Spurs in second round

Do you think going up against the Sonics in the first round was a good idea? because if we beat the Sonics, we face the Spurs (if they make it past the first round) I just want your opinions on this because for me personally... I'd rather play the Suns rather than the Spurs because we have a better record against the Suns this season compared to the Spurs.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I didn't want to get KO'd in the first round, but unless somebody pulls a major upset, you are going to have to face a serious team in the second. We'll probably lose, but at least we will have made it back to the Semis, and will have lost to a true elite team. But first things first with the Sonics.
I don't want to think of the Spurs right now. Still worry about Sonics. If we lose to Sonics, there's no point of talking about Spurs. And we don't even know if Spurs is going to beat Nuggets. Nuggets' a pretty good team too.
Ray Allen34 said:
no one should be thinking about the 2nd round right now...
Can't help daydreaming about it :p .

Are Sonics fans as excited about this matchup as we are? This one has the potential to go down to wire with lots of drama throughout the ride.
BibbyForPrez said:
Can't help daydreaming about it :p .

Are Sonics fans as excited about this matchup as we are? This one has the potential to go down to wire with lots of drama throughout the ride.
without a doubt, first time we have had homecourt for quite a while. Starting off a series will be fun. Takes me back to the Payton/Kemp years...the city is excited although injures have got some worried but the kings are going through the same so it isn't as bad.


Super Moderator Emeritus
N.U.F.A.N. said:
Do you think going up against the Sonics in the first round was a good idea? because if we beat the Sonics, we face the Spurs (if they make it past the first round) I just want your opinions on this because for me personally... I'd rather play the Suns rather than the Spurs because we have a better record against the Suns this season compared to the Spurs.
You're really putting the cart before the horse, IMHO.

We were lucky enough to overcome a lot and make it into the playoffs. I, for one, plan to enjoy every single step along the way. You can worry about tomorrow - tomorrow.

Don't count your chickens before they're hatched and all that...
VF21 said:
Don't count your chickens before they're hatched and all that...
Exactly. Actually, I'm a bit superstitious about this kind of talk. Not superstitious generally, but when it comes to the Kings, well....let's not invite Finley to the party.

VF: Just noticed your sig :eek: I'm quite honored to be quoted!:eek: :D
With our Jekyl and Hyde personality the last couple of months I think we should concentrate on one game at a time and strive for consistancy. We don't pass as well as we used to nor do we even come to meet the pass much of the time. We lapse into "one pass and a jumper" offense far too often and don't take it to the hoop often enough and when we do we fumble any interior passes. In other words we're not the smooth ball handling club we used to be. BUT we do have heart, perseverance and enough talent to be #2 in the league in scoring so we have more than a puncher's chance of advancing it we play our cards right.


Denever is gonna beat the Spurs in the first round if Camby and Martin are off the IL and healthy..
Bad Boy Bo said:
I'm already thinking about the finals. It'll be so awesome if we get to meet the Sixers. ;)
I wouldn't wanna play the Sixers in the finals. It would be too heartbreaking to see Webber lose to the team that he single-handedly put on the map.
Edit: .....along with Vlade
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There would definitely be mixed emotions at that game for all of us as well as them but the chances of us both getting there are probably million to one.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Bartking said:
If we win it all, do you guys think we can repeat?
Yes. Not only will we repeat, but this is going to be the start of a dynasty that will last some 37+ years. Sons of current team members will be born into the franchise and have their rights assigned from birth. Remember, I said it first...

VF21 said:
Yes. Not only will we repeat, but this is going to be the start of a dynasty that will last some 37+ years. Sons of current team members will be born into the franchise and have their rights assigned from birth. Remember, I said it first...

lol...that's too funny
:D actually when we win out first title this year, shaq and Koby will both come to sac to play and add more rings to their collection. The kings will win 6 titles in a row losing to the warriors in the 2012-2013 western conference finals. ;)