Back to back wins on the road? No way!!
Kings 97
Nets 102
Kings 97
Nets 102
5 brave KF predictors saw a way...
(And I guess the coach & players
had something to do with it too...)
Best of all was @origkds, who even nailed the 5-point difference, to take the night with 76 points!
@CVKingsfan (66) and @El Paljasso (63) were both close in all aspects, and took 2nd and 3rd respectively.
@bubulina nailed the exact Nets' score, but still came only 4th, with 58, predicting a much bigger margin.
Yours truely came 5th, with 53, only missing Kings' score by 1 point.

This was @origkds 3rd daily win
(and 2nd in a row, I believe)
# KingsFan ...................... Daily Wins
1. @Ron ................................ 7
2. @New Era ........................ 5
3. @LoungeLizard ............. 4
4. @origkds .......................... 3
5. @Russell Pimphustler .. 2
--- @chief bromden ............ 2
--- @206Fan .......................... 2
--- @Capt. Factorial ............. 2
--- @Telemachus .................. 2
--- @eMBarkat10n ............... 2
--- @El Paljasso .................... 2
--- @CVKingsfan .................. 2
13. @SLAB ............................ 1
--- @km23 ............................. 1
--- @alonshin ....................... 1
--- @King Baller .................. 1
Here's December's race picture, going into the last third of the month:

@New Era and @Ron are forming a strong leading duo.
@LoungeLizard and @Capt. Factorial keep swapping between them selves at 3rd and 4th...
@bubulina made a small leap to 13th.

Average Per Prediction
@New Era and @alonshin swapped the lead between them once again, with the latter taking the lead through absence.

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