[PHX/SAS] -- series discussion (merged)

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that has nothing to do with defense.....that is just the style...every single play has been called from bench (coaches)....there were so many nba champions that were good on the both ends and I enjoyed those finals….the last nba contender that hade everything including defense, teamwork fun and great fans were 02/03 kings….
calling Iso play does not count....
...have you seen a single Pistons game this year? we call fewer ISO plays than any team in the NBA, and we're just behind the holier than thou suns in assists...

actually, in terms of assists per basket, we're ahead of the Suns...
...have you seen a single Pistons game this year? we call fewer ISO plays than any team in the NBA, and we're just behind the holier than thou suns in assists...

actually, in terms of assists per basket, we're ahead of the Suns...
I'm just kidding for iso plays .....the pistons are ok especially with c-web and only because of him I might watch few ECF games...... harpring/bowen wrestling?...no way

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
You guys are crazy; Jazz/Spurs is going to be a GREAT series. There's going to be great individual matchups (Williams/Parker, Boozer/Duncan), great team offense, GREAT team defense, and great coaching! I'm pumped up for this series!

EDIT - And I still don't understand the mentality that the Suns were a better team: the Suns have never beaten the Spurs with a healthy Tim Duncan in the playoffs, ever. Not with Stoudemire, not without him. Not with Nash, not without him. Anybody who thinks that the Suns definitely would have beaten the Spurs if not for the suspension are blind to that fact.
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You guys are crazy; Jazz/Spurs is going to be a GREAT series. There's going to be great individual matchups (Williams/Parker, Boozer/Duncan), great team offense, GREAT team defense, and great coaching! I'm pumped up for this series!

EDIT - And I still don't understand the mentality that the Suns were a better team: the Suns have never beaten the Spurs with a healthy Tim Duncan in the playoffs, ever. Not with Stoudemire, not without him. Not with Nash, not without him. Anybody who thinks that the Suns definitely would have beaten the Spurs if not for the suspension are blind to that fact.

LOL PHX was tied with SA when Nash cut his nose on Parker's head and SA only went ahead after he went out. They should've won game 1. They only lost because they're retarded and left Bowen in the corner but they were missing a 20/10 player and their only other play maker. They would've had a GREAT chance if those 2 things hadn't happened. I know you hate small ball so you're biased against the Suns but come on man, admit that PHX probably would've won without those 2 things happening.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
LOL PHX was tied with SA when Nash cut his nose on Parker's head and SA only went ahead after he went out. They should've won game 1. They only lost because they're retarded and left Bowen in the corner but they were missing a 20/10 player and their only other play maker. They would've had a GREAT chance if those 2 things hadn't happened. I know you hate small ball so you're biased against the Suns but come on man, admit that PHX probably would've won without those 2 things happening.
Sounds like revisionist history to me: "if" Horry's shot didn't go in in Game 4 in 2002, we probably win the series... we'd probably be 2002 NBA Champions. But he didn't, and we didn't, and we ain't. If Dirk Nowiztki didn't have a spine made out of tissue, the Mavericks would have beat the Warriors... But he does, and they didn't.

To me, all these people that are griping about Phoenix being the allegedly "better team" seem like the same group of people that were bagging on me when I said that Dallas was the better team than Golden State, only this time, those people don't have "scoreboard" to back them up. You can say whatever you want to about how they "would" have won if "such and such" didn't happen. But "such and such" did happen. And they didn't win.

EDIT - And I still don't understand the mentality that the Suns were a better team: the Suns have never beaten the Spurs...
It doesn't necessarily mean anything: Mavs, for example, are overall a much better team than GS, despite GSW winning vast majority of games recently.;):)

Genobily's flops are unbearable; it is mind-boggling that Bowen is de facto allowed to constantly grab and shove. And all Dunkan's block's were, of course, all clean :rolleyes: Go Utah, Pistons or Cavs! Anyone, please stop the Spurs.
Sounds like revisionist history to me: "if" Horry's shot didn't go in in Game 4 in 2002, we probably win the series... we'd probably be 2002 NBA Champions. But he didn't, and we didn't, and we ain't. If Dirk Nowiztki didn't have a spine made out of tissue, the Mavericks would have beat the Warriors... But he does, and they didn't.

To me, all these people that are griping about Phoenix being the allegedly "better team" seem like the same group of people that were bagging on me when I said that Dallas was the better team than Golden State, only this time, those people don't have "scoreboard" to back them up. You can say whatever you want to about how they "would" have won if "such and such" didn't happen. But "such and such" did happen. And they didn't win.
i am not a big fan of small ball either. and i never liked to talk of the lockout season champs with an asterisk. but what horry was able to pull through made the outcome of this series unfair. i have, from that point on, no respect for horry and for pop who defended the action of his player.

i do not care much for the utah jazz and i don't really think that they stand a real chance against the spurs but still, with all my heart: go jazz! if only krilenko decides to play again...

