Pistons @ Kings Game Thread

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HndsmCelt said:
3 strong quarters... can't wait to hear Walton and Snapper when this one is over and the Kings win!
Yeah, no kidding. Walton and Snapper are fools, and they deserve to be outed on national television today. Well, not exactly out, since I'm sure America already knows that they are pretty-not-smart.

By the way, how embarassing is it for Al Michaels to point out our dilapidated arena and its outdated amenities? "Home" and "Guest"...yikes.

Actually, I wouldn't mind if there was a feature at every Kings game where they would find one example of wear, if it would move us closer to a new arena.

But back to the game...gotta focus Kings! Can't let the refs get you out of synch!
Crawford didn't see it, at least he was honest... I'm happy with the refs so far, they've missed some calls, even though they are blind at least it looks like they are trying to be fair.
KP said:
Crawford didn't see it, at least he was honest... I'm happy with the refs so far, they've missed some calls, even though they are blind at least it looks like they are trying to be fair.
i agree, no game is ever called perfectly, but as long as the bad/missed calls go both directions I feel a little better.
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