Mark Kreidler: Kings to control the Pacific; will Comcast control Kings?
By Mark Kreidler -- Bee Columnist
Published 2:15 am PST Sunday, October 31, 2004
I know what you're thinking. You're thinking the same two things I'm thinking, minus the NC-17 language and pointlessly violent content.
One: Just as you're getting set to dock the Kings some playoff-positioning points on the basis of bad karma and fractured team "chemistry," along comes the rest of the Western Conference, underwhelming at a Clipperian rate. Though you can't believe you're saying this after its summer of alleged turmoil, Sacramento is probably looking at a divisional title and the No. 3 seed in the postseason.
And, Two: You'll see almost none of it. Because you, my friend, own a dish.
About that second part, I'd help if I could. (I really would. I own a dish.) As it is, the best I can do is to pass along the latest scuttlebutt, which is that,
as of late last week, the Comcast deathstar was in gradually warming conversations with either the Dish Network or DirecTV, and there was the possibility of some good news with one or the other - perhaps both - this week.
Frankly, if that's true, Comcast has disappointed me. It's shocking that the world's most avaricious cable operator would pass up the opportunity to (a) let the NBA season go ahead and start, (b) listen as Kings-fan satellite subscribers begin truly screaming at ear-bleed levels, and (c) use that vocal battle cry - Dude, Where's My Local Franchise? - as leverage to vacuum millions out of the suddenly panicky satellite companies.
If Comcast strikes a smiley-faced deal with the dishes in the meantime, I'll be glad to amend its moniker to "purportedly" avaricious. Until then, the sentiment stands.
But for those of you who already have Comcast or SureWest and thus will receive the full, 82-game Kings package among the different carriers (the new cable-channel venture, News 10, ESPN, TNT), good news: It's a pretty interesting team you'll be watching - or at least being given the opportunity to watch.