Excuse me, Ailene, your bias is showing again. I think, as Kings fans, we should demand better journalists. I won't post the link to her latest fantasy, but if you want to vomit or punch someone in the face you should check it out
Let me guess, because yesterday I almost wrote a mockup of what she was going to say, but again, time:
-- new sheriff in town, organization returning to sanity where the coach is allowed to coach, and the players say thankyou sir, may I have another
-- clear now Vlade setting up strong structure that does not need Cousins
-- all in or out
-- coach going to demand accountability, will not tolerate anymore laziness
-- can play at a pace slow enough for his out of shape center, but smart enough not to
-- coach and GM praise Kings of old, wil be no place for malcontent ball stopper
-- firing shots throughout a telling news conference
-- when Cousins petulantly rebels against this coach, which he will, he will be gone