New Era Prediction Game 2017-18: Game Over!! See You in a New Thread Next Season

At last! A WIN!
(In more ways than one)

We had our full 12-strong cadre of regular predictors, with no less than 3 of us scoring in the 70s!
@Telemachus was the only one who nailed the exact 6-point margin, and he scored 74, ahead of @origkds with 70,
but the winner of the night was...
yours truely, @Ron, who was only 1 point off the mark in both margin and opponents' score, and only 2 points off the mark on Kings' score, to score a total of 76 points.

The summary:


This was daily win number 8 for @Ron

# KingsFan ........................ Daily Wins
1. @Ron ................................. 8
2. @chief bromden ............. 6
3. @New Era ......................... 5
--- @LoungeLizard ............... 5
--- @CVKingsfan .................... 5
--- @Telemachus ................... 5
--- @eMBarkat10n ................ 5
--- @Russell Pimphustler .... 5
9. @El Paljasso ..................... 4
10. @origkds .......................... 3
--- @Capt. Factorial .............. 3
12. @206Fan .......................... 2
13. @SLAB .............................. 1
--- @km23 ............................... 1
--- @alonshin ......................... 1
--- @King Baller .................... 1


@eMBarkat10n still leads, with @Telemachus closing from behind.


Season Leaderboard

@Ron passed @Capt. Factorial to regain 2nd place, and @Telemachus climbed 2 spots over @eMBarkat10n and @CVKingsfan to take the 6th place.


Points Per Prediction

@chief bromden has shrunk back to live proportions (below 40) but still leads the pack among the regulars (@alonshin will soon drop off the grid if he doesn't participate going forward)


Highs and Lows

Highs & Lows - Overall Predictions
Most Prediction Attempts.............................47 - @Capt. Factorial and @Telemachus
Most Correct Predictions of Winner............30 - @New Era
Most Predictions with a Score of 50+..........13 - @CVKingsfan
Most Predictions with a Score of 60+............7 - @New Era
Most Predictions with a Score of 70+............4 - @Ron
Most Predictions with a Score of 80+............1 - @New Era
Most Predictions with a Score of 90+............0 - None so far
High % Correct in Predicting Winner.....68.6% - @eMBarkat10n
Low % Correct in Predicting Winner......14.3% - @VF21
Longest Streak in Predicting Winner..............8 - @Capt. Factorial and @eMBarkat10n in games 39-46, and also @New Era in games 39-47 (MIA in game 45)
Longest Streak MisPredicting Winner............8 - @El Paljasso, game 1 and then 3 to 9 (MIA in #2)

Highs & Lows - Kings' W Predictions
Most Kings' W Predictions..........................44 - @El Paljasso
Least Kings' W Predictions...........................0 - @alonshin
Highest % of Kings' W Predictions......100.0% - @King Baller, @VF21, @KingsFanSince85, @El Paljasso and @origkds
Lowest % of Kings' W Predictions...........0.0% - @alonshin
Most Correct Kings' W Predictions.............12 - @El Paljasso
Least Correct Kings' W Predictions...............0 - @chief bromden
Highest % Correct in Kings' W Pred......50.0% - @SLAB and @eMBarkat10n
Lowest % Correct in Kings' W Pred.........0.0% - @chief bromden

Highs & Lows - Kings' L Predictions
Most Kings' L Predictions...........................38 - @Capt. Factorial
Least Kings' L Predictions............................0 - @King Baller, @VF21, @KingsFanSince85, @El Paljasso and @origkds
Highest % of Kings' L Predictions.......100.0% - @alonshin
Lowest % of Kings' L Predictions............0.0% - @King Baller, @VF21, @KingsFanSince85, @El Paljasso and @origkds
Most Correct Kings' L Predictions..............26 - @Capt. Factorial
Least Correct Kings' L Predictions................1 - @bubulina
Highest % Correct in Kings' L Pred.....100.0% - @km23 and @Tetsujin
Lowest % Correct in Kings' L Pred........50.0% - @bubulina

Minimum predictions to qualify for Highs&Lows: 5 (Qualified: 21 KingFans)
THE Sacramento Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaangz 95
NOT THE Sacramento Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaangz 105
A streak??!! Well yeah... sort of.

The Kings had s winning streak only once before, in games 10 & 11 - two home games against OKC and PHI.
Still waiting for our first 3-game winning streak this season, though... :rolleyes:


Only 9 predictors tonight.
And only 2 believed this would be a W.
(One even switching there in a last-minute premonition... :D)

...So the King(fan) of the night was once again @Ron with 52 points, with @bubulina in 2nd, with 40.
(@Telemachus was close to Kings' score, but that only yielded 6, in 3rd place)



This was the 9th time this season that @Ron takes the daily win.

# KingsFan ........................ Daily Wins
1. @Ron ................................. 9
2. @chief bromden ............ 6
3. @New Era ........................ 5
--- @LoungeLizard .............. 5
--- @CVKingsfan ................... 5
--- @Telemachus .................. 5
--- @eMBarkat10n ............... 5
--- @Russell Pimphustler .. 5
9. @El Paljasso ................... 4
10. @origkds ........................ 3
--- @Capt. Factorial ............. 3
12. @206Fan ......................... 2
13. @SLAB ............................. 1
--- @km23 .............................. 1
--- @alonshin ........................ 1
--- @King Baller ................... 1


No changes in the top of the January ranking. @eMBarkat10n still leads.


Season Leaderboard

No changes in ranking accross the whole board, but @Ron came awfully close to the leader, @New Era.


Points Per Prediction

No changes here either. @chief bromden still leads behind (the missing) @alonshin.

Surprisingly, it's pretty hard to call this one... :eek:

Till last week, Pop's Spurs were a solid rock bunker at home.
They only had 2 home Ls all season,
both about 2.5 months ago, back in the
very beginning of November 2017,
with one of those Ls being vs GSW.

And then...

...They lost their last two home games
(2 home Ls in a row, in the same week)
falling to IND & PHI, while reaching
an average score of 82... o_O

Go figure...