O'Neal Tries a Novel Approach: Big Respect

O'Neal Tries a Novel Approach: Big Respect
By Greg Sandoval
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, February 20, 2005; Page E07

DENVER, Feb. 19 -- Miami Heat center Shaquille O'Neal said today that he uses trash-talk to gain a psychological edge over the league's other big men. But there is one player O'Neal doesn't badger: the Houston Rockets' Yao Ming, who is from China.

"I found out that he was a respectful young man," said O'Neal before he and the other members of the Eastern Conference all-star team began practice. "I realized that Asian people are different than us Americans. . . . The Asian people have always been about honor and respect, so I respect and honor him."

O'Neal and Yao go head-to-head in Sunday's NBA All-Star Game. Two years ago, when O'Neal was still with the Lakers, he ignited a firestorm of protest for making what many Asian groups considered racist comments during an interview.

"Tell Yao Ming, 'Ching-chong-yang-wah-ah-soh,' " O'Neal told an interviewer in the summer of 2002.

O'Neal apologized and called himself an "idiot prankster." Nonetheless, he continued to slam Yao's game in the media. Last season, O'Neal often said that he was the only dominating center in the Western Conference, an apparent slight of the 7-foot-5 Yao.

What changed O'Neal's attitude?

In an interview last November with The Washington Post, O'Neal said: "One day my father came to Houston before a game we were supposed to play against the Rockets and he said, 'Cut that stuff out.' I said, 'What?' My father said, 'You talkin' all that mess to that man. Do you know that man sent you a Christmas card?'

"He handed me the Christmas card. It said, 'Shaq, you're my favorite big man. I want to be like you in a couple of years. I love you.' And after that, I'm like . . . I'm acting like an [expletive] to this dude, trying to break him, trying to punk him before I play him, but it didn't work. You got to respect a man you can't break.

"All those other cats, I could break 'em. I could say something in the paper and get them to respond. Once they respond, I got 'em. I used to do that to [Alonzo] Mourning, [Patrick] Ewing. Couldn't do it to Yao. I apologized to him.

"So now whenever we play, it's like two warriors going at it."

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PS. I posted this one here as it speaks about Yao's nature more than about Shaq. Some people need to be loud to get respect, others just get it being themselves.
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Shaq defintely has more respect for Yao than he has for Kobe. Shaq doesnt make any eye contact with Kobe Bryant because he doesnt even want to be associated with him anymore. Now Shaq understands that Yao Ming is not into all the little mind games these NBA players play, hes decided to take Yao seriously now(finally). Shaq is a smart man, thought people would know this by now.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
¿¿¿ said:
Shaq defintely has more respect for Yao than he has for Kobe. Shaq doesnt make any eye contact with Kobe Bryant because he doesnt even want to be associated with him anymore. Now Shaq understands that Yao Ming is not into all the little mind games these NBA players play, hes decided to take Yao seriously now(finally). Shaq is a smart man, thought people would know this by now.
Yes, this article really helps shine a bright light on Shaq's intelligence so everybody can see it. Well I USED to make racist remarks and make fun of this immigrant from China who didn't even know how to speak English, but then my dad told me to stop, so I'm a genius. :rolleyes:
Bricklayer said:
Yes, this article really helps shine a bright light on Shaq's intelligence so everybody can see it. Well I USED to make racist remarks and make fun of this immigrant from China who didn't even know how to speak English, but then my dad told me to stop, so I'm a genius. :rolleyes:
What we are witnessing is the maturation of a very large person who has behaved much younger than his years, for years. Notice that in his case, as with our own chris Webber, it was their fathers who smacked them in their respective heads at critical times. There are not enough responsible fathers in the United States to do requisite head-smacking.

By the way, Americans are different than Chinese. That is not a racist comment. Yao is a perfect gentleman, and in the NBA, that is a cultural difference. Yao is more like Funderburke or Christie, than most NBA players.

I think Shack is basically a good person. Please don't store this post! Anyone that can take as much physical abuse as he has been subjected to, and not retaliate, is impressive. He pushes people around the paint and mouths off a lot, but if he had Massenburg's or Malone's personality, with his size and power, the League would have recorded a lot of serious basketball injuries over the past 10 years. Shack almost always backs off the rough stuff.
quick dog said:
What we are witnessing is the maturation of a very large person who has behaved much younger than his years, for years. Notice that in his case, as with our own chris Webber, it was their fathers who smacked them in their respective heads at critical times. There are not enough responsible fathers in the United States to do requisite head-smacking.

