Please take a moment - you COULD save a life!


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Another day of overcast skies and cold temperatures. The snow is melting rapidly, with much more ground visible now, but there's still enough to make walking very far a hassle.

I found my March 2 paper today. It had been buried beneath the snow. Luckily, it was in a plastic wrapper so it's not just a soggy mess. Wow, we beat the Cavaliers!!

*click* let's see, friday i get tickets handed to me for the one of the last games of the regular season. (sorry, already got someone to go with me). today i got to give blood so a pediatric patient can have open heart surgery on tues. did clean up/gardening at the church that lets our gs service hold their meetings, and went to my nephews bday party.

I wonder what wonderful things sunday holds for me?
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