Phoenix vs. SA - Conf. Finals

suns will destroy the spurs with the pick and roll. ditto for the spurs and the paint. should be really interesting to see offense vs defense. for this time only, defense might not be enough to win a championship. of course, winning the wcf means squat this year; miami is no cake walk.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
The Suns will get lucky and shoot lights-out twice. It won't be nearly enough. Spurs in 6, if Duncan can even walk; Pop will figure out that offense before they can beat him four times.

Spurs in 5, if Johnson can't play. Phoenix looked utterly helpless against San Antonio in both of the games in which Duncan played; if Johnson can't go, they have no chance... Not as if they'd win the championship, anyway; they couldn't beat either Detroit or Miami.
Okay, if the Spurs manage to contain MR. MVP, then SPURS in 6. Otherwise, the SUNS are going to the FINALS. BLAH.

So who would Bruce Lee going to lock down?
Duncan was limping pretty badly getting off the plane in SA. It wouldn't surprise me if the Spurs sat Duncan out the first game. Bowen? Depends on which perimeter player is doing damage, anyone from Nash to Marion. Nash never has played real well against Parker. Amare has had big games against the Spurs though.
If it gets to 7 than Suns win...anything less Spurs take...they will have ended up being successfull slowing down the Suns...I think homecourt is gonna be mean a lot in this thing I learned after the Suns last series I'm not gonna sleep on that team anymore...this is gonna be a great series...for the first time all POs I don't care which team wins...I hope for the sake of basketball fans everywhere that its a back and forth series just cuz thats more fun to watch...offense vs defense...I think the key guy for the Spurs is gonna be Tony Parker who nobody has really seen since game 2 of the semi finals...and for the Suns its Shawn...he can't be quiet in that series...he's gotta let everyone know he's on that a side Q has played horrible all POs long...will he ever break out of that?

Can't wait for tomorrow afternoon! woohoo!!
The Spurs look really good, not great. They're definitely beatable. Phoenix is better than Seattle on the perimeter and has a reliable post presence and a much better point guard. They can win in the paint just as easily as they can win with the three. Marion, Richardson, Stoudemire, and Jim Jackson can all either drive, post, or do a little of both. That's a lot of firepower. The Spurs have plenty of weapons, and better defense, but the Suns are just absolutely overwhelming when they're on, and they're still better than Seattle, even when they're off. I think the Suns win in 6, possibly 7 if Duncan heals really quickly or something.

I would disagree with anybody who thinks Phoenix can't beat Detroit or Miami. I mean, I know it was the regular season and not the playoffs, but Phoenix didn't acquit themselves all that poorly against those two, particularly Miami.
spurs in 6.

spurs have the championship experience that none of the suns do. spurs played em pretty good in the regular season, winning 2 out of 3, one of those in phoenix.

go spurs go.

( i picked em to win the finals, i can't turn on em now :D)

edit: i wouldn't be surprised to see bown gaurding nash at times, but i think most of the time he'll be on Q.
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Spurs are good, but they're not as good as in previous years. Duncan isn't at full strength and they won't be able to consistently stop Pheonix in the way that they will need to in order to go the distance in this series.

Suns in 6.
The only way for the SPURS to go on top if Frenchy decides to show up and stop hanging out with MS. Desperate Housewives. Otherwise, Duncan and Manu are going to be wore out and they won't have enough in them to carry the series on their back.

X factor - Frenchy
No X Factor - Fishing
Folsom Al said:
Suns in 7 .... and I'm jealous (that's WAS our style and I wanna see the Suns do it)
Tell me about it.

This WCF really does remind me of 2002 Kings vs. Lakers. Bibby was playing out of his mind. Kings had home court advanage and best record that season.


This is one of the series I am looking forward to watching.
Why do you say "that WAS our style"? Kings were noted for a half-court passing game with everyone involved. Suns are a transition team and if they're forced into a half court game the ball is in Nash's hands 90% of the time with him trying to create for himself or someone else. To me the styles couldn't be farther apart.
Prior to the DC/Mobley trade and C-Webb,Barnes/KT,Skinner,Willimason trade ... the King's game evolved to what it was.

Go back to the J-Will days with DC at SG, when Chris could run, Peja right up there with 'em and spottin' up for 3's ... fast breaks - fast paced game - no rest on the opponents basket - inbounds it - and let's go !!! Vlade would eventually make it downcourt to get involved in an offensive set (heh-heh).

Even after the Bibby/J-Will trade ... the King's were a FAST-PACED offensive team.

Father-Time just caught up with the King's ....

That's what I mean ...
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With J Will the Kings didn't have much success. At their prime I saw the Kings as an opportunistic transition team more so than the Suns who try to run on every play, even made baskets. But in the half court no one on the Kings dominated the ball nearly as much as Nash does. Kings half-court offense was predicated on motion and passing. Suns half-court offense revolves around Nash breaking down the offense off of screens then feeding Amare rolling to the basket, passing to players like Marion, Johnson, Richardson cutting baseline, kicking out for an open three or taking the shot himself. An ahtletic offense but not as intricate or as skilled an offense as the Kings was.

I will be very surprised if the Suns have anywhere close to the transition game success they've enjoyed to date when they play the Spurs. Their success will become more dependent on Nash's half-court skills imo.
Well ... if you wanna get detailed about it, you're right.

I was thinking more along the lines of fun to watch, fast, exciting, up-n-down, 3-4 and sometimes a 5th pass before a shot was taken.

Suns offense relies HEAVILY on Nash breaking down the defense, so did Dallas when Nash was there. (but, what's that got to do with the T in China ???).

Kings were more Princeton ... cutters and slashers with a high-post passing game.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
Evenstar said:
edit: i wouldn't be surprised to see bown gaurding nash at times, but i think most of the time he'll be on Q.
Why should San Antonio waste Bowen on Richardson? He can't shoot unless he's left wide open, and even Barry can handle that much defense. Bowen will likely guard Johnson/Jackson, and I'd also expect heavy minutes for Horry, since Mohammed/Nesterovic can't keep up with Marion, and Duncan will have his hands full with Stoudemire.

I just can't see Phoenix beating San Antonio with their top five players getting 45+ minutes a game. That, and their so-called "overpowering" offense just doesn't impress me at all; much like Miami, they haven't really played anyone yet.