Sam Amick: One of the gang now

shaka zulu said:
They split the time when reef got back into form but when games were close kenny came up big with points and Rebounds and intangibles. Reef played good when he came back but was only effective if he was allowed to be the black hole on offense, other than that he didn't give any of the intagibles that a power forward is supposed to bring to your team. kenny played big in some crucial games notching the triple double against the lakers and hitting those 3 big shots against the Mavs in that close game. He also stepped up Big against the jazz in another big game that had playoff implications with rebounds dimes and other hustle plays.

Reef showed he can score and that is about it. He didn't rebound and he didn't bring the little effort items to the floor.

Now with mussleman he must prove his analytical skills can add up to winning. Can he walk the walk and not just talk. You can tell us every pin drop of what you can do and what is supposed to be done, but action speaks louder than words and he hasn't shown yet that he can back up his thousand page book reports on how to play basketball.
SAR showed surprisingly solid consistent post defense also. And, yes, he was an inconsistent/only decent rebounder before the injury, but he also supposedly had a back injury before the jaw. Don't think it's fair to compare the recovering, not at full strength-SAR to the healthy Kenny Thomas. SAR also had reduced minutes. Reef will have a better upcoming season, IMO.
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Remember that this same team (aside from Artest) that we now think has a future and can be a contender had a record well below .500 back in January. The same team where we wanted everyone traded but Bonzi and the same team coached by Rick Adelman. Was the team's record a reflection on his coaching ability? No, I don't think it was.


Super Moderator Emeritus
shaka zulu said:
Hope Eric gets it done everybody needs a chance. but lets not get carried away and not appreciate the great coach that we had in the process.
The coach is dead (rhetorically speaking). Long live the coach.

People who appreciate Rick Adelman will not stop doing so. People who didn't aren't going to change.

The chapter's over. Turn the page...


Homer Fan Since 1985
shaka zulu said:
He needs to win games and get to the playoffs.
That may very well be, but for crying out loud, he just got here. You sound as if you doubt he can do it. Could we at least wait until November when he has an assembled team that has been through camp before you spew what he must do? Right now, he must meet the media and the fans and talk the talk. There is time in November to see if he can walk the walk.
VF21 said:
The coach is dead (rhetorically speaking). Long live the coach.

People who appreciate Rick Adelman will not stop doing so. People who didn't aren't going to change.

The chapter's over. Turn the page...
True indeed
6th said:
That may very well be, but for crying out loud, he just got here. You sound as if you doubt he can do it. Could we at least wait until November when he has an assembled team that has been through camp before you spew what he must do? Right now, he must meet the media and the fans and talk the talk. There is time in November to see if he can walk the walk.
6th bottom line is he still has to win games. He'll get his chance like he is getting, He most likely will get it done, But at the same time I don't agree with him coming in doing better than adelman stuff until he wins those games and gets to the playoffs. Until then we will have to wait and see. Hope eric gets it done because I know he is prepared and has studied the game in and out all he has to do now is get out there and get it done.Talk is cheap


Homer Fan Since 1985
shaka zulu said:
6th bottom line is he still has to win games. He'll get his chance like he is getting, He most likely will get it done, But at the same time I don't agree with him coming in doing better than adelman stuff until he wins those games and gets to the playoffs. Until then we will have to wait and see. Hope eric gets it done because I know he is prepared and has studied the game in and out all he has to do now is get out there and get it done.Talk is cheap
No doubt. All I am saying is that there is a time for talk (right now) and a time for action (starting in Nov).


Super Moderator Emeritus
shaka zulu said:
6th bottom line is he still has to win games. He'll get his chance like he is getting, He most likely will get it done, But at the same time I don't agree with him coming in doing better than adelman stuff until he wins those games and gets to the playoffs. Until then we will have to wait and see. Hope eric gets it done because I know he is prepared and has studied the game in and out all he has to do now is get out there and get it done.Talk is cheap
Of course he has to win games. And Joe and Gavin Maloof are paying him millions of dollars to do it.

Why are you continuing to act as though it's some kind of competition between him and Rick Adelman? It's NOT. Adelman did the best he could with what he had at the time. Eric Musselman will do the best he can do with what he WILL HAVE at the time. We don't even know what players he'll have on his roster come opening day. Whether it ends up being a combination that gets us further than ever before is something we will not know until it happens.

