
I've been watchin Milwaukee games for the past cuple weeks and Sessions is a great PG. Hes a restricted Free-Agent this year. He had like 44 points and 12 assists last game. I'm thinking we should try adn make a move for him. How much do you think the Bucks are willing to match?
I don't think Milwaukee will match much. They were looking to trade him because they couldn't afford him. Now that Ridnour and Redd are injured they won't trade him. He just had 43 pts, 6 reb, and 12 asts the other night. It will cost a lot of money to get him, but it would be awesome. I am a huge Nevada fan.
Milwaukee definitely has a situation on their hands because they're already at $64 million next season and they have Villanueva and Sessions as restricted free agents. I really think they were all set to trade Redd for an expiring until his knee injury blew that plan. So they're definitely in a bind.

That said, I would be really, really surprised it they didn't find a way to retain Ramon Sessions. The could, for instance, trade Redd to a team with cap room who's not an appealing free agent destination (like Oklahoma City) to open up room to sign these guys.
Watching the Bucks vs Rockets game right now and this kid has a very good offensive game, but what worries me a little is his D. I'm sure he has alot of time to work on that though.
Watching the Bucks vs Rockets game right now and this kid has a very good offensive game, but what worries me a little is his D. I'm sure he has alot of time to work on that though.

His D looks good to me hes got 4 steals and a block in the 3rd. hes a big pg to at 6'4.
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That guy is just awesome. That being said, though, Milwaukee's pulled off a slew of trades in which they traded valuable players for a bag of Doritos and not much else, so if there's a time that could lose Sessions, it could be them. I remember that proposed trade earlier this year--Sessions and Joe Alexander for Mike terms of talent, the Bucks would have been absolutely fleeced. Trading a productive point guard AND a lottery pick prospect for an enigma? Grief
A block against brooks doesn't impress me man. I think a couple steals came from helping double Yao not from 1 on 1 D. Alston has been getting free off screens but hasnt been finishing, but Sessions can work on improving. I'm not saying he cant be a good defender.
I'm not aware of the Kings caproom as of right now, but if we didnt make any trades this year would we be able to offer a decent sized contract still?


sessions would be a great pick up, but what do we have to offer that every other team over cap cant? unless we are seriously under the cap this offseason or end up with a less than stellar draft pick that we can trade to the bucks. i dont see how we can get him. maybe if we can somehow get a sign and trade situation for sessions. but i dont know what the bucks would want.
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Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
I've soured on free agent point guards at this point. Is Sessions markedly better than Udrih? Enough to justify another mid-level plus contract for another point guard? I realize Udrih is playing terribly right now (to put it mildly) but who's to say Sessions doesn't slide into the chaos going in Sacramento right now without a real coach or a new arena plan or any stable veteran presence and start to backslide as well? We're currently at the bottom of the league. Not close to the bottom, we are it. We are the cellar. Journeyman free agents are not the answer. I like Sessions, he's a decent player. But the cost is not justified right now. Not unless Milwaukee wants to do a one-to-one swap for Udrih.
I've soured on free agent point guards at this point. Is Sessions markedly better than Udrih? Enough to justify another mid-level plus contract for another point guard? I realize Udrih is playing terribly right now (to put it mildly) but who's to say Sessions doesn't slide into the chaos going in Sacramento right now without a real coach or a new arena plan or any stable veteran presence and start to backslide as well? We're currently at the bottom of the league. Not close to the bottom, we are it. We are the cellar. Journeyman free agents are not the answer. I like Sessions, he's a decent player. But the cost is not justified right now. Not unless Milwaukee wants to do a one-to-one swap for Udrih.

Hes better then Udrih. And I've seen every Kings games and alot of Bucks games. Hes got the Driving ability of Martin/Salmons but the instincts of a true PG. He knows when to pass and when to shoot. Tonight he led the Bucks to a win over the Rockets he had 26 pts (8/12 FG) (10/12 FT), 4 Rebs, 7 Asts, 4 Stls, 1 Blk.

