R.E. Graswich: The mood now is good riddance


“Right now the mood is good riddance, although I’m not sure it has sunk in,” said R.E. Graswich, a top aide to Mayor Johnson and a former Sacramento Bee journalist who covered the Kings for seven years.
“We’ve grown up as a sports town,” Graswich said. “We’re not going to back any crummy product they put on the floor. We’ve got bigger problems —12.5 percent unemployment, people being laid off or furloughed, their homes in foreclosure. The Kings would be a nice distraction if they were any good, but they’re not.”
And he doesn't expect that to increase once the Kings leave?? :confused:
I liked KJ when he was elected mayor, especially as a breath of fresh air following the terrible stink of Heather Fargo. Even though I was not able to vote since I live just outside the city limits. However, when the new mayor choose Graswich to be his spokesperson I was floored! This dude in his silly year round Hawaiian shirts was one of the most vocal critics of Maloofs going back years. "R.E." was and is part of the PROBLEM with Sac - shortsighted, jealous, contemptuous, petty, backstabbing, arrogant, egotistical, self-promoter - in other words - just like all the other worthless hacks in City Hall. Even though maybe well intentioned, how dumb as a snunk KJ turned out to really be - SHOCKING!


Hall of Famer
Unbelievable. KJ has to take responsibility for this, given he picked the guy to be his spokesperson. You can't play dumb when it's someone this close to you.

Graswich is an idiot. Does he not realize the problems he mentioned will only get worse once the Kings leave? Businesses will suffer. Charities and not-for-profit businesses will sufferr. People will lose jobs. Not just Arco employees, but the jobs of those who work for businesses supported by the Kings. There will be less tax revenue when visiting teams and acts don't come, which goes to schools, law enforcement, etc..

This is the biggest problem with Sac. The politicians don't see the connection between the Kings and the community. They completely lack the forsight to see what will happen when the Kings leave. They act like all this money will magically appear after they leave, and they can simply funnel it into the local economy. They think it's a better option to spend $400-500M on an arena, without a damn team, and that that will actually be better for the community.

I've said it before, and I feel terrible for Kings fans in Sac, but part of me wants the city officials to get what the deserve. They have repeatedly mishandled this for years, and act like there won't be any consequences. I could see Sac ending up like the country where my fiance grew up, where it was incredibly boring, and the better opportunities were elsewhere. What ended up happening, and is still happening? All the kids in their early twenties move away and go to where the excitement and opportunities are.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I think people are misinterpreting what RE is saying - he isn't personally saying good riddance, he's talking about the pulse of the jerks posting on the Bee and other forums. And when he says he's not sure it's sunk in I believe he means that those fools don't realize the totality of what the Kings leaving and no arena really mean.
I think people are misinterpreting what RE is saying - he isn't personally saying good riddance, he's talking about the pulse of the jerks posting on the Bee and other forums. And when he says he's not sure it's sunk in I believe he means that those fools don't realize the totality of what the Kings leaving and no arena really mean.
There's no misinterpreting these words by Graswich: “We’re not going to back any crummy product they put on the floor. We’ve got bigger problems —12.5 percent unemployment, people being laid off or furloughed, their homes in foreclosure. The Kings would be a nice distraction if they were any good, but they’re not.”

The crummy product is because Kings are rebuilding which every NBA franchise has to do from time-to-time. With some it takes a bit longer than others but eventually the best teams get worse and the not so good teams get better - take Boston as a recent example. He speaks of staggering 12.5% unemployment but fails to mention that MSE is one of the largest PRIVATE full-time and part-time employers in Sacramento. That's just plain ignorant to say that there's "bigger problems" so forget the Kings who will promptly be laying off more people in this pathetic anti-business town. R.E. can't be defended, he's a blithering idiot!!
Some people just aren't able to see that it is an investment that gives back more than you put in. It is not a decision between the Kings/arena and other programs/problems, spending on the Kings/arena helps specifically in those areas you would otherwise be addressing.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
There's no misinterpreting these words by Graswich: “We’re not going to back any crummy product they put on the floor. We’ve got bigger problems —12.5 percent unemployment, people being laid off or furloughed, their homes in foreclosure. The Kings would be a nice distraction if they were any good, but they’re not.”
Again, I think he is saying that is the mood of the citizenry. At least those who are vocal in the newspapers. Because that's what 75% of the comments say. All those people can enjoy what they helped create when they get to drive 90 miles to the nearest entertainment venue. They are a huge part of the problem.