By the way, Americans are different than Chinese. That is not a racist comment. Yao is a perfect gentleman, and in the NBA, that is a cultural difference. Yao is more like Funderburke or Christie, than most NBA players.

I think Shack is basically a good person. Please don't store this post! Anyone that can take as much physical abuse as he has been subjected to, and not retaliate, is impressive. He pushes people around the paint and mouths off a lot, but if he had Massenburg's or Malone's personality, with his size and power, the League would have recorded a lot of serious basketball injuries over the past 10 years. Shack almost always backs off the rough stuff.
i agree.

and i actually heard about this story a few years ago when Yao actually sent Shaq the Christmas card...i mean how frickin sweet is that...i really think Shaq took a step back and was like "what? wow"

Yao is sucha good kid...very respectful...and i thought the fact of him sending SHAQUILLE O'NEAL a Christmas card really is telling into what kind of person he is


Super Moderator Emeritus
You people are all so blind.

Yao Ming is Chinese. They are inscrutable and diabolically clever.

Ming KNEW that sending a Christmas card to Shaq would totally disarm him, cause him to regret any bad things he might have said AND possibly prevent him from ever saying anything about him again.


RAIDER925 said:
I don't know why but seems kinda racist when he said this

"I realized that Asian people are different than us Americans. . . . "

Of course Asians are different from Americans... that is not racist at all, and i'm asian

VF21 said:
You people are all so blind.

Yao Ming is Chinese. They are inscrutable and diabolically clever.

Ming KNEW that sending a Christmas card to Shaq would totally disarm him, cause him to regret any bad things he might have said AND possibly prevent him from ever saying anything about him again.


if you really have to find something racist, this would be, but personally i'm not too offended


Super Moderator Emeritus
SacKingsFX said:
Of course Asians are different from Americans... that is not racist at all, and i'm asian

if you really have to find something racist, this would be, but personally i'm not too offended
My comment was racist? Excuse me?

I suggest you stop now. I am not a racist and I strongly and vehemently object to being called one.
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VF21 said:
My comment was racist? Excuse me?

I suggest you stop now. I am not a racist and I strongly and vehemently object to being called one.
Were you being serious about Chinese being diabolical and what not? I wouldnt say racist, but that is stereotyping.
Pacboy said:
Were you being serious about Chinese being diabolical and what not? I wouldnt say racist, but that is stereotyping.
I'm sure it was a joke, first off. Second, everyone stereotypes. Third, she said "diabolically clever", not "diabolical".


Super Moderator Emeritus
A couple of you have apparently completely missed the spirit of my post.

I was joking. I was saying that it could all be a plan of Yao's, because "everyone knows" the Chinese are inscrutable (which means they cannot be easily figured out) and diabolically clever. Those are NOT bad traits and they are not racist comments. In addition, everyone is subject to stereotypes. It doesn't mean the statements are made to injure, hurt or demean, which is what the label "racist" implies.

This isn't about racism and it isn't about stereotyping. I can only assume those of you who would think those things about me haven't been part of this online community very long because I am not that kind of person.
Attention for those who are under 40 and not well-read.

VF21 was joking.

She has a much wider frame of social reference (eg. Charley Chan movies and decades of incredible prejudice against Asians in the United Staes and Europe) than many KingsFans posters.

She was ridiculing very old western stereotypes.

Lighten up and don't assume the worst.
Shaq's reaction is hilarious. Is it just me or does Yao's Christmas card seem totally normal? Hmmm...maybe its the traditional Chinese side of me talking.


Homer Fan Since 1985
quick dog said:
She was ridiculing very old western stereotypes.
That is why I thought it was so funny. But, then I too am "old" and appreciated her making fun of the old stereotypes.

Relax. VF21 is no more racist than I am.....and I AM NOT!
I'm only 24 and I got the joke. I even thought she threw in a concession to those who might not get it, by putting :Dand ;) at the end, which is usually a pretty clear-cut indicator of a person's tone (in this case, Not Serious).

Anyway, it's interesting to read that about Yao-Shaq. People accuse Yao of being mentally weak or being soft. His body may have some limitations, but I think this shows that he is mentally strong. You've got to be pretty confident in yourself and pretty sure of what you're doing to take verbal barbs from a guy you really look up to and not let it get to you.