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
I'm not fooling myself; I fail to see how the two things are mutually exclusive. You've never seen a great series where one team still won 4-0 or 4-1?
i am not a big fan of small ball either. and i never liked to talk of the lockout season champs with an asterisk. but what horry was able to pull through made the outcome of this series unfair. i have, from that point on, no respect for horry and for pop who defended the action of his player.

i do not care much for the utah jazz and i don't really think that they stand a real chance against the spurs but still, with all my heart: go jazz! if only krilenko decides to play again...
Regardless if you believe its right or wrong what he did, he did nothing worse than what Jrich did with his flagrant 2 or Baron did with cheapshot to Fisher.

Even then, the rules to stay at your bench are clearly stated. Obviously players understand them as not everyone seems to get suspended when fights happen.

Horry made a fair foul and I know Jerry Sloan would say the same thing, but then he know what a hard foul was about back in his day.

What's funny is Kings played better in that game 5 because without Amare, the other players got involved, like Marion. Like in 2005, Spurs limited the damage from Nash and Amare and kept Marion, Bell, and the great 6th man, Barbosa under control.

And then of course on defense, they didn't do much to stop the other guys. They did well when Parker and Manu struggled. They have done bad when they did well(case in point with Manu's big game 5 and game 6). I think your team has issues at times when Manu Ginobili has 11 rebounds against your team.

There are no guarantees. Game 5's Phoenix fans and players wouldn't be as hyped if the whole incident didn't occur. Spurs bounce back well from losses. And nothing is guaranteed. The results could have been the same, could have been different, but nothing is a sure thing.

The rule is a rule, and to change that now would be unfair to any other teams that lost a player in a key moment. But hey excuses are good.

Dallas lost last year because Miami was handed the trophy. Spurs got the shaft by the refs last year against the Mavs!! Ahh, that's better!
Nash has got very little on what MJ received during his playoff years of getting roughed up.

But then, I'm a Spurs fan so I must be completely wrong, because they can never be right...Spurs cheated their way to victory, but nevermind that they had more 3's in the series and Suns averaged about 6 three's per game (during the season they averaged 10). Or that Spurs got back on transition D or that the formula for Suns success was getting support from the other guys, and not just Amare and Nash being a scorer. And then I highly doubt Stern would rather have the Spurs over the Suns moving on. Great for ratings. They'll beat out American Idol now!

Can't wait for Utah. That'll be a good fair, but physical series, with two stellar coaches.
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The mere fact that Phx cracked mentally at some dirt says a lot about who's the "better" team. Phx may be slightly more talented, but SA still beats them time and again. SA proved them soft in respect to their mental resolve (same as Detroit preying on Scottie Pippen). What Horry did was lightweight compared to what teams pulled in the playoffs in the past. Anthony Mason did miles worse to Horry himself in 94. You didn't see the Rudy Tomjanovich run out on the court like his *** was on fire like Dan Tony did. Phx has to show more composure next year and hopefully lower the volume on their sense of entitlement -- that starts with their coach.
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LOL PHX was tied with SA when Nash cut his nose on Parker's head and SA only went ahead after he went out. They should've won game 1. They only lost because they're retarded and left Bowen in the corner but they were missing a 20/10 player and their only other play maker.
They only lost Gm5 because they're retarded.

So that's two games they lost out of retardation. SA isn't retarded, otoh. Phx is at the disadvantage.
You guys are crazy; Jazz/Spurs is going to be a GREAT series. There's going to be great individual matchups (Williams/Parker, Boozer/Duncan), great team offense, GREAT team defense, and great coaching! I'm pumped up for this series!

EDIT - And I still don't understand the mentality that the Suns were a better team: the Suns have never beaten the Spurs with a healthy Tim Duncan in the playoffs, ever. Not with Stoudemire, not without him. Not with Nash, not without him. Anybody who thinks that the Suns definitely would have beaten the Spurs if not for the suspension are blind to that fact.
Noone says Phoenix would have definitely beaten them, but they were right there, with all the momentum.

