play a style that we invented and thus should be able to have an antidote which we have allready proven in Phoenix. Additionally, our guys know that margin for error is = 0, so there will be no issue with motivation or a slow start.
Game itself is simple. You stop paying attention for 5 minutes and the game is over. You do not get back on transition - You lose. You slow down the game and get in the paint - You win. Easier said than done. They are small and not deep. If we attack them and get them into foul trouble we will win. If we try to outrun the we won't. First to 130 wins.
CW - should have an easy game offensively but defense will be an issue here. Suns have nobody who can guard Webber except AS. Webber needs to attack him early and a lot. On the other hand Webber will have a hard time running with him so our transition defense will be tested which is kinda scarry considering the game against Portland.
Pedja - which one will show up tonight. Could have a big game if we play inside out instead of the "2 man game"
Mobley - he is going to play better. Not being defended helps too.
Mike - vs Nash so who ever wind this matchup offensively will win the game (neither one ever heard the word - "defense"). Mike does not have to be great for Kings to win. Nash has to be great for Suns to win. Please Mike - hit the freethrows. He did not get POW - maybe an extra motivation.
Brad - Field trip for B52. Suns have nobody to guard him unless they put AS on him and Marion on Webber which works for us too. With a good strategy Brad could go for 50 tonight. Unfortunately that will not happen. He will still have a great game with the exception of being blocked by every Suns layer except Nash (people who still remember the november meeting know what I am talking about).
Bench is very important tonight but will not get too many minutes.

Darius has been great and he will do what he does to get the job done.

Evans - look for some high flying - compliments of Mike Bibby.

Martin - do not see much PT.

Tag - if he plays tonight - it will be snowing in hell tonight.

House - "lucky us"

Barnes - considering the last game - might not play much because scoring is something we need and he is not the man in that cathegory.

RA - at least he does not have to convince the team that this game is important. Can he get them to move the ball - remans to be seen.
Suns - x factors might be , Hunter, Voskhul, Outlaw:eek: and not to forgett JJ.
Go Bobcats !
Go Bulls !
Go Hornets !

Thanks Hawks :D
^^^^ Good takes. Couldn't have said it better myself. I think Mobely in particular needs to have a big game for us to beat them. Well, actually that goes for all the Kings. I think we have more firepower but it will come down to making stops in the end.
piksi said:
Tag - if he plays tonight - it will be snowing in hell tonight.
I'm thinking Tag should wear his "dancing" outfit , because he has a better chance of getting on the court in that than in a Kings uniform.
piksi said:
I like our chances against Suns mainly because the play a style that we invented and thus should be able to have an antidote which we have allready proven in Phoenix.
First off, we have never played their small ball uptempo style.
Secondly, if we have played it, we certainly did not invent it. I think the "showtime L****s" would have something to say about that.
Agree with most of post but think Barnes might be used for tough defense on Nash. Barnes is starting to look like a Doug Christie type defender.
I agree with Piksi's analysis, especially the part about not being able to go to sleep for 5 minutes without getting buried. We need 48 minutes of good basketball to beat this team, and I think we can do it. I really hope so. Would love to start this road trip by beating a great team at home, it would be great for our confidence.
i honestly don't think AS plays good defense...and if they actually put Amare on Brad i think all Brad has to do is sit back in the pocket and hit his jumpers...i don't think they'll be able to stop that

we are a better defensive team...we at least attempt to play defense (in spurts anyway) they on the hand won't really get on you

i agree that we can't go to sleep even for a minute in this game...we can't get beat in transition

Chris i believe will have a great night....Peja will also have a great night...i really see him coming back to his old self again tonight and him being there when we need him big for Cat id bet my bottom dollar that he knows that what he put out on Saturday night or lack there of it was absolutely i think he's gonna go for an easy 16-22 points....i agree with piksi again in that Mike doesn't have to have a GREAT game in order for us to win but Steve Nash has to have a GREAT game in order for them to win....lets face it...all the games they won this year with him...they lose without him and suddenly welcome back Phoenix Suns of the 03-04

as for the bench...aside from DSong and Mo...i don't see them getting all that much PT...but i do think that Matt will get a heck of a lot more time than piksi thinks he'll get....Matt basically comes off the bench for Peja now...and even though we need as much offense as we can would be absolutely great to have a defensive spark plug off the bench getting his hands on lose balls etc...i see him and Mo hitting the O boards hard tonight..woohoo...

