Nuggets @ Kings Game Thread

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Wgat did you guys think of the game tonight?

i thought i was a good game!i liked how banzi and ron played together!i think we have a good team we still need to make some changes with moving corliis somewhere else for a good bench player!!good game tonight!! go kings!
Any particular reason why the hottest man of the night on our team, Kevin Martin, sat on the pine down the stretch there? He was hitting just about everything he threw up :confused:
Very nice game, Same here RAY was going to say the same thing.

We actually hustled the entire 4qtrs. I think the offense will get better as they gel and get used to were each other will be on the court...but this game had a LOT of positives. Nice job by Reef stepping in at Center against Camby.

Another game we won the battle of boards 46/42

And Gerry's quote about the refs being like wives and not to argue with them cracked me up.
Tonight's game shows just how tough the Kings can be with Bonzi and Artest in the line-up. All we need now is a beast down low. Bonzi's rebounding is putting Brad to shame.


Hall of Famer
PixelPusher said:
a few concerns is preferable to the despair and anguish felt about this team prior to the trade. (getting Bonzi back is a big part of it too, I realize.)
I wish - but hey, we won tonight and let's focus on that
Hey the Kings showed heart, energy, and toughness out there. Bibby had an AWFUL game and the Kings still showed up. Now the Kings have had a couple of games like this and then fallen off the face of the planet, let's see how the Kings do... The Kings need to win all the games up to @ Phoenix, I can live with a loss there...


Hall of Famer
SacKings384 said:
Hey the Kings showed heart, energy, and toughness out there. Bibby had an AWFUL game and the Kings still showed up. Now the Kings have had a couple of games like this and then fallen off the face of the planet, let's see how the Kings do... The Kings need to win all the games up to @ Phoenix, I can live with a loss there...
not true.

He had an awful game in Boston. tonight - he was quiet
piksi said:
not true.

He had an awful game in Boston. tonight - he was quiet
5-13, 1-4 from three, 3 to's, and 0 rebounds for Mike Bibby is a pretty awful game in my book. One week ago there's no way the Kings could have pulled one out with that kind of performance.
Seeing Bonzi & Ron Ron working on the floor was sweet! It was great to see Skinner in there..:) I was kinda getting nervous at the end there but a win over a decent team is great!
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