Give him the same clean slate Kings fans gave Bonzi, Artest, Bobby Jackson, and every other Kings players who has come here from somewhere else. He has a right to that.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
shaka zulu said:
All the talk about him winning 30 games doesn't get it done. Know body's saying that he won't get the job done, But at the same time I refuse to crown him king until he gets out there and gets the job done. I hope gets it done cause I know how hard it is myself to under achieve and not do what your skills say you can accopmplish. But I don't like one bit the lack of Respect that adelman gets. I know everyone isn't on the adelman hate wagon but many are and I think his significance as coach and leader will show next season.
First of all you say he won 30 games generically when he won 38 games with pretty much the same team that struggled to win 20 the year before and was runner up for coach of the year. He got them to .500 (30-30) late in the season after a disastrous start (I think they went 1-7 to start the season but may be wrong). Then when their best player leaves the following year he goes out and wins 37, accounting for the two best seasons out of the last dozen or so for the team. I'm not saying he's the next Phil Jackson but he at least deserves some respect as someone who's achieved a fair amount of success with a very sub-par team to work with.

As for this perceived lack of respect for Adelman, he's gone. It doesn't matter now, and I think we can't truly put his era into proper perspective until we see how someone else does in his shoes in a similar situation. We never had the talent level we had with Adelman before Adelman got here. I don't think Adelman would have done much with the team Eddie Jordan was stuck with for example.
VF21 said:
Of course he has to win games. And Joe and Gavin Maloof are paying him millions of dollars to do it.

Why are you continuing to act as though it's some kind of competition between him and Rick Adelman? It's NOT. Adelman did the best he could with what he had at the time. Eric Musselman will do the best he can do with what he WILL HAVE at the time. We don't even know what players he'll have on his roster come opening day. Whether it ends up being a combination that gets us further than ever before is something we will not know until it happens.

Give him the same clean slate Kings fans gave Bonzi, Artest, Bobby Jackson, and every other Kings players who has come here from somewhere else. He has a right to that.
VF21 we are saying the same things that's what I was saying he'll get his chance to do his work because he definitely is qualified and desreves the chance.But at the same time people are comparing him and adelman already which is natural but it is also unfair. All you here is we didn't need adelman anymore Eric is a better fit, OR it was time for rick to go and blah blah because Eric will bring more defense. The contrast and compare game has been going on for a long time on this board and this why I am giving the balance from my perspective on what ricks value to the team was.


Super Moderator Emeritus
pdxKingsFan said:
As for this perceived lack of respect for Adelman, he's gone. It doesn't matter now, and I think we can't truly put his era into proper perspective until we see how someone else does in his shoes in a similar situation. We never had the talent level we had with Adelman before Adelman got here. I don't think Adelman would have done much with the team Eddie Jordan was stuck with for example.
Yes, Adelman is gone. So why bring up how he might have done with the team Eddie Jordan had?

I'm sorry, but I CAN put the Rick Adelman era into a proper perspective. He took us further than we'd even gone before. That's not even debatable.

You're objecting to people defening Adelman but you're still trying to belittle him...

This road goes both ways.


Super Moderator Emeritus
shaka zulu said:
VF21 we are saying the same things that's what I was saying he'll get his chance to do his work because he definitely is qualified and desreves the chance.But at the same time people are comparing him and adelman already which is natural but it is also unfair. All you here is we didn't need adelman anymore Eric is a better fit, OR it was time for rick to go and blah blah because Eric will bring more defense. The contrast and compare game has been going on for a long time on this board and this why I am giving the balance from my perspective on what ricks value to the team was.
My point, shaka, is you're preaching to the choir. Those who understand how much Rick Adelman meant to this franchise agree with you. Those who don't aren't going to change their minds. You're beating your head against a wall.

You don't need to defend Rick Adelman. His legacy with our team is secure, even if some don't want to admit it.

pdxKingsFan said:
First of all you say he won 30 games generically when he won 38 games with pretty much the same team that struggled to win 20 the year before and was runner up for coach of the year. He got them to .500 (30-30) late in the season after a disastrous start (I think they went 1-7 to start the season but may be wrong). Then when their best player leaves the following year he goes out and wins 37, accounting for the two best seasons out of the last dozen or so for the team. I'm not saying he's the next Phil Jackson but he at least deserves some respect as someone who's achieved a fair amount of success with a very sub-par team to work with.

As for this perceived lack of respect for Adelman, he's gone. It doesn't matter now, and I think we can't truly put his era into proper perspective until we see how someone else does in his shoes in a similar situation. We never had the talent level we had with Adelman before Adelman got here. I don't think Adelman would have done much with the team Eddie Jordan was stuck with for example.
Eric will get his chance like everybody else,But in getting that chance like he has he must show and prove and the talk about if and what don't add up to Wins. The guy is getting blessed with a chance and he must win games to keep it going.
VF21 said:
My point, shaka, is you're preaching to the choir. Those who understand how much Rick Adelman meant to this franchise agree with you. Those who don't aren't going to change their minds. You're beating your head against a wall.

You don't need to defend Rick Adelman. His legacy with our team is secure, even if some don't want to admit it.