If RE personally feels that way, F him too.
RE is an idiot. Always has been always will be.
And the Mayor is even a bigger idiot for giving the man a job.

Not many things would pass a 2/3 vote of the public. But if you did an instant ballot measure to ask the voters if the Kings should move that they take Bob Graswich with them, it would pass easily.

And I can tell you that RE was hated by the players he covered, the coaches and pretty much everyone who came in contact with him. Even most of his fellow media people despised him. The comments about the fans is his twisted view of the world. Bob is one of those guys that once you get to know him , you hate him even more.


Hall of Famer
If this is the attitude of the Mayor then he has not been truthful. The Kings were never his priority. It's not even subtle. He's a politician and not a basketball player and should be measured the same way we measure any politician. I think he comes up short. He's had his fling at this play acting politician bit and now maybe should really retire. This is .... you've all said it and I'm a little late to the party. I can't vote. That's too bad. Unfortunately our ... oh screw it. Nobody wants my theories now.

Unless his spokesman is not speaking for him, of course.

As to the pulse of the people on the Bee, how about the pulse of the people screaming at the rallies and offering input at council meetings? These nay sayers never put that much energy into it. This cannot be logically defended. He is deflecting blame on a huge failure.

Really, I'm shocked although my atitude about Sacramento should not have left me surprised or shocked. Sacramento is a small town and now will stay there for at least the next generation. I won't live that long and now I have one more reason to leave this area.

The real shame of this is that at the moment the Maloofs have signed nothing, the city says good riddance. Now there is no going back.

That entire article to me reveals the writer doesn't get it. Put a losing team on the floor in Chicago and see if the fan base dwindles. The Maloofs have the right to do this because it is the good old Anerican way of trying to earn more money. Yet he says the Kings stole the team from Kansas City which stole it fron Cincinnati which stole it from Rochester. Why aren't those moves simply a search for more money in the good old tradition of the American way? It was a hack job on this city and distorted info to make the city look stupid. In my mind, it ddn't need to distort anything because Sacramento IS stupid.

OP should have punched RE out big time.
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Again, I think he is saying that is the mood of the citizenry. At least those who are vocal in the newspapers.
That's the impression I got too. But it doesn't matter. It's not what the Mayor's office SHOULD be saying. The quotes from RE and KJ are horrifying. The office should have quotes like, "The Kings haven't left yet! No papers have been signed. Until that happens, we are goiing to do anything any everything within our power to make sure that the Kings remain in Sacramento." At least that's what a competent city, with a vision and a clue, would be saying...
I'm 20 years old. Been a kings fan since I was 6.

Important time of my life and I'm moving to OC with the team gotta do it. **** SAC. I will always rep my hometown of SAC cuz you made me what I am today. But Gotta Turn my back on you. You leave me with no other choice.... :(

I wanted to make a living in La with the team and then come back to retire in Sac but I now i dont think I ever want to come back. I fear what this city will become is going to be too bad.

It hurts me to say it. The police system is so corrupt, especially in suburbs like elk grove with that huge police force. Voilence in sacramento is at all time high as it is, you have kids attacking reporters because there isn't anything else to do.... It's all bad guys. Huge brawls that usually end up deadly at bowling alleys that are supposed to be NICE AREAS like Laguna West. I Know WAYYYYY TOO many people with DUI's that it is NO COINCIDENCE the Kings staff seemingly gets alot of Dui's.

Count me in as a fan that has to the move with the team


The Game Thread Dude
I'm 20 years old. Been a kings fan since I was 6.

Important time of my life and I'm moving to OC with the team gotta do it. **** SAC. I will always rep my hometown of SAC cuz you made me what I am today. But Gotta Turn my back on you. You leave me with no other choice.... :(

I wanted to make a living in La with the team and then come back to retire in Sac but I now i dont think I ever want to come back. I fear what this city will become is going to be too bad.

It hurts me to say it. The police system is so corrupt, especially in suburbs like elk grove with that huge police force. Voilence in sacramento is at all time high as it is, you have kids attacking reporters because there isn't anything else to do.... It's all bad guys. Huge brawls that usually end up deadly at bowling alleys that are supposed to be NICE AREAS like Laguna West. I Know WAYYYYY TOO many people with DUI's that it is NO COINCIDENCE the Kings staff seemingly gets alot of Dui's.

Count me in as a fan that has to the move with the team
Err... Have you ever been to SoCal?


