Sacramento, Indiana Closing in on Deal?

Is Rotoworld just rehashing what Draftexpress is saying or is Rotoworld reporting it as well. I don't know much about rotoworld, do they report their own stuff or just use others stuff.

FYI: I also wanted EMuss to replace Carlisle, so the Kings are stealing everything.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
FYI: I also wanted EMuss to replace Carlisle, so the Kings are stealing everything.

It remains amazing to me how Indiana fans seem to have turned so hard on the coach and star player that had them amongst the league's elite only 2 years ago and in serious contention.


Hall of Famer
So Brad & Jeff would make the most unathletic "big men" pair in the NBA. You add Bibby's defense and it will be an amazing season


i dont mind the trade.... dont know what we would do with j(wont even try) though.... if we can limit millers minutes with a real big man then im all for it...
Jeff Foster is a starting point in a trade. He fills a need. It would be nice if he were younger, but it seems that there's a rule that everyone in the league who is 6'11" and under 25 years old has to make $10 million. So if you want a guy with legit size and some elite rebounding skills he's about as affordable as it gets.

Jasikevicius, on the other hand, just doesn't make sense. He's bad on defense, he shoots a terrible percentage, and he's not getting any younger. I hope that for our sake that's not the exact deal.

I'd take Foster and Marquis Daniels if Bonzi really wants to play in Indiana. Otherwise I'd dare him to leave $6-$8 million sitting on the table.

PS: I'd also take a 1st Round pick since Indiana will probably suck next year.
So Brad & Jeff would make the most unathletic "big men" pair in the NBA. You add Bibby's defense and it will be an amazing season
To be fair Jeff Foster is fairly athletic and is an above average rebounder. He just isn't a defensive force in the middle.

Although, I'm not sure why anyone would trade a young, shotblocking defensive minded big man for a shooting guard who for the majority of his career has been average.
So Brad & Jeff would make the most unathletic "big men" pair in the NBA. You add Bibby's defense and it will be an amazing season
Foster is a pretty good athlete. Would you prefer we go get Stromile Swift and Steven Hunter??? Both great athletes but dumber than a rock and not to smart on the basketball court as well.
Foster definately fills a need and his price isn't that bad. If Bonzi is looking to get near 10 mil a year then GP may be right in looking to deal him because paying him that much will definately limit what we can do with Ron and Kevin's contracts when they are up in a few years.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Foster is a pretty good athlete. Would you prefer we go get Stromile Swift and Steven Hunter??? Both great athletes but dumber than a rock and not to smart on the basketball court as well.
He moves well, but other than the rebounding -- and that is really what Foster is, a pure one-dimensional roleplayer -- it doesn't translate into much. Is actually a worse shotblocker than Brad, no offensive game. I actually like Foster for what he does bring -- he motors after the ball. But he's a very limited guy who only does the one thing and is of dubious overall value because of it. He's like Chris Dudley, but without the critical shotblocking component.
He moves well, but other than the rebounding -- and that is really what Foster is, a pure one-dimensional roleplayer -- it doesn't translate into much. Is actually a worse shotblocker than Brad, no offensive game. I actually like Foster for what he does bring -- he motors after the ball. But he's a very limited guy who only does the one thing and is of dubious overall value because of it. He's like Chris Dudley, but without the critical shotblocking component.
But that rebounding is pretty crazy -- 20 per 48 minutes, better than Reggie Evans. Only he can also play competent defense. I was always against Evans because he can't play defense. But Foster is more like vintage Pollard, and the Kings could use that kind of a roleplaying big, someone who will get some dirt under their nails.

Now, is he worth Bonzi? Probably not, but he's a start.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Again...its a nice trait, but dubious in overall value.

Brad and Foster have tagteamed at center before with Ron Artest at SF, and then some mediocre guys like Jermaine O'Neal and Al Harrington to fill out the frontcourt, and they never sniffed 50 wins. And we don't have Jermaine, Al, or ANY shotblocker. And now you put an older Brad and Foster together, and it puts even more atrocious presure on us to come up with some shotblocking god at PF to cover every sad sacks *** at once up front.

Jeff Foster averaged 25mpg last year. He's 6'11". On the year he blocked 27 shots. The year before that he averaged 25min and blocked 12. 12! That gives him 39 over those two years. In the same period Mike Bibby has 40.

All of which sounds like I am anti-Jeff Foster. Not really. Like him in a way, Would trade Kenny Thomas for him for instance and appreciate his effort. But I also appreciate his limitations and am anti-trading talent for Jeff Foster unless he's a a glorified throw in. Beware when mediocre teams in chaos are spewing out mediocre players they are unhappy with and looking for your talented guys in return.
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I will give one reason why I would like to have Foster on our team.


Guys like Najera, Madsen, Foster - these are guys who come off the bench and you just want to beat them up your self.

I know I will be dating myself, but there was this player who played for the Lakers called Kurt Rambis.

I think every team needs a guy who comes of the bench and upsets the other team.

I for one would like to see the trade, so instead of losing Bonzi for nothing we get a good back up pf/c instead.
Again...its a nice trait, but dubious in overall value.