This against a fully healthy rockets team while running a very injured Milwaukee team.
I've soured on free agent point guards at this point. Is Sessions markedly better than Udrih? Enough to justify another mid-level plus contract for another point guard? I realize Udrih is playing terribly right now (to put it mildly) but who's to say Sessions doesn't slide into the chaos going in Sacramento right now without a real coach or a new arena plan or any stable veteran presence and start to backslide as well? We're currently at the bottom of the league. Not close to the bottom, we are it. We are the cellar. Journeyman free agents are not the answer. I like Sessions, he's a decent player. But the cost is not justified right now. Not unless Milwaukee wants to do a one-to-one swap for Udrih.
Do you really think Kenny Natt is still going to be here next year? Nah. Sessions is 100 times better then Beno and what the hell does building a new arena have to do with any of this? Anyways, this guy has dead even stats sharing minutes with another pg through the season, than beno does starting. Hes not a great player but has the potential to be one. If you have another solution on trying to pick up a pretty good PG early I would like to hear who it is and how. Not trying to call you out Just wanna see if you have a better solution than mine so we can compare.
I'm wondering If we could maybe trade our Rockets pick BJAX & Shelden for a resigned Sessions. Can teams just resign players during the year and trade them? Maybe Even Throw In Bobby Brown for them. or a second rounder if they really need it sweetend.
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I would much rather prefer to try and grab one of the great point guards that will be in next year's draft. Jrue Holiday, Ricky Rubio, John Wall, Kemba Walker...
I would much rather prefer to try and grab one of the great point guards that will be in next year's draft. Jrue Holiday, Ricky Rubio, John Wall, Kemba Walker...
I agree. I think we have a lot of rebuilding to do, so lets not go too far out of our way to get someone whos not a for sure thing. I like sessions game alot, but I dont think right now we need to be giving up a lot to get him, and now with the bucks injuries, it will probably take us a decent amount to get him. We need to save what we can to hit summer '09 and '10 free agency hard and pair those players with our upcoming lottery picks. We need to look long term, its not all gonna turn around real quickly.
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I would much rather prefer to try and grab one of the great point guards that will be in next year's draft. Jrue Holiday, Ricky Rubio, John Wall, Kemba Walker...
Sessions has proven hes NBA Calibur already and has potential to be a GREAT PG, why take a risk on a PG in the Draft. Rubio,Walker,Wall, will prolly not be in this years draft, and I dont think Holliday deserves a top 3 pick. This way we can use our top pick on a player worthy of using it on which would be the BPA and if he dosent fit on our team we trade him for more rebuilding pieces. That makes more sense.
These guys are still in college/overseas/high school(Ricky Rubio and John Wall). These guy are definitely not for sure prospects either. Trying to trade for him would be impossible right now because he is the only pg besides Gill, but we would have a really good chance to pick him up as a FA if we free up enough cap space to offer money that the Bucks won't be able to match.
These guys are still in college/overseas/high school(Ricky Rubio and John Wall). These guy are definitely not for sure prospects either. Trying to trade for him would be impossible right now because he is the only pg besides Gill, but we would have a really good chance to pick him up as a FA if we free up enough cap space to offer money that the Bucks won't be able to match.
Ridnours only out a month, and they have Bell that can run some point.
These guys are still in college/overseas/high school(Ricky Rubio and John Wall). These guy are definitely not for sure prospects either. Trying to trade for him would be impossible right now because he is the only pg besides Gill, but we would have a really good chance to pick him up as a FA if we free up enough cap space to offer money that the Bucks won't be able to match.
Well, I think Jrue Holiday is almost definitely going to at least be a decent player in this league. The other players have some risk, but drafting players always has risk involved.
The trade deadline ends at Feb 19th. Im pretty sure they'd keep him until Ridnour comes back, plus they are in playoff contention. If they do make a trade they would do it to free cap space to resign Sessions. SMH. Which im hoping they don't.
Sessions will definitely be a solid FA pickup. And if Petrie successfully unloads Miller/Thomas/Salmons/Moore this year, I'll be in a bandwagon to get him to end the PG or C debate for our draft pick. I don't see why some people are not seeing the glow of this kid. He's been breaking assist records and has been streaking on that. If we can lock him for 5 years, then I think we'll be back to elite status even before his contract ends.

Sessions, Martin, Greene, Thompson, Hawes + 2 first round picks this year will be a solid, young, and promising core. You add a vet leader on that, probably a SF or PF, then Petrie just turned around the Kings luck for the best.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
Do you really think Kenny Natt is still going to be here next year? Nah. Sessions is 100 times better then Beno and what the hell does building a new arena have to do with any of this? Anyways, this guy has dead even stats sharing minutes with another pg through the season, than beno does starting. Hes not a great player but has the potential to be one. If you have another solution on trying to pick up a pretty good PG early I would like to hear who it is and how. Not trying to call you out Just wanna see if you have a better solution than mine so we can compare.
Simply this: chaos breeds chaos. Step into a whirlpool and you're more likely to go down with it then somehow be the one to turn things around. The Maloofs need a new arena, they call the shots, the economy is in major trouble for everyone, and the Kings roster has very few tradeable assets. You do the math. No I don't think Kenny Natt will be the coach next year, but does it matter? Who's going to take his place? We haven't had a real coach since Adelman left, I'm not assuming next year will be any different until I see otherwise. There's no guarantee even Petrie is going to still be here in a couple of years if we rack up a couple more last place finishes.