Hall of Famer
I wrote a letter to RE and the reporter from Chicago. They were distinctly unpleasant. I am not going to say another thing about the arena. The citizens of Sacramento get to vote on who represents them and that has been for a long time. Your representaives I suspect think they are representing you. Why would they think this is they way the represent you if not because of input from their cute little areas? I suspect it is because the majority of the city shares the view of "good riddance."

You can't dump this all on the city. It represents you.
Yeah, how dare he say they shouldn't back a crummy team whose owners won't even give them the time of day. The nerve! I see a lot of anger directed at parties not responsible for the move here. The Maloofs are the ones doing this, not BG, not JC, not KJ, The Maloofs. They're the ones walking out, they're the ones you should be angry with.
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I'm 20 years old. Been a kings fan since I was 6.

Important time of my life and I'm moving to OC with the team gotta do it. **** SAC. I will always rep my hometown of SAC cuz you made me what I am today. But Gotta Turn my back on you. You leave me with no other choice.... :(

I wanted to make a living in La with the team and then come back to retire in Sac but I now i dont think I ever want to come back. I fear what this city will become is going to be too bad.

It hurts me to say it. The police system is so corrupt, especially in suburbs like elk grove with that huge police force. Voilence in sacramento is at all time high as it is, you have kids attacking reporters because there isn't anything else to do.... It's all bad guys. Huge brawls that usually end up deadly at bowling alleys that are supposed to be NICE AREAS like Laguna West. I Know WAYYYYY TOO many people with DUI's that it is NO COINCIDENCE the Kings staff seemingly gets alot of Dui's.

Count me in as a fan that has to the move with the team
Good point that people often ignore when whining about The Kings' DUIs. Sacramento has one of the highest DUI rates in the country. All The Kings are doing is fitting in with the local culture. When in Rome, do as Romans.
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If this is the attitude of the Mayor then he has not been truthful. The Kings were never his priority. It's not even subtle. He's a politician and not a basketball player and should be measured the same way we measure any politician. I think he comes up short. He's had his fling at this play acting politician bit and now maybe should really retire. This is .... you've all said it and I'm a little late to the party. I can't vote. That's too bad. Unfortunately our ... oh screw it. Nobody wants my theories now.

Unless his spokesman is not speaking for him, of course.

As to the pulse of the people on the Bee, how about the pulse of the people screaming at the rallies and offering input at council meetings? These nay sayers never put that much energy into it. This cannot be logically defended. He is deflecting blame on a huge failure.

Really, I'm shocked although my atitude about Sacramento should not have left me surprised or shocked. Sacramento is a small town and now will stay there for at least the next generation. I won't live that long and now I have one more reason to leave this area.

The real shame of this is that at the moment the Maloofs have signed nothing, the city says good riddance. Now there is no going back.

That entire article to me reveals the writer doesn't get it. Put a losing team on the floor in Chicago and see if the fan base dwindles. The Maloofs have the right to do this because it is the good old Anerican way of trying to earn more money. Yet he says the Kings stole the team from Kansas City which stole it fron Cincinnati which stole it from Rochester. Why aren't those moves simply a search for more money in the good old tradition of the American way? It was a hack job on this city and distorted info to make the city look stupid. In my mind, it ddn't need to distort anything because Sacramento IS stupid.

OP should have punched RE out big time.
I don't think that's true at all. He's just powerless to keep them here and he knows it. What's the guy supposed to do when the Maloofs won't even copperate with him?
If this is the attitude of the Mayor then he has not been truthful. The Kings were never his priority. It's not even subtle. He's a politician and not a basketball player and should be measured the same way we measure any politician. I think he comes up short. He's had his fling at this play acting politician bit and now maybe should really retire. This is .... you've all said it and I'm a little late to the party. I can't vote. That's too bad. Unfortunately our ... oh screw it. Nobody wants my theories now.

Unless his spokesman is not speaking for him, of course.

As to the pulse of the people on the Bee, how about the pulse of the people screaming at the rallies and offering input at council meetings? These nay sayers never put that much energy into it. This cannot be logically defended. He is deflecting blame on a huge failure.

Really, I'm shocked although my atitude about Sacramento should not have left me surprised or shocked. Sacramento is a small town and now will stay there for at least the next generation. I won't live that long and now I have one more reason to leave this area.

The real shame of this is that at the moment the Maloofs have signed nothing, the city says good riddance. Now there is no going back.

