Peja. divac visiting Taiwan(pics)


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
AleksandarN said:
I think 35 minutes is what he practices on his shooting alone.
Oh boy. Hell, when I used to care I shot for 35 min a day. Actually an hour. Of course I didn't hoist up 500 shots in that time -- advantages of a ball rack and maybe somebody to shag for you.

In any case, that is NOT working on your game. That's bare minimum staying in shape for an NBA player. Last time I checked nobody was worried about Peja's three point shot.

On the other hand, while he will never have the personality or "great spirit" of Vlade, it looks like what Peja is working on is being a protege as international bball ambassador. But why do I have the sneaking suspicion that if Vlade died tommrow that there is no way Peja has it in him to keep on the tradition himself.
Bricklayer said:
Oh boy. Hell, when I used to care I shot for 35 min a day. Actually an hour. Of course I didn't hoist up 500 shots in that time -- advantages of a ball rack and maybe somebody to shag for you.

In any case, that is NOT working on your game. That's bare minimum staying in shape for an NBA player. Last time I checked nobody was worried about Peja's three point shot.

On the other hand, while he will never have the personality or "great spirit" of Vlade, it looks like what Peja is working on is being a protege as international bball ambassador. But why do I have the sneaking suspicion that if Vlade died tommrow that there is no way Peja has it in him to keep on the tradition himself.
Who says he only works out 35 minutes a day on basketball. Brick I know you better than that.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
AleksandarN said:
Who says he only works out 35 minutes a day on basketball. Brick I know you better than that.
We've got another aricle on here where he says its 2 hours a day TOTAL -- for bball and weight training. Can't be too much more than 35 min in that case. Maybe an hour tops. Enough to sustain maybe. Not enough to improve, in particular when you are just working on your strengths.
The article from Sacbee and that one from the gym are the best and most legitimate right now.

That one where it wasn't as in-depth at all, sucks.
Kings113 said:
The article from Sacbee and that one from the gym are the best and most legitimate right now.

That one where it wasn't as in-depth at all, sucks.
Why are those the "most legitimate?" Because they say what you want to hear?
GoGoGadget said:
Why are those the "most legitimate?" Because they say what you want to hear?
Nope, that's you assuming.

The Sacbee one and the one posted today from the gym have more direct quotes, and are more in-depth than that other one that came out sometime last week, which had less content, and a lot less actual quotes. Where people were basing a lot of things on that article, and ignoring the first one of these kinds of articles that came out on Sacbee.

Peja is not a "they". ;)
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Kings113 said:
Nope, that's you assuming.

The Sacbee one and the one posted today from the gym have more direct quotes, and are more in-depth than that other one that came out sometime last week, which had less content, and a lot less actual quotes. Where people were basing a lot of things on that article, and ignoring the first one of these kinds of articles that came out on Sacbee.
Actually, that was me questioning.

And all I was really questioning was your use of the word "legitimate." It implies a certain knowledge that none of us possess. You can trust those articles more than you do the snippet that launched a thousand quips, but that doesn't make it more true. Unfortunately, none of us will know which Peja is the legitimate one until the season starts. Is he working out vigorously everyday? Is he basking in the sun for a few more months? No one really knows.

Kings113 said:
Peja is not a "they". ;)
No, he's not. But articles, plural, would be a "they."
No, no one does really know, but at the moment, they can give some indiciation. I'll take the articles loaded with direct quotes over the one article with two paragraphs about his game, not with many quotes (the one off b92).

I was kidding on the "they" comment.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Vlad said:
Vlade's left arm in that first pic looks almost sickly.
Right arm I think you meant, right?

But you can see what happened -- all those years in the NBA what you had was Vlade bulked up from all that lifting he did, and now that he's semi-retired he's losing all that muscle mass. :eek: :p
Stojakovic said:

Here's one of Peja working on his post moves.
haha i actually was gonna post this pic but my browser somehow just dropped dead for no reason!! this is where they try the simulator from china airlines. according to the news peja apparently crashed the 747 during landing.