
Todays game hurt. We shouldve beat the Eagles. Donovan playing poorly, Akers injured yet we let Westbrook screw us for a big play when its 3rd and long. No Collins bashing this week. He played his best game thus far IMO but there were some obvious keys to our loss:
1. LaMont Jordan - Ouch...
2. Janikowski - Has been for a couple years the best kicker in the league and one of the most reliable from 50+ but this year has been a nightmare. He has the leg but no accuracy.
3. Penalties - enough said.

Anyone who has watched a Raiders game this year especially the Kansas City game has to admit that this defense looks nothing like the one from the past 2 seasons. Looks like they are playing inspired D and I like it. Only problem is we are 0-3.

I like the improvements the Riaders have made this past offseason and how they have been playing but it just seems like we are missing that last little piece (like some 49er fans are looking for) to help us win these games that come down to the final few minutes or final drive (KC and PHI).


Super Moderator Emeritus
I have Kerry Collins on one of my fantasy teams and Lamont Jordan on the other. Up until last night, I had Janikowski as my kicker. For reasons I'm still not quite sure of, I dumped him and picked up the Buffalo kicker. It might have been divine fortune. It sure doesn't look as though Sebastian is the same kicker he was last year...
VF21 said:
It sure doesn't look as though Sebastian is the same kicker he was last year...
Ya... when the ball hooked left and hit the bar I almost cried. The guy used to hit 60 yarders in warm up (with ideal weather conditions of course) and now his safe range is 30-35.
I have Kerry Collins also VF and he is doing me good so far.

I am not looking forward to the Oakland game next week. While its always great to beat the Raiders I think its a very dangerous game I don't see the Raiders going 0-4.
If the Raiders loste the next game , IMO the Raiders will not make the playoffs for SURE and I they are my favorite team. Dallas should be beaten by the Raiders. I think they are better than the Cowboys.

Kerry Collins and Randy Moss will step it up and then Charles Woodson should stop Johnson.

Yeah, this loss really sucked. I hear that this was the first time that a team has faced the two superbowl teams from the previous year in the first three games. That really sucks....While I'm unhappy we couldnt have at least one or two of the last two games, I AM happy we can hang with the Patriots (somewhat), Chiefs (w/improved D), and Iggles (mostly), even if it is in three losses....if not this year, then next will be our year, hopefuly a big one.

edit: whats with so few Moss touches? is Norv Turner an idiot? or maybe I should be asking about Davis, not Turner...

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Maybe we should tank the season. The playoffs are probably out of reach now and with two of the best college football players of all time in the draft... Its tempting. If Bush can do what he does in college for an NFL team then... i dont even know what to say except wow. And Leinart is a decent player ;)

If we get Leinart then GOOD BYE collins!! If we get Bush then we need a new coach who can use a good back.
The Raiders season might be done if Randy Moss is out for a significant amount of time. I heard that they are going to have a news conference around 3:00p.m. today. Has anyone else hear this too?
I wasnt home for the game but saw that Moss re-injured his groin. We dont run the ball with a good back who we picked up because "its not our game" and our top reciever is out (not that we dont have plenty of other good recievers). Not to mention, our QB stinks.

Good luck with the Chargers sanity... looks like we are both missing the playoffs this year in the NFL. Broncos are on fire.
Bibby_Is_Clutch said:
I wasnt home for the game but saw that Moss re-injured his groin. We dont run the ball with a good back who we picked up because "its not our game" and our top reciever is out (not that we dont have plenty of other good recievers). Not to mention, our QB stinks.

Good luck with the Chargers sanity... looks like we are both missing the playoffs this year in the NFL. Broncos are on fire.
yeah...moss went down, very much sucks...our RB was overhyped and hasnt produced...our QB is no good, despite the fact that he didnt throw an interception the first four games, and our head coach shouldnt be allowed on the sidelines in any function.

for goodness sake al davis, move the raiders to LA, Sactown, or Vegas, become the head coach again, and get over yourself.

hey, maybe WE'LL win the Leinart Sweepstakes...altho seeing as that im a Cal fan, i don't especially like Matt Leinart (im still laughing about the fact that the only loss he has ever had as a starter was to Cal......nor at how blatently Reggie Bush shoved Matt into the endzone vs ND) but he seems talented....

quite honestly, if we get the #1 pick (which we wont, im just saying) give me Reggie Bush (if he comes out, which he will) and let Andrew Walter give it a shot at QB (or even Tui again)


Bibby_Is_Clutch said:
Good luck with the Chargers sanity... looks like we are both missing the playoffs this year in the NFL. Broncos are on fire.
The season isn't even half way done, and you've already ruled out the Chargers for a playoff spot??? LOL. Your team is probably not going to make it, but to say the Chargers aren't is comical. Both the Chargers and Denver were at the same spots last year, and we all know what happened with the playoffs. Both teams will get in this year, same as last. One the division champs, the other a wild card. I'm still waiting for good ol' Jack Plummer to pull his usual three game catostrophe!
BobbyJ_for3! said:
quite honestly, if we get the #1 pick (which we wont, im just saying) give me Reggie Bush (if he comes out, which he will) and let Andrew Walter give it a shot at QB (or even Tui again)
I would love to see Walter start. He looked real good earlier this year with the little time he got. Jordan wasnt overhyped... he can produce by running and catching but Norv doesnt seem to understand that he is part of the offense.