lets remember guys we beat them in their gym...lets beat them in ours....take advantage of the leagues #1 homecourt advantage

for the people who are going tonight...i know Since 93 is and i believe albeittrue is...and to whoever else you guys gotta be crunk as all hell...from start to finish

the Suns are just a horrible team disguised as a good team...
Miller or Webb, whoever guards AS, needs to play good tough D on him. Don't let him get any easy layups, and like piksi said, attack the basket on offense and get them in foul trouble. Besides JJ they dont have much of a bench.

Webb will put up his usually numbers; Bibbys on fire; I see tonight being a good night for Miller, since he can shoot over Marion/drive on him, or shoot jumpers against Amare.
I think Bibby is the key. He is going to abuse Nash(as usual) and score about 40. This game will start out as a blowout but, as the Kings normally do, they will let Phoenix back into the game and it will end up being about a 7-10 point win but it will go down to the wire.

I think Mike is going to have a little chip on his shoulder tonight ;)
i think if the Kings break down the Suns offense...the game will be do they do that....get the ball out of the Nash's hands....force him to do something he doesn't want to do with the ball...therefore his assists go down and they don't score

simple really...hehe
iheartBrad said:
i think if the Kings break down the Suns offense...the game will be do they do that....get the ball out of the Nash's hands....force him to do something he doesn't want to do with the ball...therefore his assists go down and they don't score

simple really...hehe
simple to say maybe..doing its just a bit harder :p
Andriod_KiNg said:
Marion over Webber in the all star game huh ? That chump is nothing without Nash... i cannot wait for Webber to kill Marion in the paint all game long..
Yeah that was crap, Webbers getting better stats..Webbs gonna rip him tonight :D
Look out if Webber comes into tonight's game bent on revenge for not making the All Star team. He will be going all out to jack up as many shots as possible, which is only good for the Suns. If I turn on the TV and hear Grant and Jerry talk about how Webber is fired up to prove he should've been included on the AS team, I will fully expect the Kings to get run right out of Arco. This team needs everyone involved to succeed, and Webber tends to exclude just about everyone else from the offense when he is out there trying to be "the man" and prove he is the elite player he and Adelman think he is. On the bright side, the snub might make Webber actually exert a little effort on 'D' and try to stop someone, which would be much better than his typical half-assed performances on that end of the court.
Why do you quote on quote fans always try to lay a backhand slap on all of our players. It's rather obnoxious after a while. If your a fan of the team you should be a fan of all of the players. I personally am a big fan of Webber but I don't hate or disdane any of our players. I know Webber's faults which are many but you guys never point out strengths. You tend you forget we started the season 1-4 and we turned the tide with the first victory with Webber playing a major role in the game, yet you disdain him. Did you forget that Marion played like crap the first game and he went 6-15 although he got alot of boards. Did you forget we won the game on their home court. I know the Suns are a very good team but I feel some of your guys would rather backslap some of our players before admitting our team isn't all that bad.
TonyFiat said:
Look out if Webber comes into tonight's game bent on revenge for not making the All Star team. He will be going all out to jack up as many shots as possible, which is only good for the Suns. If I turn on the TV and hear Grant and Jerry talk about how Webber is fired up to prove he should've been included on the AS team, I will fully expect the Kings to get run right out of Arco. This team needs everyone involved to succeed, and Webber tends to exclude just about everyone else from the offense when he is out there trying to be "the man" and prove he is the elite player he and Adelman think he is. On the bright side, the snub might make Webber actually exert a little effort on 'D' and try to stop someone, which would be much better than his typical half-assed performances on that end of the court.
Nice first post
. What is going on around here? Did everyone just forget January all of the sudden?
Yeah I guess January's POTM isn't that good anymore and Webber didn't try very hard to play well in his first game back after injury. why are there so many bitter kings fans. it's not like we haven't had major injuries every year in the playoffs, just look at the Spurs in 2000, they got killed by the Suns in the first round without Duncan, we atleast put up fights without some of our best. bitterness is getting bad lately. just look at the other players with similar injuries penny and allen houston and look how successful they were. ask yourself did we really stand a chance last year without webber and bobby jackson to get out of the first round. maybe, but that's a big maybe seeing that we lost without webber the year before to the mavs.'s fruitless. atleast it isn't as bad as the talking points thing on
I don't know about you guys, but tonight frightens me to death. I just don't know how the Kings team of average-run-of-the-mill-NBA players can compete against the likes of the PHX suns and all 3 of their All-stars. If we can just make it somewhat of a contest, we can put it in the column of "moral wins."
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ReinadelosReys said:
I don't know about you guys, but tonight frightens me to death. I just don't know how the Kings team of average-run-of-the-mill-NBA players can compete against the likes of the PHX suns and all 3 of their All-stars. If we can just make it somewhat of a contest, we can put in the column of "moral wins."
ReinadelosReys said:
I don't know about you guys, but tonight frightens me to death. I just don't know how the Kings team of average-run-of-the-mill-NBA players can compete against the likes of the PHX suns and all 3 of their All-stars. If we can just make it somewhat of a contest, we can put in the column of "moral wins."
Just wondering , that was a joke right ? :D


