ron artest trade for peja

^thats exactly why Pacers fans wouldn't mind seeing him traded...they would get back a player who could actually play and help their team in the playoff run...meanwhile the team that got Artest wouldn't be able to play him

and im with Heuge i didn't like the trade in the summer and i DEFINETLY don't like it now
Gandhi the Pimp - Bulls fan?

Nice avatar, that MJ holding the trophy, is that the year 1998(the last championship) or the year 1993(before he first retired) or 1991(the first title)????


i would trade peja for ron artest in a MINUTE! he hustles more than peja! gets more boards than peja. he averaged 25 points a game compared to peja's 20 last year! oh btw he comes to play during the playoffs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SaCKiNgS24 said:
i would trade peja for ron artest in a MINUTE! he hustles more than peja! gets more boards than peja. he averaged 25 points a game compared to peja's 20 last year! oh btw he comes to play during the playoffs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think it's a common misconception that Artest comes in the playoffs. I don't have the numbers right in front of me but as I remember he was a real letdown last year for the Pacers. I'll go get them and re-post.
KP said:
I think it's a common misconception that Artest comes in the playoffs. I don't have the numbers right in front of me but as I remember he was a real letdown last year for the Pacers. I'll go get them and re-post.
Yeah... all of Rons shooting numbers went down in the playoffs last year(not that they were very good to even begin with) FT% from 73%(UGH) to .718%, FG% from 42%(are you kidding?) to 37%, and 3pt% from 31% to 28%(why even take any?). His points went up .1 from 18.3 to 18.4 but he had 2 more min played a game. Peja in the playoffs wasn't much better 38% FG, 31.5% 3pts, 90% FT. but hed did manage to outrebound Ron... Peja 7, Artest 6.5. Peja also avg. more steals than Artest! 1.8 to 1.4, I thought Artest was the defensive stopper??hmm. Pejas rebounding and steals both went up slightly in the playoffs last year showing that even though his shot wasn't falling he stepped up in other areas to help the team. I watched the Pacers a lot in last years playoffs... Ron just got taken out of his game. So you're wrong SacKings24... Neither one of them really "brings it" in the playoffs, although Peja did find a way to be more useful in other areas... and those are the #'s to back it up.
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Hall of Famer
Uh, no. can't immagine any sane GM making that trade. Artest is Indy's albatross untill they either take a big loss to dump him or flat cut him loose. I don't care how good a player is if he gets suspended for the season what good is he. If he gets supended during the paly offs (twice now) what good is he? Sorry Pedja may dissapear in the play offs but at least he is not taken away in handcuffs.
I'd still be tempted. Surrounded by the right people he might end up behaving better (a la Rodman w/ the Bulls).

Probably a bit too risky at this point though, and obviously he wouldn't be of any use to us this season. :)
Doesnt matter how good he is if hes getting suspended every year. Artest is everything most people despise about the NBA. Peja may dissapear in the playoffs, but at least hes not a thug.



Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Brewer16 said:
Doesnt matter how good he is if hes getting suspended every year. Artest is everything most people despise about the NBA. Peja may dissapear in the playoffs, but at least hes not a thug.

Actually we could use a thug.

But a smart thug. And Artest's not. Can't trust him (obviously).


Doesnt matter how good he is if hes getting suspended every year. Artest is everything most people despise about the NBA. Peja may dissapear in the playoffs, but at least hes not a thug.
lets not judge people if we never met them b4! if someone comes to your job and throws a beer on you while you are trying to calm down from a previous argument are you gonna remain professional or take action? the fan crossed the line therefore it caused artest to cross that same line and jump in the stands and start throwing haymakers! am i saying he was right for it? NO. all im saying is he had a reason to do what he did!
SaCKiNgS24 said:
lets not judge people if we never met them b4! if someone comes to your job and throws a beer on you while you are trying to calm down from a previous argument are you gonna remain professional or take action? the fan crossed the line therefore it caused artest to cross that same line and jump in the stands and start throwing haymakers! am i saying he was right for it? NO. all im saying is he had a reason to do what he did!
ok, then I'll judge him based on all the other issues.