thesanityannex said:
The season isn't even half way done, and you've already ruled out the Chargers for a playoff spot??? LOL. Your team is probably not going to make it, but to say the Chargers aren't is comical. Both the Chargers and Denver were at the same spots last year, and we all know what happened with the playoffs. Both teams will get in this year, same as last. One the division champs, the other a wild card. I'm still waiting for good ol' Jack Plummer to pull his usual three game catostrophe!
Its comical that I've ruled the Chargers out of a playoff spot? Why is that... because they are your favorite team or because they played well last year? I dont see how its funny to write off a 3-3 team in the AFC from making the playoffs.

Untill your team has a playoff spot and a winning record I will continue to say they wont make it.

Denver 5-1 Div. Leader
Indy 6-0 Div. Leader
Cinci 5-1 Div. Leader
Pitt 3-2 Better than SD on both sides of the ball.
Jack 4-2 Better D than SD, shaky on Off. but overall better than SD.
Buff/NE Tie for Div. Leader (Both wont make playoffs)

Thats 6 playoff teams right there. KC is also ahead of you at 3-2 but after starting well they havent played well as of late.

SD Remaining Schedule:
vs. KC
vs. Buff
vs. Oak
vs. Miami
vs. Denver

The games that are in bold I think are going to be tough games and if SD continues to play as it has this year you probably wont win many of them.

Both wild cards in AFC were at least 10-6 the past two years and one 9-7 3 years ago. If you want the division you may have to go 9-1 or 8-2. If you want the wildcard you may have to go 7-3 or lucky 6-4.

Very comical.
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Denver started the same last year, and so did S.D., difference is S.D. is a better team this year, and will continue to get better. I fail to see your point. Denver always starts like this, wow, what have they done the last few years. "if san diego continues to play as they have this year, you probably won't win many of them"<<<<< Did you happen to miss the trouncing of the Patriots??? Only two tough games coming up are Philly (injured physically and mentally) and Indy. After that, the division games are the only ones that matter. If you happened to look how the schedules were set up, much tougher start for S.D.>>>Patriots, Steelers, Philly-in the same month. Denver has its tough games about to start. Lets watch those standings change rapidly. Oh yeah, I'm also waiting for the eight game win streak ala last year.
thesanityannex said:
No love from the Raider fans???
Ill take this "pansy" defense all year... just dont bring back last years disgrace.

thesanityannex said:
Did you happen to miss the trouncing of the Patriots???
I saw it... the non-champion-like Patriots who are failing to play the D that won them a few superbowls and are inconsistant on offense (especially run game although they have started going to Dillon more now). Yes you beat the world champs but I dont know how proud I would be about it... the way they have started the season. I never said San Diego wasnt a good team with plenty of talent (although Im not sure I can name a reciever). What I am saying is the teams currently holding wild card positions are better overall teams as of right now and if the Broncos keep playing like they are (which may or may not continue... who knows) then SD is in some trouble. IMO things wont change to much. IF SD makes the playoffs which I dont think will happen it will be via WC. It just seems to me that many teams got better over the offseason and SD just isnt at the level they were at last year and in the AFC a slow start can cost you a little more than in the NFC.

But maybe you'll be right... All you need is one of the teams I listed to choke and SD to go on a 8 game winning streak to make the playoffs. I didnt plan on you losing faith yet... just predicting.


Bibby_Is_Clutch said:
It just seems to me that many teams got better over the offseason and SD just isnt at the level they were at last year and in the AFC a slow start can cost you a little more than in the NFC.
SD is better now than last year. The games they have lost this year have been by a field goal, its not like they are getting blown out. Other teams did get better, but none that matter to the Chargers. All I'm watching is the Broncos, they are the ones to beat.
loopymitch said:
Back to Moss, I didn't think his injury was that serious. How bad it is?
Well, if you don't consider bruised ribs, a strained groin and a bruised pelvic area that serious, I guess he will be back this coming Sunday. There's a chance he may be out for 2-3 weeks.
Rockmeister said:
Well, if you don't consider bruised ribs, a strained groin and a bruised pelvic area that serious, I guess he will be back this coming Sunday. There's a chance he may be out for 2-3 weeks.
and he did come back that Saturday only to score a TD:)
So far, Raiders sscored with first 3 possesions and Titans score 2/3 possesions, so the Raiders are winning 17-12.

So far so good, but Titans are slowly coming back. Raiders must score their next possesion. Titans have 12 for missing XPA and failing a 2 pt conversion.