So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
VF21 said:
You're objecting to people defening Adelman but you're still trying to belittle him...
Waaaaiiitaminute. I was NEVER one of the fire Adelman people on this board even if I've defended the decision to let him go. I think that he was a huge part of our success here and wish him well wherever he goes. But there's no point in ignoring that he came on board at a time where the strength and quality of our lineup increased immeasurably and the team ownership changed hands and winning became top priority. He was the first of a new era for the Kings.


Super Moderator Emeritus
pdxKingsFan said:
Waaaaiiitaminute. I was NEVER one of the fire Adelman people on this board even if I've defended the decision to let him go. I think that he was a huge part of our success here and wish him well wherever he goes. But there's no point in ignoring that he came on board at a time where the strength and quality of our lineup increased immeasurably and the team ownership changed hands and winning became top priority. He was the first of a new era for the Kings.
Yes, he came on board at the right time. Why? Geoff Petrie knew he was good, really good, and could help take this team places they'd never gone before.

But if I mistunderstood, I apologize.

Now, I'm outta this. Rick Adelman is like Chris Webber. He's yesterday's news. I wish him every success in whatever he does in the future and I will always have fond memories but life ... and basketball ... goes on.



So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
VF21 said:
Yes, he came on board at the right time. Why? Geoff Petrie knew he was good, really good, and could help take this team places they'd never gone before.

But if I mistunderstood, I apologize.
I completely agree. My objection is to those who seem reluctant to give someone else a chance because the last guy was the only good guy we ever had. And that was why I made the perspective comment, we won't really know where he fits in the annals of Kings history until a little time has past and we can weigh him against not only what came before but what comes after. He's never going to be remembered as a bum by anyone but a fool, but he could be remembered as the guy that helped usher in a new era in Kings basketball and establish a winning tradition or he could remain the only good guy we ever had.

Mitch Richmond was the only good guy we ever had too.


Super Moderator Emeritus
pdxKingsFan said:
I completely agree. My objection is to those who seem reluctant to give someone else a chance because the last guy was the only good guy we ever had. And that was why I made the perspective comment, we won't really know where he fits in the annals of Kings history until a little time has past and we can weigh him against not only what came before but what comes after. He's never going to be remembered as a bum by anyone but a fool, but he could be remembered as the guy that helped usher in a new era in Kings basketball and establish a winning tradition or he could remain the only good guy we ever had.

Mitch Richmond was the only good guy we ever had too.
Okay... Sorry. I get your drift now.



Super Moderator Emeritus
GoGoGadget said:

I dunno about that...

I think it depends on the player(s) in question.
Sorry, G3, but it's just not the mental image I want of the new coach, regardless of which player(s) are involved.

VF21 said:
Sorry, G3, but it's just not the mental image I want of the new coach, regardless of which player(s) are involved.

Oh, my mistake.

I must've been in my own little world, because there was no coach involved when I saw it in my own head.

GoGoGadget said:

I dunno about that...

I think it depends on the player(s) in question.
I'm with you! I'll gladly help with the touching of certain players whenever Muss is too busy!! On a side note - Is he married? I have not figured that out yet. He's not so bad to look at himself!


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
chelle said:
On a side note - Is he married? I have not figured that out yet. He's not so bad to look at himself!
I know he has two sons, and while that means absolutely nothing this day and age I'm pretty sure I also read he was married.
Muss was on KHTK just now.

He said we can expect the team to play very hard every night...Wants to do some full court pressure and pressure inbound passes and to run down as much shot clock as possible on the defensive end. He learned a lot of defensive strategy under Fratello and wants to incorporate as much of it to the Kings as he can. Also said he wants to make sure all the players are on the same page right away, has already called every player on the team and is trying to meet with every player who is living in Sacramento. Restated that his relationship with Bonzi is good.

I have to say it's pretty hard not to be excited.
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I am very excited! I was mad/sad when they fired Adelman, but the time for all that is past. I can't wait for the season to start and the Finals have not even started.:mad:

Our future is VERY bright right now. I have the same feeling I had after the end of the lock out season! THis is going to be FUN!!!It is GREAT to be a Kings fan!:D
Sirius said:
Wants to do some full court pressure and pressure inbound passes

They better get a new point guard then......Bibby can't even pick someone up at half court let alone full court.

I remember a game last year when the Kings were down a fairly large chunk and the reserves came in and lead them back with alot of full court pressure put on by Jason Hart. The starters came back in to finish the half and Hart, of all people, was standing up off the bench and motioning to Bibby to come up and pressure the ball and of course, he didn't. I think whoever we were playing ended up on a run at the end of the half(sound familiar) and lead by double digits.
Sirius said:
Muss was on KHTK just now.

He said we can expect the team to play very hard every night...Wants to do some full court pressure and pressure inbound passes and to run down as much shot clock as possible on the defensive end.
YES!!!! This I want to see. It's one of the things that I see other teams doing constantly that helps them while Kings only seem to do once in awhile.