Brad and Foster have tagteamed at center before with Ron Artest at SF, and then some mediocre guys like Jermaine O'Neal and Al Harrington to fill out the frontcourt, and they never sniffed 50 wins.
lol, that's because Isiah Thomas was coaching them! They won 60 games the next year with a worse team.

I agree with what you're saying about being wary of the pu pu platter. A lot of this depends on what Bonzi really wants. We have only so much leverage over him, and if he wants to force the issue we just may find ourselves in a situation where the pu pu platter is better than nothing.
If you're going to pay around 9 million a year for back up players, might as well give it to Bonzi to start. It's worth considering if Granger and Williams were both available, but even then we're stacked at the wings, already.

Foster, Granger or Williams (I prefer Granger), Harrison, with Sarunas dumped on a third team. I still don't like it, but it's acceptable if it must be done. I hate the idea of bringing in more wing players, especially young ones.
Am I only one who is thinking this trade - if really happen - is not the end of the offseason but the BEGINNING ?

I think there'll be two or three moves except Bonzi's.

Even after this move, we'll have to change our frontcourt, namely KT? or Miller? I'm not sure. but there must be another.
Foster, Granger or Williams (I prefer Granger), Harrison, with Sarunas dumped on a third team. I still don't like it, but it's acceptable if it must be done. I hate the idea of bringing in more wing players, especially young ones.
Regardless of Salary Cap, Indiana wouldn't even do a one for one deal with Wells and Granger, much less with Foster and Sarunas.

Personally I like the deal. I'm not enthralled with Sarunas, but I am pretty sure that Petrie was after him last year, and I think he might be able to step it up in his 2nd year in the NBA. He was having a pretty good season about 2/3 of the way through and then really tanked down the stretch, he could have just hit the wall.

I really like Foster. He'll help a LOT on defense and rebounding. Just because he isn't a shot-blocker doesn't mean he's not a good defender.

All in all, I think it's a smart move. If you were going to move Bonzi, getting a backup PG and defensive rebounding big man is a good start.
Don't like.

It's true that Bonzi seems to want a little more than he is worth to the Kings, so a sign and trade and giving the starting SG to Martin is a good option. However, even at the projected pay, I think Bonzi could be a bargain in the sea of bloated FA contracts. Getting a so-so backup center and PG for him just doesn't make sense. They fill some of the needs the team has, but I think we could get more from another team in the form of young talent or draft picks. Trading him away for more aging bench players really won't help the next season or the future of the frachise.

PS: Any notice the irony in this? We got Bonzi for BJax (great player, but a back up PG) and Ostertag (backup center). Now we are about to trade him for the same.
Here is my take on this whole proposed trade, I am all for it! Bonzis 2 best seasons in the NBA have come in contract years, and on top of that he missed over 30 games last year, does anybody remember that? So you take his $8million salary and double that pretty much like Brick said for tinsley. Also the reason the Kings lost to the Spurs was because we were weak on our interior D, which unfortuantely 6'5 Bonzi Wells does not Solve. 6'11 Jeff Foster on the otherhand does hustle, contest shots(not block them), and averages over 3 offensive rebounds a game, which could potentially lead to 6plus more points from the 2nd possessions, he solves a huge weakness for us. On top of that the most games Bonzi has ever played in a season is 75 which was in 02-03 which is when is was 26, so let me guess he is going to be more reliable as he gets older, right? WRONG!

Jeff Foster who is 29 right now, will be 33 at then end of his contract in 08-09, the pg Sarunas makes $4 mill this year, and next, and then drops off the books going into 08-09. So we can have 2 guys who drop off the books in 2-3 years, and they will be around 32-33 each, or we can pay one guys 8plus million for 5years, with decreasing trade value every year. Sarunas also set a pacers rookie record for 3's made in season(surpassed reggie m), and if anything should only improve in his sophmore season. Foster seems to get better with age as he has had his best seasons the past 2 years stat wise.

My 3rd point when Bonzi went down Kevin averaged like 15pts, 5rbs, 38% from 3pt, and close to 50% from the field as a STARTER. Kevin is 23 and Bonzi is 30, wants a big contract, and is injured pretty much every year as he has never completed a 82 games season in his 8 seasons in the league, so why would he start now? Why people are against the Kings improving our interior D, developing Kevin even more, and getting some punch off the bench is beyond me. I guess some people like to be on the hook for a 5yr contract at 8plus million, for a guy who is only going to break down.
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Foster is one of the top 5 rebounders in the NBA. He hustles and is a good post/help defender, he just doesnt block shots. He tries to make up for it by taking charges. He can play the four or the five. I think the Euro guy will be better this year after having a full year under his belt, but I'd rather have Anthony Johnson. Not a bad trade, because we are loaded at SG.
Am I only one who is thinking this trade - if really happen - is not the end of the offseason but the BEGINNING ?

I think there'll be two or three moves except Bonzi's.