The reality of the situation is that you can't simply acquire players. You have to manage your salary situation effectively. We're paying Udrih 6 million next year. Sessions is going to command a mid-level deal from someone. So now you're paying 12 million dollars for the point guard position on a last place team going nowhere? I don't see it happening. Not in this economy, not with these owners, not without a new arena plan already in motion and guaranteed revenue in the future. Attentandce numbers this season are abysmal. It'd be foolish to think none of this applies to roster moves. If Sessions comes into Arco next season and isn't the messiah you've hoped for, now you've dug yourself an even bigger hole and it's going to take longer to get out of it. We're so close to clearing salary, I'd be extremely cautious about overcommiting right now to anyone.

With this situation, we don't need a "pretty good PG" right now. That was the same misguided logic behind giving Udrih 30 million dollars. My solution? Don't commit to anyone unless they're a guaranteed starter. If you can sign a young superstar to a max contract in two years with all that salary cap, do it. Otherwise we need to be acquiring young talent with cost-controlled contracts through the draft and developing them. Yes we need a PG, but we also need a SF, a PF, and a C. We have some talent already who could fill some of those roles, but none of them is a lock. We'll have two first round picks this year. If we can move anyone else for another one, even better. I'd rather commit to Holiday, Teague, Jennings, Rubio, Collison, John Wall, et al on a rookie deal than throw another 30 million dollars at a problem that still might not go away.


Hall of Famer
Simply this: chaos breeds chaos. Step into a whirlpool and you're more likely to go down with it then somehow be the one to turn things around. The Maloofs need a new arena, they call the shots, the economy is in major trouble for everyone, and the Kings roster has very few tradeable assets. You do the math. No I don't think Kenny Natt will be the coach next year, but does it matter? Who's going to take his place? We haven't had a real coach since Adelman left, I'm not assuming next year will be any different until I see otherwise. There's no guarantee even Petrie is going to still be here in a couple of years if we rack up a couple more last place finishes.

The reality of the situation is that you can't simply acquire players. You have to manage your salary situation effectively. We're paying Udrih 6 million next year. Sessions is going to command a mid-level deal from someone. So now you're paying 12 million dollars for the point guard position on a last place team going nowhere? I don't see it happening. Not in this economy, not with these owners, not without a new arena plan already in motion and guaranteed revenue in the future. Attentandce numbers this season are abysmal. It'd be foolish to think none of this applies to roster moves. If Sessions comes into Arco next season and isn't the messiah you've hoped for, now you've dug yourself an even bigger hole and it's going to take longer to get out of it. We're so close to clearing salary, I'd be extremely cautious about overcommiting right now to anyone.

With this situation, we don't need a "pretty good PG" right now. That was the same misguided logic behind giving Udrih 30 million dollars. My solution? Don't commit to anyone unless they're a guaranteed starter. If you can sign a young superstar to a max contract in two years with all that salary cap, do it. Otherwise we need to be acquiring young talent with cost-controlled contracts through the draft and developing them. Yes we need a PG, but we also need a SF, a PF, and a C. We have some talent already who could fill some of those roles, but none of them is a lock. We'll have two first round picks this year. If we can move anyone else for another one, even better. I'd rather commit to Holiday, Teague, Jennings, Rubio, Collison, John Wall, et al on a rookie deal than throw another 30 million dollars at a problem that still might not go away.
Well thanks for that positive picker upper. :(


Hall of Famer
I liked Sessions at Nevada and I still like him. He's a rarity at the pt position at his height. He's better than Beno right now, and he's still getting better. If you have a chance to improve the team by picking him up, I say do it. By the way. The initial post said that he was a restricted free agent. I checked several sites and they all say that he's an unrestricted free agent.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
Well thanks for that positive picker upper. :(
Sorry. :) I realized after I wrote it that it probably sounds overly pessimistic. Things aren't all that bad. I'm not against a Sessions signing in particular, I think he's a terrific young player, but I don't think we really need to be bidding on mid-level players right now. Not until we clear out some of the ones we already have. If he comes cheap I'm all for it too. You can never have too much young talent.


I liked Sessions at Nevada and I still like him. He's a rarity at the pt position at his height. He's better than Beno right now, and he's still getting better. If you have a chance to improve the team by picking him up, I say do it. By the way. The initial post said that he was a restricted free agent. I checked several sites and they all say that he's an unrestricted free agent.

yeah, i noticed that he was a unrestricted free agent too... which would be interesting if we can somehow trade beno to dallas....