Williams / Parker will not be much of a matchup. Williams could not stay in front of Baron Davis and was in foul trouble throughout that series and Parker is even faster. He will go wherever he wants whenever he wants. Boozer/Duncan will be a closer matchup but Duncan will win that one easily.
It may be a close series, but Phoenix had a better chance than Utah ever would.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
Noone says Phoenix would have definitely beaten them, but they were right there, with all the momentum.
So, when you said "A full Suns squad could beat them," you were just talking about Game 6, then? Because the way I see it, Phoenix still played San Antonio at full strength five times in this series, and lost three of them. I'm not seeing this momentum you speak of.
So, when you said "A full Suns squad could beat them," you were just talking about Game 6, then? Because the way I see it, Phoenix still played San Antonio at full strength five times in this series, and lost three of them. I'm not seeing this momentum you speak of.
The momentum after the 2nd game in San Antonio.
The Suns played 2 games at home with full squad and 3 away.
Anyway, it's a moot point now, Spurs* advance, but hopefully Suns will get another chance next year.
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bleh, with utah and san antonio being two meaty teams, i just kinda want them to knock some heads.

detroit is the last team left for me to cheer for. go webb!
The mere fact that Phx cracked mentally at some dirt says a lot about who's the "better" team. Phx may be slightly more talented, but SA still beats them time and again. SA proved them soft in respect to their mental resolve (same as Detroit preying on Scottie Pippen). What Horry did was lightweight compared to what teams pulled in the playoffs in the past. Anthony Mason did miles worse to Horry himself in 94. You didn't see the Rudy Tomjanovich run out on the court like his *** was on fire like Dan Tony did. Phx has to show more composure next year and hopefully lower the volume on their sense of entitlement -- that starts with their coach.
Is that bitterness in your voice that I hear? Why on Earth would that be? ;)
The spurs did what I was hoping the lakers would do to the lakers, put some of those players like nash and barbosa on their rear when they were going for those layups with And 1. If you are going to give the layup and a foul just do it harder. It makes those little guys think twice while going for the layup and that showed in so many of those misses barbosa and nash had around the basket.

Nash doesnt have any thing to complain about what bowen was doing cos thats what raja bell does in his own team, do they call every foul on bell when he was guarding kobe, NO.

But for a two time mvp the way he was complaining to the refs all game long that was pathetic, it showed how much the suns were dependent on the refs for winning the game. By the way for people who were talking about the games in the previous series being called evenly just based on number of fouls, this game suns were called for 23 PF Vs spurs 21 and the suns were fouling intentionally in the end. But when we watch the game we know for sure that the suns were shafted by the refs , same as in previous series where it was the other way around.

I think Amare is a much better leader than Nash for that team and I respect Amare, he was just playing his game and wasnt complaining on every trip down the floor like their two time mvp was doing, he just lost his composure and that doesnt go well for the team.

Suns did come back with their own physical play and as expected it came from thomas, but it was too late in the series and the spurs are better coached on that aspect to not take that too seriously and are better prepared. When Parker was put on his rear last game, spurs didnt react at all, for nash all the suns players were all over the place. Talking about dirty did you see james jones undercut duncan, it was a dirty play whether you offer your hand afterwards or not, undercutting is the dirtiest you can do under the basket.
With that, the playoffs are over and Spurs will win it all. I cannot imagine any series left will be anywhere near as fun to watch as that one was.

Spurs and Pistons - meh.
i am not a big fan of small ball either. and i never liked to talk of the lockout season champs with an asterisk. but what horry was able to pull through made the outcome of this series unfair. i have, from that point on, no respect for horry and for pop who defended the action of his player.

i do not care much for the utah jazz and i don't really think that they stand a real chance against the spurs but still, with all my heart: go jazz! if only krilenko decides to play again...
Horry didn't do anything but give Nash a hard foul. Had that foul been at midcourt, no one would be calling Horry dirty. And Nash flailing his arms around like a ballerina after he hit the ground didn't help, either.

I picked the Spurs to win the series, and I rooted for them to win. I'm with Slim on small ball: I hate it. I don't like the way the series went down, but when you look at the way these two teams have played each other the past three seasons, there's no way anyone can say that the Suns should have won, or that they're the better team. The Spurs consistently hit the Suns where it hurts the most, with Tim Duncan dominating, forcing the Suns to execute offensively in the half court and defend effectively, two things they don't excel at in the playoffs.

And that's the reason that the Suns lost Game 1 and Game 6, because they have serious flaws if they want to beat a team like the Spurs or Pistons - or even the Mavs - in order to win a championship.

Another reason I don't like the Suns is because they seem to have a sense of entitlement, as another poster mentioned, as if they've been guaranteed something. Steve Nash is a great point guard, and Amare Stoudemire is a stud, but they don't have a likeable team beyond those two, especially if you're not a fan of the way they play. I respect what they do offensively, but they will never be a championship team until they put a premium on being an efficient defensive team.