Even after this move, we'll have to change our frontcourt, namely KT? or Miller? I'm not sure. but there must be another.
This rumor is widespread, It's on as well as :eek:

Personally I'd have absolutely nothing to do with Foster If I were GP.

Do we really need another one-dimentional player? This guy rebounds, and thats it. He's never in his carreer averaged even a half a block a game and shoots 60% from the line. And I have to tell you from playing fantasy b-ball this dude gets injured at least twice a season, playing no more than 63 games in the last two seasons.

To me Bonzi offers more than this guy. Bonzi has a toughness about him that I don't believe Foster has in him.

Have no Idea about the Euro, his stat line looks good but at thirty years old???? Seems like a maybe. Does shoot an amazing 91% from the stripe which is good, and maybe GP knows something about the cat he see's potential in. Whatever the case I'd be in favor of retaining Bonzi over those two.

We don't need S. Jackson, they probably won't give up Granger, UGGH
I don't love Sarunas Jasikevicius, but don't underestimate Foster. He's one of the very best rebounders in the league, particularly on the offensive end. He rebounds better than Reggie Evans, Camby... everyone. But unlike Reggie Evans he has good size for the position and he plays good post defense. Yeah, not a shotblocker. But he'd be a valuable piece.

If Indiana would send Marquis Daniels instead of Jasikevicius I'd be pretty happy with this deal.
Agreed. I've always liked Daniels since his rookie days... Quis would provide really good versatility.
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don't really like it, but probably not the worst possibility.

Our gains up front having Foster in there will probably outweigh our losses at the SG position since we have Kevin back there.

The thing I just can't get out of my mind though is the intangibles that Bonzi brought. You could feel the team being tougher with him in there. Bonzi is an impact player. Foster? An elite rebounder and decent defender to be sure but don't know that his impact will anywhere close.
Brad and Foster have tagteamed at center before with Ron Artest at SF, and then some mediocre guys like Jermaine O'Neal and Al Harrington to fill out the frontcourt, and they never sniffed 50 wins.
Pacers won 48 games in 2003, and that was with the horrible Isiah Thomas, Artest being suspended for 12 games in the second half of the season. The Pacers had the best record in the east up until March 10th that year and then they went 2-13 and fell apart.

Jeff Foster is one of the best one-on-one defenders at his position in the NBA. Notice I'm saying one-on-one. He's not very good helping out and blocking shots, he isn't a physical force, but he's so quick and his hands are so quick he can stay with players who are 3 or 4 inches shorter.

Jeff always guarded the better offensive player, JO never did. JO is good at coming over and blocking shots.

But to call Foster one-dimentional is really not correct, unless you think defense and rebounding is only one thing.

Pacers aren't trading Daniels, they shouldn't trade him straight up for Wells
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This rumor is widespread, It's on as well as :eek:

Personally I'd have absolutely nothing to do with Foster If I were GP.

Do we really need another one-dimentional player? This guy rebounds, and thats it. He's never in his carreer averaged even a half a block a game and shoots 60% from the line. And I have to tell you from playing fantasy b-ball this dude gets injured at least twice a season, playing no more than 63 games in the last two seasons.

To me Bonzi offers more than this guy. Bonzi has a toughness about him that I don't believe Foster has in him.

Have no Idea about the Euro, his stat line looks good but at thirty years old???? Seems like a maybe. Does shoot an amazing 91% from the stripe which is good, and maybe GP knows something about the cat he see's potential in. Whatever the case I'd be in favor of retaining Bonzi over those two.

We don't need S. Jackson, they probably won't give up Granger, UGGH
Well guess what Bonzi played 52 games last year, and 69 the year b4 that. So he is averaging 59 games a season, I guess foster is more reliable as of recent. Regarding the pg he is 30, but is is only on contract for 2 more years at $4million per, which means he will only be 32 not exactly acient. For the longest time the Kings needed rebounding and toughness, we land artest and we rebound better, and now people are complaining about getting a guy who tears up the glass, and covers the paint, instead of allowing his man to get an uncontested dunk/layup. It just boggles my mind, and for the record here is what hoopshype has to say about jeff foster "[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Good low-post defender... Great lateral quickness for his size... Plays with high intensity and runs the floor well... Excellent leaping skills... Very good offensive rebounder... Lacks offensive talent." [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]When reading that it seems like is solves alot of our issues, while only being on the hook for 3 seasons. [/FONT]
this dude gets injured at least twice a season, playing no more than 63 games in the last two seasons.
Well, Bonzi did have an ACL reconstruction a few years back and missed about 30 games last year with a torn groin and also had hamstring problems as well. Do you really want to invest 50 million in him??

We aren't asking Foster to start and I think if you have a bench of Foster, Abdur Rahim/Thomas(who is hopefully moved) and one of the young guys in Summer league that's a pretty good tandem at the 4-5 spot. ESPN also has us interseted in Trevor Ariza and he could be a good back-up to Artest. That's a pretty deep frontcourt.
I don't know about any of you but I can' wait till Bonzi watch 2006 is finally over. I'm eager to see what direction we are going to be going in. With that said I would still rather have Bonzi then Foster and Saras.