That entire article to me reveals the writer doesn't get it. Put a losing team on the floor in Chicago and see if the fan base dwindles. The Maloofs have the right to do this because it is the good old Anerican way of trying to earn more money. Yet he says the Kings stole the team from Kansas City which stole it fron Cincinnati which stole it from Rochester. Why aren't those moves simply a search for more money in the good old tradition of the American way? It was a hack job on this city and distorted info to make the city look stupid. In my mind, it ddn't need to distort anything because Sacramento IS stupid.

OP should have punched RE out big time.
Put a losing team on the floor in Chicago and see if the fan base dwindles.
Hardly a fair comparison seeing as how Chicago has about 10 million people to pull fans from Vs. Sacramento's 2 million. If you reduced Chicago's population by 80%, you think you'd still not see a dwindling fan base? Their fan base is big enough that it can dwindle and hardly be noticeable. That's one of the advantages of playing in the 3rd largest market. it's not that Chicago fans are better, it's that there's just so many of them.
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That's the impression I got too. But it doesn't matter. It's not what the Mayor's office SHOULD be saying. The quotes from RE and KJ are horrifying. The office should have quotes like, "The Kings haven't left yet! No papers have been signed. Until that happens, we are goiing to do anything any everything within our power to make sure that the Kings remain in Sacramento." At least that's what a competent city, with a vision and a clue, would be saying...
Which is basically nothing. They can't do anything when the Maloofs won't cooperate. They're just being honest. I'd rather that than some false optimism.
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I'm 20 years old. Been a kings fan since I was 6.

Important time of my life and I'm moving to OC with the team gotta do it. **** SAC. I will always rep my hometown of SAC cuz you made me what I am today. But Gotta Turn my back on you. You leave me with no other choice.... :(

I wanted to make a living in La with the team and then come back to retire in Sac but I now i dont think I ever want to come back. I fear what this city will become is going to be too bad.

It hurts me to say it. The police system is so corrupt, especially in suburbs like elk grove with that huge police force. Voilence in sacramento is at all time high as it is, you have kids attacking reporters because there isn't anything else to do.... It's all bad guys. Huge brawls that usually end up deadly at bowling alleys that are supposed to be NICE AREAS like Laguna West. I Know WAYYYYY TOO many people with DUI's that it is NO COINCIDENCE the Kings staff seemingly gets alot of Dui's.

Count me in as a fan that has to the move with the team
Based on this comment as well as your following comment (I know that you are not just blowing hot air as I truly believe that you are deeply connected with the team), you have revealed something on the inside that appears to be a done deal even though it isn't officially out there. The Kings are truly gone, and my heart is broken. Who is to blame? I believe it's a little bit of everybody. Everybody.
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Which is basically nothing. They can't do anything when the Maloofs won't cooperate. They're just being honest. I'd rather that than some false optimism.
The Maloofs cooperated in good faith for a decade and before them owner Jim Thomas did the same - but he was totally ignored when asking city hall for a plan to develop a new arena way back in 1998. The Kings owners just finally threw in the towel which is their right and looked elsewhere for a home. The blame game has definitely started but to say the bumbling, without any clout city council is obsolved is absurd beyond belief.
Of course rookie would agree with R.E.

It's no ones fault but the Maloofs. >_>
And some here think its ALL the cities fault.
How can 12 years of ineptitude be laid at the feet of KJ? Heather Fargo and Joe Serna have done more to sink the Kings than KJ could ever hope to do. KJ has been dealing with a bad hand from the start. The maloofs are taking out 10 years of frustration out on KJ and I think thats wrong. KJ's getting a raw deal here.
The Maloofs cooperated in good faith for a decade and before them owner Jim Thomas did the same - but he was totally ignored when asking city hall for a plan to develop a new arena way back in 1998. The Kings owners just finally threw in the towel which is their right and looked elsewhere for a home. The blame game has definitely started but to say the bumbling, without any clout city council is obsolved is absurd beyond belief.
but to say the bumbling, without any clout city council is obsolved is absurd beyond belief.
Who said anything like that?
And some here think its ALL the cities fault.
How can 12 years of ineptitude be laid at the feet of KJ? Heather Fargo and Joe Serna have done more to sink the Kings than KJ could ever hope to do. KJ has been dealing with a bad hand from the start. The maloofs are taking out 10 years of frustration out on KJ and I think thats wrong. KJ's getting a raw deal here.
I've always said the blame is mostly fault of an inept city council - not all the blame. I further have given praise and hope that KJ as mayor could reverse city hall decade of dithering and bickering. It just never happened and that's not all on him. But what is on him is absolutely stupid hiring of Graswich and the mayor eventually buying into the mood of endless pessimism that reeks out of the pathetic mouth of his spokesperson.