''Reign Time'' article about evans


The author's suggestion to move the Kings towards playoff contention:

1.) Draft Aminu
2.) Sign Travis Outlaw
3.) Sign Matt Barnes or Ronnie Brewer
4.) Sign Raja Bell

If we draft Aminu and blow our capspace on the guys suggested, I'd be very upset.

His reasons for Aminu is that the Kings have JT at Center and so they need a shotblocker and rebounder at the PF position, and that Aminu has the size, length, and athleticism to play that position. Aminu could also develop a good pick-n-roll game with Tyreke.

Well...if I'm going to draft a shot-blocking, rebounding PF who can play the pick-n-roll game with Tyreke, I'm going to draft Udoh, and it's not even close. Udoh could play the pick-n-roll game, and more importantly has a better mid-range game than Aminu to play the pick-n-pop game as well. Udoh is a natural PF, while Aminu might struggle to find his game as a SF/PF.
So if that is my drafting criteria, then Ekpe Udoh is my choice over Aminu at the PF position.

As far as who we'd pick up in free-agency, I'm not sold on those presented either.

Seriously, if you're going to pay good money for Outlaw, why not draft Wes Johnson if Cousins isn't on the board?

Now, I actually like both Matt Barnes and Ronnie Brewer. But there is no way that Barnes would re-sign with us, especially after getting playoff time in both Phoenix and Orlando.
Brewer I like, but he doesn't bring the outside shooting and ball-handling we'd want from the SG spot. Again, might as well draft Wes Johnson and see if he can handle and pass well enough to be the SG along-side Tyreke.

As far as Raja Bell goes, sure, sign him for a minimum contract, but I don't see Bell as being a major piece for this team to make a playoff run. If Bell signs somewhere cheap, I'd imagine it being on a contending team, not a young team we're building.

So, I really hope this version of Kings Rebuilding doesn't take place as I don't see it leading the team any closer to a deep playoff run in the coming years.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat

No, hasn't been posted + thanks for that.

Unfortunately it appears to have been written by a fan, and not even one who truly follows the Kings. Its pretty confused. Especially like how we "only" have 9 guys under contract, and therefore can't sign a max guy because of the need to fill out the roster. Uh dude, have you ever heard of draft picks (which would bring us to 11 guys) and minimum contracts? Two draft picks +1max contrat guy would bring us up to 12 people all by itself. Just an amateur error.

Will say this: I like all of Ronnie Brewer, Travis Outlaw and Matt Barnes, but we don't need any of them. Well...maybe one at most. Then he has us draft another SF as well. Oh and sign Raja Bell. This guy is confused about our needs and roster strengths and 2/3happy.
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Maybe a relative of Al-farouq Aminu wrote this not-too-smart article and he wants Aminu to be picked as high as #5. The higher you get picked, the higher your salary.

Aminu is 6' 7.25" without shoes - very undersized at PF position. Not a very smart move for the Kings to use him that way. We already have the very good but severely undersized Landry at the PF position and I hope Petrie won't duplicate and give the same problem to coach Westphal again. It is not as if Aminu is the only viable alternative that can work for the Kings at pick#5.