Hall of Famer
ReinadelosReys said:
If we can just make it somewhat of a contest, we can put in the column of "moral wins."
Obviously lots of sarcasm in this post but personaly I plan to put this game in the W column for Kings and L column for the Suns. And it counts 2 ways - Suns are in trouble - they just do not know it yet
TonyFiat said:
Look out if Webber comes into tonight's game bent on revenge for not making the All Star team. He will be going all out to jack up as many shots as possible, which is only good for the Suns. If I turn on the TV and hear Grant and Jerry talk about how Webber is fired up to prove he should've been included on the AS team, I will fully expect the Kings to get run right out of Arco. This team needs everyone involved to succeed, and Webber tends to exclude just about everyone else from the offense when he is out there trying to be "the man" and prove he is the elite player he and Adelman think he is. On the bright side, the snub might make Webber actually exert a little effort on 'D' and try to stop someone, which would be much better than his typical half-assed performances on that end of the court.
Don't understand you, Tony. What have you been watching? Last year games?
I am guessing Webber will put up something tonight close to what he has done all year.
20/10/5 on 45% shooting. Man those are ALL-STAR type numbers...Oh wait I guess not this year.
piksi said:
First to 130 wins.
I like that assessment. It reminds me of those great Kings-Mavs games in the 120s. Were fun even when the Kings lost.

piksi said:
Tag - if he plays tonight - it will be snowing in hell tonight.
I'm going for a wild prediction tonight. Tag will play. Adelman will do something "outside the box" and find a way to a least give him a trial run in the first half.

Does anyone like the sounds of a box-and-1 defense?


Super Moderator Emeritus
TonyFiat said:
Look out if Webber comes into tonight's game bent on revenge for not making the All Star team. He will be going all out to jack up as many shots as possible, which is only good for the Suns. If I turn on the TV and hear Grant and Jerry talk about how Webber is fired up to prove he should've been included on the AS team, I will fully expect the Kings to get run right out of Arco. This team needs everyone involved to succeed, and Webber tends to exclude just about everyone else from the offense when he is out there trying to be "the man" and prove he is the elite player he and Adelman think he is. On the bright side, the snub might make Webber actually exert a little effort on 'D' and try to stop someone, which would be much better than his typical half-assed performances on that end of the court.
Oh good. Another unbiased view of Chris Webber.

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